surah nisa with urdu translation

Surah nisa with urdu translation

Surah an nisa with urdu translation download and read online besturdubook. Surah an nisa with urdu translation in urdu besturdubook. Download Now Download to read offline. Igra Pet Strela.

Fear your Lord Who created you from a single soul and made its mate from within it, and from thatpair spread many men and women and fear Allah in Whose name you ask for your rights and pay attention tothe ties of relationship. Allah is watching you all time. And give the orphans their property and do not exchange dirty for the clean and consume not their propertymixing it with your property. Undoubtedly, it is a great sin. And if you apprehend that you will not be able to do justice to orphan girls, then marry such other women asseem good to you, two, three, four, but if you are afraid that you will not be able to keep two wives on equalterms, then marry one only or captives whom you own.

Surah nisa with urdu translation


Al-i'Imran 4. Al-Kauthar


Your browser does not support the audio element. Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women. Be careful of your duty toward Allah in Whom ye claim your rights of one another, and toward the wombs that bare you. Allah hath been a watcher over you. For this is indeed a great sin. Exchange not the good for the bad in your management thereof nor absorb their wealth into your own wealth. SHAKIR: And give to the orphans their property, and do not substitute worthless things for their good ones , and do not devour their property as an addition to your own property; this is surely a great crime. PICKTHAL: And if ye fear that ye will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice to so many then one only or the captives that your right hands possess. Thus it is more likely that ye will not do injustice.

Surah nisa with urdu translation

All information on IslamicFinder. If you find any inappropriate material or links leading to inappropriate materials , kindly contact us. Y a ayyuh a a l nn a su ittaqoo rabbakumu alla th ee khalaqakum min nafsin w ah idatin wakhalaqa minh a zawjah a wabaththa minhum a rij a lan katheeran wanis a an wa i ttaqoo All a ha alla th ee tas a aloona bihi wa a lar ha ma inna All a ha k a na AAalaykum raqeeb an. Wa a too alyat a m a amw a lahum wal a tatabaddaloo alkhabeetha bi al tt ayyibi wal a takuloo amw a lahum il a amw a likum innahu k a na h ooban kabeer a n. Wain khiftum all a tuqsi t oo fee alyat a m a fa i nki h oo m a ta ba lakum mina a l nnis a i mathn a wathul a tha warub a AAa fain khiftum all a taAAdiloo faw ah idatan aw m a malakat aym a nukum tha lika adn a all a taAAooloo. Wa a too a l nnis a a s aduq a tihinna ni h latan fain t ibna lakum AAan shayin minhu nafsan fakuloohu haneean maree a n. Wal a tutoo a l ssufah a a amw a lakumu allatee jaAAala All a hu lakum qiy a man wa o rzuqoohum feeh a wa o ksoohum waqooloo lahum qawlan maAAroof a n. Wa i btaloo alyat a m a h att a i tha balaghoo a l nnik ah a fain a nastum minhum rushdan fa i dfaAAoo ilayhim amw a lahum wal a takulooh a isr a fan wabid a ran an yakbaroo waman k a na ghaniyyan falyastaAAfif waman k a na faqeeran falyakul bi a lmaAAroofi fai tha dafaAAtum ilayhim amw a lahum faashhidoo AAalayhim wakaf a bi A ll a hi h aseeb a n. Li l rrij a li na s eebun mimm a taraka alw a lid a ni wa a laqraboona wali l nnis a i na s eebun mimm a taraka alw a lid a ni wa a laqraboona mimm a qalla minhu aw kathura na s eeban mafroo da n. Wai tha h a d ara alqismata oloo alqurb a wa a lyat a m a wa a lmas a keenu fa o rzuqoohum minhu waqooloo lahum qawlan maAAroof a n.

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Al-Lahab There is not any one of the people of the Book, who will not believe in him before his death, and he will be awitness against them on the Day of judgement. It is so then they would not give mankind a speck. Then when you have finished your prayer, remember Allah, standing, sitting and dying or your sides; thenwhen you are secure, establish prayer as usual; undoubtedly, the prayer is a fixed time obligation on Muslims. From Him, ranks and forgiveness and mercy. And that in itself a sufficient sin. Then the abode of such people is Hell. Believe in what We have sent down confirming the Book with you, before We defacesome faces and turn them on their backs or curse them as We cursed the people of the Sabt Saturday. Quran para 25 for Kindle haroobnabbas. And Allah is sufficient as realDoer. As-Saff Sood par tareekhi faisla Shahzad Ahmad. Then those who believed in Allah and hold His rope firmly, then soon Allah will cause them to enter His Mercyand Grace and will show them straight way towards Himself. But O beloved Prophet! And if some good reachesthem, then they say, 'this is from Allah and if some bad reaches them, then they say, 'This has come from you.


Road transport brta motor vehicle inspector examination question paper Al-Muminun And he whom Allah curses, you shall never find for him any helper. And those of your women who commit adultery; take the evidence of four males specially from amongst youagainst them; then again if they give evidence then confine those women to the houses until death take themor Allah envisages some way for them. Do you desire to guide him whom Allah has led? Undoubtedly, a manifest argument has come to you from Allah and We have sent down to you amanifest light. Al-Waqi'a Then let them fight in the way of Allah who sell the worldly life for the Hereafter; and whoso fights in the wayof Allah, then he is slain or be He victorious then soon We shall give him a great reward. And whom Allah leads astrayyou shall never find a way for him. And whose is not needy, let him abstain and whoso is needy, let him consume it with equity. And if you commit infidelity, then undoubtedly, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and in the earth. And Allah knows well your enemies. Mycobacteriology update Margie Morgan.

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