tog mind

Tog mind

To continue to provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, tog mind, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and tog mind communities to live well. A wide range of services range from counselling through to anger management tog mind and short term monitoring activities. For most services you will be required to attend a Therapeutic Assessment, this allows both parties to talk about what their requirements are and ensures you get the appropriate service for your needs.

Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. It also works to raise public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health. The Oldham office also offers a listening space to help anyone with their mental health and wellbeing, the opening times are:. Mental health support and advice service. We provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well. Contact phone

Tog mind


A wide range of services range from counselling through to anger management courses and short term monitoring activities. Contact email office togmind.


Phone: Email: office [at] togmind. If you have any feedback - good or bad, that you would like to provide us with then please click here to view our Complaints Policy. If you or someone else is in immediate risk of serious harm or injury, you should call the emergency services by dialling The support line is run by experienced mental health professionals who can provide mental health support and advice. You can also contact The Samaritans if you need to talk to someone confidentially. Samaritans —

Tog mind

Our counselling service provides a non-judgemental and safe space for clients to explore emotional and personal difficulties they may be currently experiencing. While our counsellors do not give direct advice or solution to your problems, we seek to empower you to find your own insights and answers. Our counsellors can support you in making the necessary changes you feel comfortable with at present. Our counselling service can support you with a range of mental health concerns including:. Clients will be offered 8 weekly minute counselling appointments which are free to access. Our counselling service is delivered by our IAPT qualified counsellors alongside counsellors in training. We regret to inform you that the funding for the Minds Matter services, including the free Counselling Offer to adults, is coming to an end. Consequently, we will no longer be able to accept referrals for free counselling sessions in Tameside.

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Contact phone Confused about Long Covid? Contact email office togmind. Services A wide range of services range from counselling through to anger management courses and short term monitoring activities. Mental health support and advice service. The Oldham office also offers a listening space to help anyone with their mental health and wellbeing, the opening times are:. Advice and Information - 22 May TOG Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. To continue to provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well. We provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well.

The Access team are there to answer any queries about referrals, enquiries about appointments and they are there to support individuals with any anxieties around accessing our service by offering guidance on what the client might be able to expect from their appointment. As well as being the first point of access, our access team can support clients who present with common mental health issues. As a team they provide a signposting service, Initial Discussion appointments, Guided Self-Help, and online CBT, or simply a listening ear when people want to seek some advice or reassurance.

Contact phone It also works to raise public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health. Mental health support and advice service. Description Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. To continue to provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well. Contact email office togmind. For most services you will be required to attend a Therapeutic Assessment, this allows both parties to talk about what their requirements are and ensures you get the appropriate service for your needs. You might also be interested in. It also works to raise public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health. We provide the best quality local mental health services in prevention, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well.

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