susan narnia actress

Susan narnia actress

Susan Pevensie is a fictional character in C.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Anna Popplewell Actress. Play trailer The Nun II She is also known for her role as "Lola" on the popular CW show, Reign Contact info Agent info Resume.

Susan narnia actress

All rights reserved. Anna Popplewell Born Anna Katherine Popplewell in London, England, she was the eldest of three children born to barrister Andrew Popplewell and his wife Deborah, an immunologist; younger brother Freddie and sister Lulu also acted professionally in "Peter Pan" and "Love Actually" , respectively. She began pursuing an acting career while still very young, attending drama classes at Allsorts, a drama school which also served as an agency for child performers. Through the school, she began landing small roles in television productions; her first onscreen appearance came in a TV production of Daphne Du Marier's swashbuckling drama, "Frenchman's Creek. Popplewell played the sister of the title character, an adolescent vampire Rollo Weeks who befriended a young human boy Jonathan Lipnicki. More small roles in films and television soon followed; she was the younger version of Anna Friel's character in the feature "Me Without You," and appeared opposite her sister in the miniseries "Love in a Cold Climate" , which also starred Rosamund Pike and Alan Bates. Popplewell later co-starred with "Harry Potter" comic relief Rupert Grint in "Thunderpants" , appearing as the sister of a young man who uses his spectacular flatulence problem to aid the American space program. However, it was through her audition that her brother Freddie landed the role of Michael Darling in the film. That same year, Popplewell was approached by film producers about appearing as one of the four youthful leads in an adaptation of "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe," the first of several fantasy novels for younger readers by acclaimed English author C. Popplewell was familiar with the books, having read them as a child, and re-read them while undergoing the month audition for the role of Susan Pevensie, the eldest sister of four young English schoolchildren who discover a doorway to another world through the wardrobe at the height of World War II.

Also collected in the Gaiman anthology Fragile Things. There are certain areas where we're very similar and certain areas where we're not. By the end, it's changed her for the better and she becomes unafraid of being a child, susan narnia actress.

A child actress at the age of six in her native Britain, Anna Popplewell made her feature film debut in "Mansfield Park" A string of supporting roles in U. In , she was cast as the sensible Susan Pevensie in Disney's film version of the classic C. Though her early career was dominated by the "Narnia" films, there was no doubt that the young actress had a long and fruitful career ahead of her. She began pursuing an acting career while still very young, attending drama classes at Allsorts, a drama school which also served as an agency for child performers. Through the school, she began landing small roles in television productions; her first onscreen appearance came in a TV production of Daphne Du Marier's swashbuckling drama, "Frenchman's Creek.

A child actress at the age of six in her native Britain, Anna Popplewell made her feature film debut in "Mansfield Park" A string of supporting roles in U. In , she was cast as the sensible Susan Pevensie in Disney's film version of the classic C. Though her early career was dominated by the "Narnia" films, there was no doubt that the young actress had a long and fruitful career ahead of her. She began pursuing an acting career while still very young, attending drama classes at Allsorts, a drama school which also served as an agency for child performers. Through the school, she began landing small roles in television productions; her first onscreen appearance came in a TV production of Daphne Du Marier's swashbuckling drama, "Frenchman's Creek. Popplewell played the sister of the title character, an adolescent vampire Rollo Weeks who befriended a young human boy Jonathan Lipnicki.

Susan narnia actress

Podcast: Play in new window Embed. I was nervous about auditioning for a character of which there were many different conceptions and opinions. Click play to listen above and then post a comment. Also check out our recent interview with Georige Henley Lucy. Great to have you on the show. Good times, good times. So, it has taken 12 years, but I finally checked that box. Anna… it has been 15 years since The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe movie was released. I sort of skipped a lot of nostalgia in that process.

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Andrew Popplewell. Retrieved 30 June Toggle limited content width. Popplewell was familiar with the books, having read them as a child, and re-read them while undergoing the month audition for the role of Susan Pevensie, the eldest sister of four young English schoolchildren who discover a doorway to another world through the wardrobe at the height of World War II. Young Artist Awards. Learn more. Andrew is so relaxed that it makes everyone else relaxed. Season 3 Trailer. Toggle limited content width. Archived from the original on 19 July Retrieved 14 April She's become irreligious basically because she found sex. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote.

Susan Pevensie is a fictional character in C.

Popplewell played the sister of the title character, an adolescent vampire Rollo Weeks who befriended a young human boy Jonathan Lipnicki. Popplewell later attended Magdalen College in Oxford and appeared in several plays there, including a production of "Five Kinds of Silence," which earned her the Cuppers Prize in More small roles in films and television soon followed; she was the younger version of Anna Friel's character in the feature "Me Without You," and appeared opposite her sister in the miniseries "Love in a Cold Climate" , which also starred Rosamund Pike and Alan Bates. New Customer? It's a bit like a long and lovely dream, and now I'm ready to wake up. The Little Vampire Stream Actor. That same year, Popplewell was approached by film producers about appearing as one of the four youthful leads in an adaptation of "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe," the first of several fantasy novels for younger readers by acclaimed English author C. Interviewed by Joe Utichi. Fictional character. Add to list. Girl with a Pearl Earring 6. Rotten Tomatoes Interview. Deutsche Synchronkartei Deutsche Biographie. But I may be mistaken. She is described as being gentle and tender-hearted and she immerses herself in their adventures as deeply as in the first book.

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