street fighter duel best team

Street fighter duel best team

I never thought I'd find myself playing an auto-battler version of Street Fighter, but here Street Fighter Duel is consuming me, street fighter duel best team. Collecting my favorite characters from the series and seeing the beatdown against countless goons always brings a smile to my face. But I need to build a strong Street Fighter Duel team to do this—which is why I've created this tier list! Currently, there are two teams dominating the meta in Street Fighter Duel.

Different characters have different strengths, and the composition of your fighters can make a big difference when fighting hordes of enemies and bosses. And to help you focus on only the top-tier picks, our Street Fighter: Duel best teams tier list highlights the eight comps to go after, detailing which characters should be in which positions. Bison is the current heavyweight character in Street Fighter: Duel, who utilizes his Ultimate Nightmare super combo that creates the most devastating series of attacks in the game. The extra damage comes from C. While the Flame Team has been all about the sheer power of Dhalsim and C. Viper, here I added Decapre for quick combo responses to all enemy attacks and Fei Long for solid support.

Street fighter duel best team

Street Fighter: Duel may still be a relatively new game, meaning the absolute best team compositions are still in some level of flux, especially with updates, but some people have found the best of the best. What makes a solid team will vary, but when it comes to making a great fire team, your choices are admittedly limited. There does seem to be a bit of a clear rift between the top level of fire characters and the bottom level, leaving many of the best teams made up of similar characters. However, it is worth acknowledging that even a single character change can make a massive difference. While Bruce Lee look-alike Fei Long is far from one of the most loved fire-based characters in the game, his applications can have a serious impact in fights. This is especially useful if there is a solid tank in the front that has been giving you some grief. Hugo will help you do exactly that while the excellent C. Viper, Dhalsim, and Mayor Cody dish out damage. This team is more so for someone who just absolutely loves Ken and refuses to remove him from their team, is in the early phases of the game, or just wants to try something different. This team provides massive damage to the character in the front position while also draining the further back characters for later on. If you want to play a heavier defensive game while also stacking damage up, you may want to give this team composition a try. Filling out the two remaining slots on the team with C.

Viper, Dhalsim, Decapre, Fei Long. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner.


With the release of Street Figher Duel on mobile devices, players are scrambling to make the best team. There are currently only two teams that quickly rise to the top above the rest. Therefore, the two best teams are made up of the S-rank characters, and A-rank characters, respectively. It just so happens that the teams have incredible synergies that truly make them the cream of the crop. Read on to find out more about the Street Fighter Duel tier list: best Street Fighter Duel teams , and gain insight on how to build your own teams as the game evolves. This team is an absolute monstrosity that smashes through everything in its path with sheer power.

Street fighter duel best team

Street Fighter: Duel is turning the franchise on its head, going from competitive fighter to mobile gacha. This time Ryu is forming a team, so who is the best of the best? This is the strongest element and the rarest. This element only has two characters in its pool, Juri and M.

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It may take some time to get used to this build, but figuring it out is half the fun. Dhalsim and C. What makes the wind characters stand out from the rest is their ability to break enemy armor. Street Fighter: Duel may still be a relatively new game, meaning the absolute best team compositions are still in some level of flux, especially with updates, but some people have found the best of the best. While you may not be able to pull all of these characters, and you may have to mix and match for a while, but once you do roll some of these fighters, you now know how to put them together. Screenshot by GameSkinny. This is especially useful if there is a solid tank in the front that has been giving you some grief. Different characters have different strengths, and the composition of your fighters can make a big difference when fighting hordes of enemies and bosses. The main use for Decapre here is to provide a solid rushdown response to teams strong against flame thanks to her soul-based attacks. This team is based around powerful AoE attacks that will decimate entire teams in seconds, making it one that you should give a try at some point if you already utilize flame fighters. You have a lot of combo options here, but they all end up with some form of throwing off the enemy team.

In this title, you can engage in thrilling four-on-four battles featuring your favorite characters from the series, complete with plenty of fantastic post-battle poses.

He can deal great damage and inflict the burn status that inflicts damage over time. Viper, Dhalsim, and Mayor Cody dish out damage. It relies on M. This team focuses on firepower, making Dhalsim a must-have and your primary attacker. The Dark Team is one of the leading teams in the meta right now. Bison is a huge asset in this team, being your main damage inflicted. Lastly, Rose will provide support to keep your characters in the fight. This team provides massive damage to the character in the front position while also draining the further back characters for later on. Zangief is the star of this team, tanking almost all hits and damage. Viper provides further damage and increases fire damage.

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