Thresh build
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Thresh can harvest the Souls of enemies that die near him, each soul permanently granting him 2 Armor and 2 Ability Power. Throws out a scythe, stunning the first unit hit and pulling them in for 1. Throws a Lantern to a target location, allowing an ally to tap the Minion Button to dash to Thresh. Active : Thresh whips his chains, pulling or pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and slow for half duration. Thresh is a tank support. He is a strong early game champion that transitions well into the late game with his strong zoning and crowd-control abilities.
Thresh build
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Very strong engage support right now, but you can E him away as he goes in for his combo. You should always take E level 1 against him so you're safe in case he gets the level two powerspike first. Ashe can be very annoying in lane, but if you're able to hit a hook on her she'll be in mayor trouble. She doesn't scale very well either as she only really has her ult lategame. Consider getting Mikael's Crucible vs her. In lane he's not going to be a problem, but he should be able to outroam you as he's faster than you. Try to mitigate this by making a play on his adc or being where he's going before the play happens. Skill matchup between the adcs to not get hooked. Be aware that he can hook people out of your lantern if he times it right. Stay away from minions as he will use E to hit you and your adc for free poke. If he misses his stun you have a window to go in and punish.
Thresh throws a Lantern to a target location, thresh build, allowing an ally to tap the Minion Button to dash to Thresh. Login Social Login.
Thresh support has a The best Thresh players have a Analyzing 4, games played by the top Thresh players worldwide over the last 7 days. The average rank of these top Thresh players was Master. Taking into account win rate and summoner rank Thresh is ranked 65 amongst all champions in the hands of an expert. Maximum 50 summoners are used per region with a minimum of Diamond IV and 50 games played on Thresh to be eligible.
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Morgana is Thresh's biggest counter, you should avoid playing against this in lane as you'll find it difficult to land kills. One thing I'd suggest is not blind picking thresh before seeing the enemies support pick to avoid getting counter picked by her.
Thresh build
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Very strong engage support right now, but you can E him away as he goes in for his combo. You should always take E level 1 against him so you're safe in case he gets the level two powerspike first.
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Delta Synergy Delta. One soul has a gold value of 40 gold. Thresh has to stand pretty close to the soul to collect them, so be careful when walking up and make sure you won't be in any danger before collecting the soul. By Razing42 12 days ago. Level 1 Thresh Stats Health Max Kill Spree:. Little Natsu LTN. Thresh's Situational Items vs Attack Damage. It has a larger sample size than Skill Order but quotes lower win rates as it is measured much earlier. Then explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. If you need a front line tank that can engage Try your best to keep your AD carry alive at all times with Flay to zone away the enemies and your The Box to push enemies away. Due to being different measurement than Skill Order it may not match in cases where multiple Skill Orders are viable.
Learn more about Thresh's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Thresh we've got you covered. If you are already familiar with how to play Thresh this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch
Click For Full Thresh Leaderboard. Don't get stuck in the mindset of having to support only your adc! Sleepin all Day EUW. Try to not stand next to your adc as she might hit you both with Q and don't stand too still when you see that she starts using her Q. You also have no sustain in lane so if you're playing against a long range lane it can be difficult to get any action going in the botlane especially if you can't access the bushes. Exact Item Count. Thresh Build. Asked by FoxxyHere on July 4, This file will find and run your League of Legends program with the proper parameters. Attack Spd. Magic Res. Try to mitigate this by making a play on his adc or being where he's going before the play happens. Asked by iulan on October 21,
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