sun tv tamil channel

Sun tv tamil channel

The channel which was established by Kalanidhi Maran in provided Tamil content to the Tamil audience for over 3 decades. It holds the record for being on the top of the TRP charts for many years with its dramatically creative, entertaining, sun tv tamil channel, and ever-changing content. The channel features not just TV serials and movies but it also caters to the elderly population providing news twice a day, and Spiritual programs in the morning.

It was launched on 14 April It was founded and is owned by Kalanithi Maran. It was started airing on open network Antenna on 14 July at the time of "Majunu" Tamil movie premiering. Then it was removed from this open network on It was also removed from free on 9 November Since its inception, the channel consistently remains the top rated Tamil channel and one of the top rated Indian television channel.

Sun tv tamil channel


Sun Pictures.


The channel which was established by Kalanidhi Maran in provided Tamil content to the Tamil audience for over 3 decades. It holds the record for being on the top of the TRP charts for many years with its dramatically creative, entertaining, and ever-changing content. The channel features not just TV serials and movies but it also caters to the elderly population providing news twice a day, and Spiritual programs in the morning. It also airs a comedy show called comedy junction which is pretty popular among all kinds of Tamil audience living around the world. Advertise Redeem Voucher Ways to watch Language support yupptv. Premium TV. Free Live TV. Choose your preferred language Select Language.

Sun tv tamil channel

It was launched on 14 April It was founded and is owned by Kalanithi Maran. It was started airing on open network Antenna on 14 July at the time of "Majunu" Tamil movie premiering.

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Premium TV. Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals. Continue watching. Popular Channels. Download as PDF Printable version. Red FM Sun Bangla. Contents move to sidebar hide. The Straits Times. Sun Pictures. It was started airing on open network Antenna on 14 July at the time of "Majunu" Tamil movie premiering. Popular Shows. Choose your preferred languages We can get easy access to content you want. Retrieved 9 February


The Times of India. By interacting with this site, you agree to our cookie policy. Television channel. Download as PDF Printable version. The channel features not just TV serials and movies but it also caters to the elderly population providing news twice a day, and Spiritual programs in the morning. Kalanithi Maran. Sun Bangla. Sun Pictures. Retrieved 24 January However, in January it became 24 hours programming channel. Register now and continue browsing more content. Archived from the original on 16 November

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