swtor empire vs republic

Swtor empire vs republic

By jnrose September 22, in Story and Lore. If I can The Sith Empire tries to pass itself off as a meritocracy.

By Socialist August 18, in General Discussion. I know this is a topic as ancient as this forum, however, I'd like to see some new and fresh opinions from the folks that weren't here since day one. For myself, I love the Empire. Firstly because it is fair and egalitarian when you look beyond the obvious. I mean, anyone can get anywhere in the Empire, as long as you are strong with the Force and got a bit of wits. Just see the warrior's and inquisitor's story.

Swtor empire vs republic

By commanderwar March 19, in Story and Lore. This is just my opinion, but I just feel like faction war stories are the most boring, at least for me. I do like the companions, Tau, Rivix Anri, just not the actual rep vs empire plot. I also feel the rep vs empire stories have been pointless imo. Also I really doubt anyone going to win the war in an MMO. That why I imagine the World of Warcraft devs ended the faction wars, because people were tired of it and everyone knew no one would win completely. In the end out of all the stories that came post 1. I enjoyed Mando, Kotfe, Kotet, revan stories better then rep vs empire. Everytime they try to go away from the faction storylines, people complain and so they go back to faction storylines. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The problem for me is not the concept of the Imp vs Rep war, in fact I love it and my Inquisitor delights in slaughtering Republic dogs. I'd love to see more of it. The problem is, as you said, that the game is very bad in making the stories matter. I think it started with Onslaught, with its many different endings and outcomes.

But as it is now, it's pointless.

By Renroval January 12, in General Discussion. Is there a reason why people prefer empire over republic? I just don't get it. Republic characters aren't all that bad. Smugglers are awesome. EvanSnowWolf 4 posts.

I just rolled a new Bounty hunter, my first imperial. But, I have to say the imperial side is much more attractive then rebuplic. The gear, the quests, also I think BH is the most fun class I've played so far. I tried to play with all the rebuplic classes but they didn't do it for me. Some how it was lame. BH has missiles, heat vent, blasters, flame thrower, jet back, cool heavy armor, he can be a rattataki or chiss And what does a sentinel have, he has 2 sabers lots of similar strikes to gather focus , force leap and thats about it Thats lame Maybe you should compare classes that are actually comparable, for example their mirror class Sentinel has Marauder as mirror class and they are quite the same..

Swtor empire vs republic

I was actually surprised how much I enjoyed the Republic side. Going into the game I thought I'd be all-Sith all-the-time, and my first two classes were both Imperial, but the Smuggler and Jedi Knight ended up being a lot more fun than I expected. Empire is made of talentless, solo wannabe, no teamwork, no tactic, argumentative, whining douchebags who have a few people amongst them that despair at the lack of even a remote ability to play the game tactically like they should. Empire suck. Republic own the pvp. I still wouldn't play Republic. I would rather buy a jaa-jaa binks doll, rip the stuffing out of its bottom and have fun Existing user? Sign In.

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And then figured out what I missed. Existing user? All my Imperials remain Independent because it means being Independent. Paulsutherland Posted March 26, Take for example the saboteur story arc, which began with 5. On Empire I already had several people on ignore before level I want to defeat them and put a stop to their evilness and cruelty on the galaxy. I also find the Jedi way too unreliable and unproductive. Anyway, such governance structure is prone to internal power struggles and arbritrary qualifications to rule but in times of great crisis, it does tend to react quicker as well as more effectively. Makeb may provide a sliver of hope, but it's not an immediage game-changer. Depending on where you were born, you have certain career options. Edited September 24, by casirabit. It's just a matter of who gets what half! I have at least right now that will definitely be a saboteur to the empire p.

By Tyralianus September 17, in General Discussion.

If I had to guess, it's that the appeal of being a bounty hunter, the emperor and darth maul are all more appealing than the republic counterparts. Flesh Raiders? The Knight's is the only pub class story I haven't completed, but I've enjoyed the other three well enough even though I can't remember specifics about the Smuggler to save my life. As many will testify to.. Intelligence fears the Sith. Pathlight- Posted August 18, To enjoy that is not to necessarily be evil. It's not. Mickleohb 8 years ago 4. Overall I prefer the Empire side.

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