teen mega world

Teen mega world

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Teen mega world


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Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Maci Currin — a Texas teen who broke two Guinness World Records for her tall stature — has grown her fame as a content creator on OnlyFans. In , the year-old, who stands at 6-foot, scored the Guinness titles for her legs, which measure about 4-foot Her TikTok account has grown to almost 2 million followers in the last two years since she started posting videos during the pandemic. Her right leg measures Currin said her TikTok account first started as a joke, but once she went viral, she decided to use that good energy to spread positive vibes. Even though the teen is unemployed, she has hopes to become a model and social media influencer full-time. She also has decided to stay single by choice, noting many men flock to her. Published April 20,

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