Synonyms emphasize
Words related to emphasizing are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the synonyms emphasize emphasizing, synonyms emphasize. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. The systems have been tuned to emphasize fewer false-positive readings — meaning if you get an alert, chances are you have been very close to someone with a coronavirus infection for a long time.
Seager emphasizes that 90 percent of the problems at Napa State are caused by 15 to 20 percent of the patients. McGraw emphasizes that there is no public health risk to humans from the virus, and that pork is safe to eat. The latter arrangement emphasizes the conclusion much more than the former; at the same time it subordinates the condition. Forcing the subject toward the position usually occupied by the predicate emphasizes the subject. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary. On this page you'll find 49 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to emphasizes, such as: reiterate, repeat, affirm, accentuate, assert, and indicate.
Synonyms emphasize
Let's get started. We've already seen some alternatives for emphasize in the examples above. We'll look at their specific definitions, and then list some more alternatives. Instead, the phrase "drive home" uses the verb to drive in the sense of moving something forward by force. Home here means the final place something will land or arrive—its intended position. When you drive a point home, you are putting effort into making people understand something clearly by describing it in detail, using lots of examples, or repeating it many times. You've probably heard of stress as a feeling. When you feel stressed, all of your thoughts turn to the thing you are stressed about. Similarly, when you stress something, you make sure people understand how important it is. To accentuate something is to indicate its importance by centering attention on it. You place an accent on the thing you want to focus attention on.
Using words like "furthermore", "secondly", and "since" emphasize how two points are linked together, synonyms emphasize. To reiterate means to repeat a point you've made before, maybe in a different synonyms emphasize to make sure people have understood it.
Words related to emphasize are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word emphasize. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. InMarket also emphasizes third party validation of its audience targeting and attribution methodology, as well as location-data accuracy. Sharpton would later emphasize to The Daily Beast that he neither possesses nor desires such power. In , it appears, the key to winning in a swing state is to avoid talking about issues and emphasize pig castration. And as if to emphasize their accounts, in early afternoon a U.
Words related to Emphasize are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word Emphasize. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Sharpton would later emphasize to The Daily Beast that he neither possesses nor desires such power. In , it appears, the key to winning in a swing state is to avoid talking about issues and emphasize pig castration. And as if to emphasize their accounts, in early afternoon a U. I have wanted him to do it absolutely on his own, and I could not emphasize this better than by coming right away to Mudros. The centenary of Petrarch celebrated at Avignon in tended to emphasize the importance and the glory of the new literature. Wherefore Bud had deliberately done what he could do to stimulate and emphasize both the surprise and the gratification. It is only necessary to take all these things for granted, and emphasize certain other things which are peculiar to the sea. In an ordinary light it is only a few broad planes of value and color without an accent object to emphasize or centre on.
Synonyms emphasize
English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar.
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View definitions for emphasized emphasized. Strong matches accent articulate charge dramatize enlarge enunciate headline hit impress italicize mark pinpoint press pronounce punctuate spotlight weight. Korean to English. He told his tale to Seth in a short, direct manner, emphasizing no single point in it. Synonyms Antonyms. The pictures of Gilkes emphasize, quite rightly and inevitably, his classic good looks. Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Instead, the phrase "drive home" uses the verb to drive in the sense of moving something forward by force. Discover More Example Sentences The pharmaceutical industry and public health officials must emphasize safety first. Grammar Patterns. Seager emphasizes that 90 percent of the problems at Napa State are caused by 15 to 20 percent of the patients. Sign up.
InMarket also emphasizes third party validation of its audience targeting and attribution methodology, as well as location-data accuracy.
English to Traditional. Discover More Related Words Words related to emphasizing are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word emphasizing. The artist, though emphasizing the latter, can scarcely achieve power in this without also attaining the former. From Project Gutenberg. English Dictionary. The latter arrangement emphasizes the conclusion much more than the former; at the same time it subordinates the condition. The ProWritingAid Team. Forcing the subject toward the position usually occupied by the predicate emphasizes the subject. View definitions for emphasizing emphasizing. Strong matches accent articulate charge dramatize enlarge enunciate headline hit impress italicize mark pinpoint press pronounce punctuate spotlight weight. You cannot perform or externalize your vanity as overtly as Bieber did without again emphasizing to the world you are a jerk. Skip to. Discover More Related Words Words related to emphasize are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word emphasize. Strongest matches accelerating deepening escalating growing intensifying. In , it appears, the key to winning in a swing state is to avoid talking about issues and emphasize pig castration.
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