tallest rdr2 character

Tallest rdr2 character

The full post is below the cut, because it got somewhat unwieldy! I got a little too carried away when making this, but whatever.

While the gang members were just a bunch of dangerous outlaws, this group acted like a family, caring for each other and even following a moral code. At the end of the game, most of the gang is either dead or turned into a darker version of themselves. A few managed to turn their lives around and became more than just someone living outside society's rules. Nevertheless, keeping up with every gang member can be challenging, so here you have all of the Van Der Linde Gang members' details and back-story. You learn about each member while playing through the game, but you may not pick up on everything. This is why we made this list to provide you with the most important information about each character. Now, we've returned to the piece to clean it up and make it as enjoyable to read as possible.

Tallest rdr2 character


Utilizes her height when delivering lectures and verbal lashings, although her glare is so withering, she hardly needs it to be intimidating. Nonetheless, you would be hard pressed to intimidate him with height.


Red Dead Redemption 2 , a Western -themed action-adventure game developed and published by Rockstar Games , follows the story of Arthur Morgan , an outlaw and member of the Van der Linde gang. Led by Dutch van der Linde, the gang attempts to survive against government forces and rival gangs while dealing with the decline of the Wild West. Several characters reprise their roles from the game Red Dead Redemption , to which Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel. Throughout their adventures, the gang come into direct conflict with several opposing forces, including wealthy oil magnate Leviticus Cornwall, crime lord Angelo Bronte, Dutch's nemesis Colm O'Driscoll, and Pinkerton agents Andrew Milton and Edgar Ross. The game's epilogue focuses on John's relationship with his family—wife Abigail and son Jack—as well as the elderly Uncle, leading into the events of the first game. Rockstar used motion capture to record the performances of the cast, as well as cameras to capture their facial reactions for later animation. The secretive nature of Rockstar's development processes meant that the actors and the director were unsure of the future of the characters during production; the writers continued to work on the script while the actors shot their scenes in segments. Rockstar wanted a diverse cast of characters within the Van der Linde gang and put particular focus on the individual stories behind each character. The relationships between the characters received praise from several gaming publications , and the acting has resulted in multiple awards and nominations , including a win at The Game Awards.

Tallest rdr2 character

While the gang members were just a bunch of dangerous outlaws, this group acted like a family, caring for each other and even following a moral code. At the end of the game, most of the gang is either dead or turned into a darker version of themselves. A few managed to turn their lives around and became more than just someone living outside society's rules. Nevertheless, keeping up with every gang member can be challenging, so here you have all of the Van Der Linde Gang members' details and back-story.

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At this point, she becomes a darker person who turns to alcohol to soothe her pain. He is an almost decent man at one point. I got a little too carried away when making this, but whatever. After all, he spends more time avoiding work than doing it. Josiah is a peculiar character; he seems like a proper gentleman, but under that suit and top hat lies a skilled criminal and trickster. He sends one of the others - typically Arthur - to intimidate the desperate people he lends to. She is the daughter of a former slave and was kidnapped at the age of 12 by a gang that didn't always treat her right. Hosea is Dutch's right hand and typically the voice of reason in the group. Tilly knew the hardships of life at a young age. Like what happened with Hosea, Dutch met Javier when they both were trying to steal some chicken; after that, he offered Javier a spot in the gang.

The Van der Linde gang serves as the protagonistic group of Red Dead Redemption 2 , and is comprised of multiple central, major, and supporting characters. Characters are the driving force behind the narrative of Red Dead Redemption 2 and include the various personalities and figures the player may and will encounter throughout their time in the game. Dutch is idealistic, anarchic, charismatic, well-read, and well-lived, but possibly starting to unravel under the pressure of the encroaching modern world.

He grows up in the gang with no children of his own age around. In the end, a cheap shot from Micah takes her out unceremoniously. She is the daughter of a former slave and was kidnapped at the age of 12 by a gang that didn't always treat her right. Don't get fooled by her pretty face, Karen knows very well what kind of life she's living and likes it. Originally posted by myboyfriendsaswiftie. She is particularly good at distractions due to her being a skilled actress. As a result, he becomes more intellectual than his father. He doesn't stick with the gang right til the end, as he gets out when it starts to get really bad. When Arthur hit puberty for real and managed to overtake him in height, he felt personally slighted. I got a little too carried away when making this, but whatever. She is also John's on and off love interest and the mother of Jack. Thank you, Tumblr, for enlightening me.

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