Swtor mercenary dps build

This build basically skips Critical reaction and Med tech, and instead will put your Jet Boost on a 15 second cool down which is amazing for PvP with the 2 PvP set bonus. Don't bother with alacrity at all, the 1.

The plan is to focus on those combat styles most in need of adjustment for 7. Balance is, and always will be, an ongoing process, and we want to take our time to do our due diligence before making any changes. With 7. The goal here is to bring these combat styles closer to their intended experiences and make disciplines more competitive with one another. It is important to note that these changes will be available for testing in an upcoming phase of PTS! What some of these changes look like:. To reiterate, all of you will have a chance to try out the above changes on PTS soon!

Swtor mercenary dps build

The Arsenal Mercenary specializes in distance attacks, employing long-range weapons to demolish anyone unlucky enough to be in their sights. Devastating missile-fire combinations and relentless blaster volleys generate a spectacle of explosive brilliance and transform the Bounty Hunter into a virtual artillery platform. You can start playing Arsenal at level 1. To start playing Arsenal, you will need to first create a Mercenary character, which can be played by Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers or Imperial Agents. Once you are ingame, press K on your keyboard to open the Combat Style tab, and choose Arsenal from the three options. This choice is not permanent, you will be able to switch between all three options by finding a rest location like a cantina. If you are below level 80, there are no true guides available to tell you what specific abilities you should be using, because the ideal rotation would change every level. Instead, you can use this guide to figure out which of your abilities are attacks, which are defensive, and which are just useful. Once you hit at least level 60, you'll have most of your main abilities and ca try learning an actual rotation. However, you are high enough level that you at least have all your main abilities - so you might be able to get your level 80 rotation to work, or at least something similar to it.

But I've realised it plus the tree perk is a Frankensteins monster of the original Thermonuclear Fusion, costing more heat, costing more GCD and completely absent of burst damage. Contact The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Twitter.

This guide explains the best builds for Mercenary DPS disciplines that are optimized to perform extremely well in solo content. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Trash mob encounters rarely last more than a few seconds while boss fights and PvP typically last at least a few minutes, requiring you to make use of far more abilities! I believe this disconnect was responsible for making skipping trash via stealth and cheese such a popular approach to playing PvE in SWTOR. BioWare clearly understood this and mostly solved it by introducing extremely powerful new ability tree buffs and legendary implants that synergize with existing tactical items.

Also how should I build this class? Lastly last time I played a smuggler I noticed when I wore gear that boosted aim I was like level 3, I had no cunning gear at the time the aim stat seemed to of been boosting my ranged damage so if I were a gunslinger should I increase both aim and cunning. For just about all the classes though with the same role, there isn't that much difference in effectiveness. Aim technically will boost your ranged damage, but cunning does that and more. Since you have to choose, cunning is always better.

Swtor mercenary dps build

Read on for all the information you need about Mercenary Bodygiurad Healers. Happy to receive feedback on this guide, especially improvements or corrections. Quality feedback will be compensated! Below is an infographic I put together designed for players new to the spec. Hopefully, it will help you get started with this combat style. If you want to know more details about why I picked specific things or exact details on my gear loadout, read the corresponding sections via the contents menu above. How does one sum up the new Mercenary Bodyguard Combat Style? On the one hand, it could have been far worse.

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It's not like merc is the only class that has this problem too. Missed attacks cripple movement windows and rotation for needless punishment. Newly Planned 7. That confirms for me what I already knew. Kinetic Combat. Solo Many-Enemy Suggestion: Many tougher fights in the game regardless of content type include some kind of stun, immobilization or knockdown that will trigger Gyroscopic Alignment Jets. If the primary target is a standard or weak enemy, it is knocked to the ground. These are the damage perks of the top five 6. The other effects last 12s and are incredibly weak. Since this ability does completely absorb the damage, Responsive Safeguards should never be used at the same time as another defensive cooldown. Your next ability generates no heat, and you vent 50 heat over 3 seconds after using it. As you level up, you will be able to make choices about how you play your Arsenal Mercenary with the Ability Tree, which can be opened with the K key on your keyboard. Level 68 Choice Choose from one of three Mercenary abilities at Level 68 , you can only have one of these options at any given time. For every Mercenary spec.

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7.

You may also take Power Overrides for a better Power Surge if having aggro isn't a big issue. So, if you don't want to spend a fairly amount of time trying to learn it I would recommend going with Arsenal since it's still viable to do almost any content in the game if you play it well. With 7. The goal here is to bring these combat styles closer to their intended experiences and make disciplines more competitive with one another. Almost everyone should buy the blue augments because they provide the greatest bang for the buck, but you do have multiple options:. If the DoT is not on the target or will fall off mid-channel, delay using Blazing Bolts until the beginning of the next DoT. Alacrity is crap, by the time you stack enough of it to make a difference you've gimped damage. You use it before a fight, to temporarily knock an opponent out of the fight while you deal with the other enemies. Deals additional damage if dual wielding. How can I maximize my uptime? Gyroscopic Stabilizers should not be used with this build. Rail Shot has 1 additional discipline passive associated with it that is relevant to your rotation:. Even if you mess up, keep doing the rotation!

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