time in united states eastern standard time

Time in united states eastern standard time

Compare the local time of two timezones, countries or cities of the world.

Places that use:. On the second Sunday in March, at a. EST, clocks are advanced to a. EDT leaving a one-hour gap. On the first Sunday in November, at a. EDT, clocks are moved back to a.

Time in united states eastern standard time

Sounds crazy, right? However, time zones have been created for a wide variety of social, legal, and commercial reasons. To keep track of time around the planet, countries adhere to certain time zones. Truth be told, it is very helpful for countries and people who do business together and who conduct all sorts of other activities together to keep the same time. Because of this fact, time zones usually follow the boundaries of countries or regions although there are curious exceptions to this. It may sound confusing, but think of it this way: while both stand for the exact time at the zero longitude, UTC is the standard, and GMT is the time zone. All time zones around the world are UTC plus or minus some time usually one or more hours. Anything that is West from the zero longitude will have a minus offset, and anything that is East will have a plus offset. The offset is usually one or more whole hours, but there are countries with offsets of 30 minutes India, for example and even 45 minutes Nepal, for example. And while there are many countries that are split between time zones Russia spans over 12 of them , there are also countries that only observe one time zone despite spanning vast territories China, for example.

In theory, the sun is highest at noon in this part of the globe.

Deviations from this occur when some countries or regions switch to daylight saving time. To the United Kingdom it is -5 hours and to Melbourne. Eastern Standard Time is currently used in 9 countries. Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time Standard Time is the time zone that is considered optimal in a region according to the position of the sun. In theory, the sun is highest at noon in this part of the globe. In practice, however, there are numerous deviations from this, for example when a country changes to a different time zone for economic reasons.

The Time Now is a reliable tool when traveling, calling or researching. This time zone is reckoned 75 degrees west of the Greenwich and it encompasses most of the eastern parts of the United States. It is also the timezone used in Canada , the Caribbean, and in a few countries of South America. All places using it are five hours before the universal time, UTC This is during winter and autumn. There are a total of 17 U. However, some southern parts that include Panama and Caribbean territory do not take into consideration the daylight saving time.

Time in united states eastern standard time

Places that use:. On the second Sunday in March, at a. EST, clocks are advanced to a. EDT leaving a one-hour gap. On the first Sunday in November, at a.

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Retrieved February 10, Durham North Carolina. Pucallpa Ucayali. Windsor Ontario. Main article: Time in Canada. Cuba generally follows the U. Eastern Time Zone. Compare the local time of two timezones, countries or cities of the world. Hong Kong. The boundary between Eastern and Central is set forth at 49 C.

The history of standard time in the United States began November 18, , when United States and Canadian railroads instituted standard time in time zones.

Havana Havana. Specifically, when the sun was the highest in the sky, they could tell that it was noon. Port-au-Prince Ouest. Retrieved September 21, Toledo Ohio. Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Fort Wayne Indiana. COT: Colombia Time. Main article: Time in the United States. Millions of people traveling around the world try to find out the exact time of their destinations before they arrive. Meads Kentucky.

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