Sweetheart informally
Add to word list Add to word list. She's a real sweetie pie. She would do anything for you. Come here, sweetie piegive me a kiss, sweetheart informally.
Kobieca jakość lub aspekt; kobiecość. Nieformalna żona. Dorosła kobieta-człowiek. Kobiety traktowane jako grupa; Ludzkość:. Dorosła kobieta należąca do określonego zawodu, grupy, narodowości lub innej kategorii.
Sweetheart informally
Deutsch English. Automatische Wiedergabe deaktivieren. Vorschlag melden. Pumpkin, would I take you in there if it wasn't safe? Skarbie, czy wziąłbym tam ciebie gdyby było tam niebezpiecznie? You look very pretty today, sugar! Wyglądasz dziś bardzo ładnie, skarbie! Sugar, you don't have to worry about anything. Cukiereczku, nie musisz się o nic martwić. I love you, precious.
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Definicje angielskie dostarczone przez Oxford Languages. North American She wore a soft yellow and olive green plaid gown with a sweetheart neckline and sleeves that reached just slightly past her elbows. British A sweetheart neckline might work as well if it is classic and is combined with a simple , elegant , sophisticated style. North American The short sleeves floated softly around Josie's shoulders and the gorgeous sweetheart neckline was accented with pearls. North American After purchasing a dozen red sweetheart roses, I called a taxi , directing the driver to Jen's grave once again. North American Clutching the bag to her heart as if it were a bouquet of sweetheart roses, she smiled benevolently at him. North American.
Explore today's crossword challenges and boost your word IQ. Now, let's talk about how you can be a little crossword detective. You see, in this game, you have to guess the right words using clues and hints. It's " Sweetheart, informally " like solving a mystery with words! And guess what? There's a special crossword puzzle called the NYT Mini crossword that's super entertaining.
Sweetheart informally
Accessed 8 Mar. Nglish: Translation of sweetheart for Spanish Speakers. Britannica English: Translation of sweetheart for Arabic Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! See Definitions and Examples ». Log In. Definition of sweetheart. Articles Related to sweetheart. Language of Love: Words for Valentine's Adonis is older than he looks, you know.
Osrs ancient cavern
Zwroty Mów jak native speaker Przydatne zwroty w tłumaczeniu z polskiego w 28 językach. Więcej Przeglądaj według liter. Whilst a sleeping tablet is a boon, many sleeping tablets can be fatal. Zarejestruj się teraz lub Zaloguj się. North American She wore a soft yellow and olive green plaid gown with a sweetheart neckline and sleeves that reached just slightly past her elbows. North American. Słownik Definicje Jasne wyjaśnienia naturalnego, mówionego i pisanego języka angielskiego. People having good qualities. Objaśnienia naturalnego użycia języka angielskiego w piśmie i mowie. Często używane w połączeniu: Angielka; kongresmenka; sprzedawczyni. Do góry. North American Clutching the bag to her heart as if it were a bouquet of sweetheart roses, she smiled benevolently at him. An adult female human. Mój skarbie, jesteś najważniejszą osobą w moim życiu. Chiński uproszczony.
Simple, yet addictive game Daily Themed Classic Crossword is the kind of game where everyone sooner or later needs additional help, because as you pass simple levels, new ones become harder and harder.
Kobiety traktowane jako grupa; Ludzkość:. Essential American English. Często używane w połączeniu: Angielka; kongresmenka; sprzedawczyni. Deutsch English. Słowniki dwujęzyczne. Yotsuba isn't a silent, simpering sweetie -pie, she acts like a real five-year-old. Cukiereczku, nie musisz się o nic martwić. A jak masz zamiar za to zapłacić, skarbie? Zapamiętaj mnie. British and American pronunciations with audio. Portugalski Portugalia. One cannot pull out the sweeties and throw away the liquorice. You look very pretty today, sugar! Służąca lub podwładna.
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