
It enables you to quickly deliver cross-platform content playback. This package includes the following features: uidashhlschromecasttheoplayervr-webxryospacetheoplayerspotxrelatedcontentsocialupnextconvivacachecontextmenuyouboramediamelonadsmoattexttrackstyle-uitheoplayer, google-daifreewheelactivequalitylabelupcomingadnotificationagamawebaudioverizonmediastreamonetheoplayer, lcevcmediatailor.

Warning If you are looking for versions prior to 5. The documentation for THEOplayer is located on our documentation website. If you are having issues installing or using the package, first look for existing answers on our documentation website , and in particular our FAQ. You can also contact our technical support team by following the instructions on our support page. Note that your level of support depends on your selected support plan.


Bring cutting-edge video playback efficiently on any device with our award-winning video player. Learn More. Bring high-quality interactive low latency live video to any audience size in minutes with our real-time video API at scale. Premium content deserves a premium viewer experience. Bring your content to live with 4K and HDR. Empower any smart TV to deliver a flawless viewer experience. We got you covered, regardless of the model or operating system. Bring the same high-quality video playback to your viewers at low latency, whether you are looking for latencies on par with broadcast, or if you want to stream at sub-second latency. Reducing your latency does not mean reducing your features. Leverage the full power of THEOplayer with all features in low latency mode.

Engineering Manager Hopin. Delivering Reliable Low-latency Video, theoplayer. Finally, create a player instance using the THEOplayer.

Our award-winning 1 video player - THEOplayer - is trusted by leading pay-TV and OTT service providers, and broadcasters to deliver top-notch, feature-rich, interactive and smooth video playback across all platforms with the highest quality and the lowest latency. What happens if three market-leading companies, THEOplayer, Videon, and Mux, share in length the low latency challenges that they are facing as well as the solutions they provide within their expertise? That's right: it results in the most comprehensive webinar focused on Low Latency and about the current innovations that deliver low latency live video to a global audience. Mux Live works with most major players and this update will lower latency for all live streams powered by Mux. However, the lowest latency experiences require a video player that supports the latest related technologies.

We have optimized playback on a wide range of Smart and Connected TV platforms. Go live quickly and efficiently, with the best viewer experience available. Build from the ground-up to deliver low start times, and high quality playback with high frame rates, 4k and HDR. Provide for the best playback quality through our in-house developed ABR algorithm, which efficiently considers multiple network parameters to swiftly and seamlessly adjust to changing viewer network conditions. We tirelessly test the full range of Smart TV devices and operating systems versions, including new releases and old versions, to ensure you can deliver a consistent and performant viewer experience. Accelerate your time-to-market for high-quality video playback on Smart TVs through more than integrations with advertising, analytics and DRM solutions. This guide outlines how you can bring video to the second-largest brand in the SmartTV space. Best-in-class playback on smart TVs Bring a consistent and high-quality viewer experience across smart and connected TV platforms.


Bring cutting-edge video playback efficiently on any device with our award-winning video player. Learn More. Bring high-quality interactive low latency live video to any audience size in minutes with our real-time video API at scale.

Nendoroid 3d model

Call new THEOplayer. Deliver viewer experiences over OTT synchronized with broadcast, to avoid spoiler effects, independent of the device your neighbors are using. Fix an issue where tracking rebuffering can get into an infinite loop. If your errorTranslator function itself raises an error, then it will be silenced and the player's original error will be used. To make error aggregation as useful as possible, these values should be general enough to provide useful information but not specific to each individual error such as stack trace. If you are having issues installing or using the package, first look for existing answers on our documentation website , and in particular our FAQ. For THEOplayer, you do not need to emit the videochange event when the player source property of the player is updated. Register Now. This is done by setting disableCookies: true in the options passed to the Mux plugin. We got you covered, regardless of the model or operating system. Pass it the created HTML element and a configuration object.

Consult with our experts to discuss your specific streaming requirements. Trusted by leading media and entertainment companies, delivering cutting-edge video services efficiently and on any device.

Toggle navigation menu X. Note: Please do not include any personally identifiable information from the viewer in this data. Let's chat. In the case that you want full control over what errors are counted as fatal or not, you may want to consider turning off Mux's automatic error tracking completely. By default, Mux plugins for HTML5-based players use a cookie to track playback across subsequent page views. This package includes the following features: ui , dash , hls , chromecast , vr , vr-webxr , yospace , airplay , spotx , relatedcontent , social , upnext , conviva , cache , contextmenu , youbora , mediamelon , ads , moat , texttrackstyle-ui , google-dai , freewheel , activequalitylabel , upcomingadnotification , agama , webaudio , verizonmedia , streamone , lcevc , mediatailor. The features supported by Mux Data for this player. Market Report. Player element , configuration ;. You can also contact our technical support team by following the instructions on our support page. Fix an issue where tracking rebuffering can get into an infinite loop. Skip to content Mux Logo.

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