Talking pictures tv guide

Do you remember the thrill and excitement of Saturday Morning Pictures?

Talking Pictures TV. Saturday, 16 March. During the French Revolution, the hunt is on for a book containing the names of people marked for death. Period drama, starring Robert Cummings and Arlene Dahl. Look at Life The decline of street salesmen and the growing industry of vending machines.

Talking pictures tv guide

Click the dots to see different days. Saturday 16th March. Director: Bob Kellett. A businessman is trying to shoot an ad for his company's new line of lingerie when he encounters a rival. A monster and his son are captured by a circus who want to turn them into a sideshow. Stars John Carradine. Hoss and Little Joe are mistaken for bloodthirsty hired killers in a small Texas town dominated by two feuding families. Directed by Anthony Mann. A powerful man desperately searches for his black book, a list of those marked for the guillotine. A look at the decline of street salesmen and the growing industry of the vending machine.

A lorry driver meets Shirley at a cafe and offers her a lift. Flaming Death. The Surgeon of Sangre Rojo.

Sea Cadet Jimmy Sutton earned a well deserved vacation courtesy of the British armed forces where unfortunately, things go awry. In Gibraltar, two youngsters team up to help Sutton stop crooks who have a sinister plan in place. A small news piece on a Typical Saturday Morning Pictures show in the 60s. Complete with birthdays on stage and a dog show! Flash and Roka capture a Ming ship, infiltrate Ming's palace in disguise and attempt to rescue Zarkov from the death ray in the arena.

Do you remember the thrill and excitement of Saturday Morning Pictures? Every day! So, grab your bag of popcorn and your drink on a stick, take your seat in the one-and-nines, and re-live some of the rarest gems from British film history; plundering the deepest and darkest vaults of Pinewood, Twickenham and Shepperton Studios to present a wide variety of nostalgic treats. Relive some of the rarest and greatest gems from film history. Your email address will not be published.

Talking pictures tv guide

Click the dots to see different days. Monday 18th March. Directed by John Schlesinger. An engineer is sent to Berlin to help the U. Songs you love from popular artists, live and on video with the odd interview. Directed by Jack Cardiff. In Africa, a girl content with nature befriends a lion, but her parents become concerned about her behaviour. A look at caravan holidays and the original residents of caravans. Simon Kane takes an interest in a fight between two Civil War veterans when his son is injured by a runaway wagon. After a robbery during which the night-watchman is killed, the robbers take his daughter hostage.

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A scientist experimenting with suspended animation decides to use himself as a test subject. A small town lawyer is enlisted to defend an Army officer accused of murdering his wife's attacker. A new rural district nurse falls in love with a farmer, but local busybodies ensure their relationship runs anything but smoothly. A physician must face the consequences of his actions after he intentionally misdiagnoses a patient. Aunt Sally agrees to marry Worzel if he will rescue her a junk shop in the village. To restore his family's wealth, a young lad stows away on a ship bound for the California Gold Rush. Will they find evidence against Miss Lord? Starring Irene Handl. Director: Ken Hughes. A look at the wide range of jobs engineers undertake. Drysdale panics when his wife comes home early and hatches a plan to get the Clampetts to go to Palm Springs. Director: Brian Desmond Hurst. A teenager gets a job in a strip club to uncover her stepmother's secret past, but ends up helping the owner conceal a murder. A huge ape-like monster wreaks havoc and destruction high in the mountains of northern Japan. Lew, a suspect in a jewel robbery, and an ensuing murder, vanishes.

TV Schedule. Home TV Schedule.

Before The Mast. It is , and the impending war has yet to fall across their lives. San Ferry Ann Adventure Sound effect comedy about the misadventures of a group of tourists on a trip to France. A story of a fateful cross channel swim. A light comedy about a beautiful and playful mermaid and her effect on Dr. A short instructional film showing the correct and incorrect ways of getting tickets and going through the automatic gates with and without luggage. S2, E Dougie confides in his new best friend Joe what is in the boiler room. An adventurer teams up with a rebel leader to steal an arms shipment due for government troops. Directed by Don Weis. Directed by James Landis. When Drysdale suggests buying stock, Jed buys cows, pigs and chickens.

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