Synonym exhaust
Words related to exhaust are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word exhaust. Gistmania related words to learn more about word associations, synonym exhaust. Still, a big mistake or a lot of bad luck could put a hole in the exhaust, damage the transfer case, or snag an important cable. Benzene, a pollutant from automobile synonym exhaust, is carcinogenic and linked to childhood and adult leukemia and probably lymphoma.
Some common synonyms of exhaust are fatigue , jade , tire , and weary. While all these words mean "to make or become unable or unwilling to continue," exhaust implies complete draining of strength by hard exertion. Although the words fatigue and exhaust have much in common, fatigue suggests great lassitude from excessive strain or undue effort. The words jade and exhaust are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, jade suggests the loss of all freshness and eagerness. The meanings of tire and exhaust largely overlap; however, tire implies a draining of one's strength or patience.
Synonym exhaust
Words related to exhausted are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word exhausted. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Already exhausted from swimming my gear from shore, within minutes after I descended I lost my light, a flipper, and complete sense of space. For me and some of my students, was the year of rediscovering old resources whose value is not exhausted yet. As I forced my exhausted body to exercise, I yelled at my legs like a drill sergeant, demanding five more minutes or one more set. A long, dreamless sleep took instant charge of him, for he was exhausted to a state of utter depletion. The two armies for the time being lay opposite to each other, too exhausted after the struggle to recommence operations. Exhausted by her emotion, she would have fallen on the ground, had not Alphonse caught her and raised her in his arms. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary. On this page you'll find synonyms, antonyms, and words related to exhausted, such as: dead, drained, weak, weakened, beat, and bushed.
Strong matches depleting synonym exhaust sapping wearing wearying. A very slight movement of the armature disc J, therefore, suffices to open to the full extent two long exhaust passages. Build your vocabulary.
Words related to exhausting are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word exhausting. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. After months of exhausting isolation, widespread economic pain, and an extraordinary toll on human life and health, several Covid vaccines are here. We would limit social contact and avoid certain environments because they were exhausting or overstimulating, and we often found ourselves apologizing and feeling shame. Marx forecast that the profit motive would lead to overworking and exhausting the fertility of our soil and other natural systems. Russian professional models often describe their business as "exhausting" and "frustrating," especially for a child. Sports stars going on Dancing with the Stars who are big, butch, and energetic are talking about how exhausting it is.
Words related to exhaust are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word exhaust. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Still, a big mistake or a lot of bad luck could put a hole in the exhaust, damage the transfer case, or snag an important cable. Benzene, a pollutant from automobile exhaust, is carcinogenic and linked to childhood and adult leukemia and probably lymphoma. Farrell issued a ticket to an year-old shipyard worker for speeding and an improper exhaust mechanism, according to the TP. But they have a lot more tools now, a lot more information, a lot more digital exhaust that we all have. A very slight movement of the armature disc J, therefore, suffices to open to the full extent two long exhaust passages. The steady use of the organ for an hour-and-a-half's choir rehearsal would exhaust the batteries. We occupy too wide an extent of country: we exhaust our resources without profit and without necessity: we cling to dreams.
Synonym exhaust
Synonyms: consume , spend , tire out , weary. To draw or let out wholly; to drain off completely; as, to exhaust the water of a well; the moisture of the earth is exhausted by evaporation. Synonyms: weary , consume , tire out , spend. Synonyms: spend , tire out , consume , weary. Synonyms: spend , weary , tire out , consume. To bring out or develop completely; to discuss thoroughly; as, to exhaust a subject. Synonyms: weary , consume , spend , tire out. Synonyms: weary , spend , consume , tire out. A fluid that is absorbed is taken up into the mass of the absorbing body, with which it may or may not permanently combine.
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Share more words for exhaust on Twitter Twitter. Already exhausted from swimming my gear from shore, within minutes after I descended I lost my light, a flipper, and complete sense of space. English Pronunciation. The only source of outside air was an exhaust fan in a bathroom. Video Learn English. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary. To this dangerous sleep David yielded, nevertheless, as the emotions and fatigues of the day had been very exhausting. Nglish: Translation of exhaust for Spanish Speakers. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Register now or log in to access.
Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2.
After months of exhausting isolation, widespread economic pain, and an extraordinary toll on human life and health, several Covid vaccines are here. Tools to create your own word lists and quizzes. The words jade and exhaust are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Check See the answer Next Next quiz Review. Specifically, jade suggests the loss of all freshness and eagerness. German grammar. View definitions for exhausting exhausting. English to Traditional. Italian images. Chinese English to Simplified. Blossom Word Game You can make only 12 words. Portuguese English to Portuguese. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar.
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