The numbers mason what do they mean
Ascension is a term used to refer to the number "codes" seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops. These codes contained encrypted orders and were broadcast via number stations to Soviet sleeper agents throughout the world, including Alex Mason. The numbers code is a running key cipher which utilizes a edition of Profiles in Courageby John F. Kennedyas the keystream.
Edit Delete. Quote from the campaign of Call of Duty Black Ops, in the story the main character Mason has been brainwashed to translate number sequences into an order and complete what ever it told him to. The story revolves around him being interrogated and gameplay is all flashback, in between gameplays you see a cut scene with the interrogators where they keep telling him to translate the number code and he keeps complaining about hearing numbers. I have been seeing this used more and more often as reaction text in a conversation or a video comment and I wanted to run it by the forum first. I've seen this a lot too, in particular, on threads and video comments discussing number stations. Could have potential. I though it was in the funny game.
The numbers mason what do they mean
The lady was in the Pentagon level, apparently she was with Hudson and Weaver. IDK why she kept reading the numbers, just so Mason could hear them I guess. When did Mason kill Kennedy? We see him in the picture at the end. There was also that weird alternate reality type thing wherehe took the pistol out, was that his "command mind" telling him to kill kennedy? Also I didn't hear what Dragovich said at the end because the people that were in the room with me were talking while I was strangling him. Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Somehow I didn't catch exactly what they were, lol.
He remembered a hell of a lot else!
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The numbers mason what do they mean
We've ID'd all of Dragovich 's men. Kravchenko , Steiner , Clarke. You know them. Masterminds of Project Nova. Mason : Nova 6. Reznov called it Nova 6. Interrogator : What do you know about Doctor Clarke? We know that Clarke was the chemical engineer who formulated Nova 6. Malignant narcissist.
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For example, one of the objectives in Revelations reads as. Don't have an account? Main Quest. His orders had nothing to do with the outpost. The lady was in the Pentagon level, apparently she was with Hudson and Weaver. Wrap your troubles in dreams. The number was found to correspond a page in Profiles in Courage. Retrieved on 28 April Are there plenty of games online these days? How do you unlock all the zombie maps? Categories : Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Edit Delete. Quote from the campaign of Call of Duty Black Ops, in the story the main character Mason has been brainwashed to translate number sequences into an order and complete what ever it told him to. The story revolves around him being interrogated and gameplay is all flashback, in between gameplays you see a cut scene with the interrogators where they keep telling him to translate the number code and he keeps complaining about hearing numbers.
Hudson repeats the numbers to Mason over and over throughout the interrogation, hoping he can translate it. Current Wiki. Fucking numbers, how do they what do they mean?! The numbers code is a running key cipher which utilizes a edition of Profiles in Courage , by John F. In the last cutscene, he explains two digits which I can't remember off the top of my head that specified the caliber of the shot, meant Texas, and Mason finishes by mumbling "Ascension. What do you need help on? Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Browse More Questions. Retrieved on 28 April Echelon 5 21 0 8 18 15 14 7 21 16 23 9 14 23 0 6 18 4 an email from jtrent to Hudson.
Exclusive delirium, in my opinion
I can not participate now in discussion - there is no free time. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion.