street fight documentary

Street fight documentary

Cory Booker at a campaign in Newark, N.

Sign In. Street Fight Hide Spoilers. AlanTES 3 May This film won the audience choice award at the Tribeca Film Festival, and it certainly deserved it.

Street fight documentary

Other credits include Rory Kennedy executive producer , Liz Garbus executive producer , Mary Manhardt additional editor , Marisa Karplus associate producer , Catherine Jones associate producer , and Adam Etline story consultant. The film details the hard-fought mayoral campaign by a young community activist and City Council member Booker against a year incumbent mayor James with a powerful political machine. The documentary follows Booker and several of his campaign workers from their early days of door-knocking on Newark streets through the campaign's dramatic conclusion. Through the course of the film, Booker's living conditions, race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, political affiliations, and position in Newark are questioned. From to , Booker lived in Brick Towers, one of the city's worst public housing buildings, which some accused to be a tactic for acceptance by his constituents. As the election campaigns escalate, Booker receives endorsements from Spike Lee , Cornel West , and other prominent African American figures. The movie brings to light many issues plaguing minority communities in Newark and reveals how the city government has failed to acknowledge these issues. The film also raises questions of race and what it means to be "black", as Sharpe James questions Booker's African American heritage and roots to his community. Curry captures on film corrupt attempts by James and city employees, including both police and code enforcement, to sabotage Booker's campaign by using tactics that include shutting down local businesses that hold Booker fundraisers, demoting city workers who support Booker and demolishing Booker signs in violation of a standing order by a federal judge , in what becomes a true urban political "street fight". In one memorable scene, city police assault the documentary maker on a public sidewalk for filming the mayor, breaking the microphone off his camera in broad daylight in front of other journalists. Booker fell short in his bid to unseat James.

This film does for politics on a local level what "The War Room" did for presidential politics, providing a street fight documentary in-depth look behind the scenes of campaigns and elections. The film's title is quite appropriate because Television ads are meaningless, but rather these hard-fought battles are won on the street.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Street Fight Not Rated 1h 23m. Play trailer

An urban David and Goliath story, the film chronicles the young man's struggle against the city's entrenched political machine, which routinely uses strong-arm tactics to hold onto power. The battle sheds light on important questions about democracy, power, poverty and race. When the mayor accuses the Ivy League-educated challenger of not being "really black," the campaign forces voters to examine how we define race in America. American Documentary. Street Fight POV. Feature Film 90 Mins. Dark Money.

Street fight documentary

Sign In. Street Fight Hide Spoilers. AlanTES 3 May This film won the audience choice award at the Tribeca Film Festival, and it certainly deserved it. Amazingly enough, this is Marshall Curry's first film. I truly hope to see more films from him. While the subject of national and international politics has been the subject of many critically acclaimed documentaries, Street Fight concentrates on the Mayoral election in one urban city, Newark, N. The movie is perhaps one of the most compelling and interesting documentaries I have ever seen. The film's title is quite appropriate because Television ads are meaningless, but rather these hard-fought battles are won on the street.

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In addition, those who have been feeding at the trough of city government for those 16 years do not want their gravy train stopped. More to the point, the mayor has solid support among poor blacks and Latinos -- the very constituency Booker claims to be standing up for -- who identify with James' rags-to-riches story or who have benefited from the mayor's patronage. Archived from the original on Films directed by Marshall Curry. The New Yorker. I truly hope to see more films from him. Did you know Edit. To get into the mayor's office, though, he'll have to unseat four-time incumbent Sharpe James, a man who's firmly entrenched within Newark's politics. Trivia All entries contain spoilers. He spends his time with the people who he knows have been the most negatively affected by James, the poor and the working class.

Other credits include Rory Kennedy executive producer , Liz Garbus executive producer , Mary Manhardt additional editor , Marisa Karplus associate producer , Catherine Jones associate producer , and Adam Etline story consultant. The film details the hard-fought mayoral campaign by a young community activist and City Council member Booker against a year incumbent mayor James with a powerful political machine.

Marshall Curry, the director of the documentary, follows Cory Booker, the challenger to long-term incumbent, Sharpe James. This one did. Trivia All entries contain spoilers. Eventually, Curry highlights the irrationality of James' claims by acknowledging that he goes to ridiculous extents to attack Booker. Senator for New Jersey. Share this page:. While the Yale-educated year-old idealist Booker fights his battles with facts and arguments, the year-old self-made James plays on sentiment. Hide Spoilers. Booker is well positioned to fight the mayor on the issues while projecting a positive image. I hope every second of it is agony--after all, he owed more to the people. Other credits include Rory Kennedy executive producer , Liz Garbus executive producer , Mary Manhardt additional editor , Marisa Karplus associate producer , Catherine Jones associate producer , and Adam Etline story consultant. Also, if the purpose was also to get you to like Booker, it sure did that as well. How long is Street Fight? He attempts to unseat James because of the lack of change he sees from the current mayor. However, as someone who has lived in New Jersey most of his life, I will say that Sharpe James was a huge improvement on the guy he replaced, Kenneth Gibson.

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