top ten sith lords

Top ten sith lords

The Sith Order has always been the ancient enemy of the Jedi Orderand that means that they were at war with one another for thousands of years until the Sith was finally destroyed in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

The Star Wars franchise presents one of the most iconic science fiction and fantasy universes of all time. The classic light side vs. The lore dives deep into ancient Jedi Masters, alliances among planets and their civilizations, and, of course, the malicious Sith Lords. A question among the fandom is which Sith Lord in the Star Wars universe is the most powerful, and chat forums on Reddit have once again saved the day. Darth Sidious is, well, one of the most insidious characters of the Star Wars franchise. Sidious is also known as The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

Top ten sith lords

In the Star Wars galaxy and lore, wherever there exists Jedi, there must be those that oppose them. In most cases, those people are the Sith. The most powerful Jedi go up against the most powerful Sith in a seemingly never-ending battle for the fate of the Galaxy. As a future Emperor would say, the Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. These 15 characters tapped into those abilities better than anyone else, leading them to become the most powerful Sith to ever exist. Despite defeating numerous Jedi, he was eventually struck down in battle but found that if he called upon the power of the Dark Side and surrendered himself to a life of pain and agony, he would never die. By doing this, he would become one of the most powerful Sith of his era. On the world of Malachor V, Sion would eventually meet his end during combat with Surik. After a conversation with Surik, he lost their duel and surrendered himself to death. As is tradition with the Sith, he eventually betrayed Revan and took the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith for himself. He began his life as Alek, a Jedi who followed his friend and future Master Revan into battle during the Mandalorian Wars, a decision forbidden by the Jedi council. This decision ultimately corrupted both of them, with Revan being redeemed but Malak embracing the Dark Side fully.

He was also a powerful Sith sorcerer who could use all sorts of Force powers, including ones that allowed him to become nearly invulnerable.

Star Wars couldn't have asked for a more foreboding cabal of villains than the dreaded Sith, many of whom vary in power in both Legends and canon. These nefarious individuals wield the immense power of the dark side of the Force, in direct antithesis to their Jedi competitors. As a result, the two factions have fought relentlessly for thousands of years, building up a series of pivotal moments in the history of the Sith Order. Over time, the Sith have become more powerful as they unlock secrets of the dark side, and certain practitioners have gone down in legend as the best of the best. These fearsome foes channeled all their hatred, malice, and passion into the dark arts, wreaking havoc across the galaxy in both continuities. It is worth noting that many of the more powerful Sith Lords are reserved for Star Wars Legends, but many impressive feats are accomplished in canon, as well.

The Jedi are a peaceful, mindful, and spiritual kind, who always aim to bring balance to the force. Contrast that with the vicious, power-hungry Sith, who aims to destroy and rule the galaxy, and you have a great tale of light vs. Throughout Star Wars lore, there have been numerous incredibly powerful, red lightsaber-bladed Sith that wreak havoc upon the galaxy. So, with that, here are the most powerful Sith lords in Star Wars history. Updated on September 20th, , by Nikole Finger: This article has been updated with additional content to keep the discussion fresh and relevant with even more information and new entries. Asajj Ventress was never officially granted the title of Sith Lord, which is why she isn't further up on the list. Count Dooku was her master, but because of the Sith Rule of Two, he could never risk her being seen as a real Sith. When Dooku's master, Darth Sidious, feared Ventress' growing power, he ordered her assassination. The Dathomirian became a bounty hunter, using her two red blades and training in the Dark Side of the Force to survive.

Top ten sith lords

They are unquestionably one of the most loved sets of characters in Star Wars , and users of Ranker have ranked who they believe to be the very best. From canon Sith Lords with incredible stories to those Sith who have immense characters in the Legends timeline, there are a plethora of great characters from the ancient order of dark siders, with there being a handful of fan-favorites. Note: Due to the nature of Ranker, these are live rankings subject to change. Darth Tyrannus, better known by his official title of Count Dooku, may well be the most underrated Sith Lord in Star Wars , being eloquent with a blade, highly intellectual, and a crucial piece of the Clone War's puzzle. Dooku arguably shone most in The Clone Wars, where he showcased his skill with not only a lightsaber, also seen in the prequel trilogy but also his ruthlessness and importance to Palpatine's plans as the Head of State of the Separatist Parliament. Nevertheless, Christopher Lee, as he so often did, shone in the role in his encounters with Anakin and Obi-Wan. Darth Traya, also known as Kreia, may not be as well known as the Sith spoken about or showcased in the Skywalker saga but is clearly popular amongst those who know her, particularly amongst fans of the Knights of the Old Republic sequel, The Sith Lords. Dark Lord of the Sith Triumvirate, Kreia, has quite an interesting story going from former Jedi to Sith, who had a unique outlook on the Force and its relationship with beings in the Galaxy. Traya not only trained Revan but Nihilus and Sion also, and is incredibly powerful, intelligent, and skilled with a unique range of abilities in the Force, from Force Horror to sensing shatterpoints, with this power undoubtedly playing into her popularity.

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But there was nothing mythical about what Sidious did during his time because his accomplishments and feats spoke for themselves. Kylo was also quite skilled with a lightsaber. Since then, we have seen his character grow in the hit Clone Wars series. Despite all the chaos and destruction that he was ultimately responsible for, Count Dooku, aka Darth Tyranus, is a bit of a tragic figure. As such, he could live again during the time of the Empire. As well as being a gifted bladesman Sidious' connection to the Dark Side is extremely powerful, granting Sidious the ability to conduct force lightning. This was even stated by Darth Sidious to have been a true loss. Darth Tanis was considered a Sith witch, and she used her powers to leave a Sith weapon on the planet Malachor. His arc is also super similar to the next person on the list. She believed herself unbeatable and periodically encased herself in carbonite, only for treasure hunters to wake her up occasionally. By the end of his life, he could certainly be named amongst the most powerful Sith ever.

The Sith have long been the enemy of the Jedi in the Star Wars universe, but no fan can deny the awesome power they held. Force lightning, force choke, and unlimited power through passion and strength, the Sith looked unearth the dormant potential within each apprentice.

Darth Malak was born on the planet Quelii, where he lived before he fled to the Galactic Republic and began training as a Jedi. After Palpatine learns everything he needs from Plagueis, he betrays and kills his master. This dark side practitioner was one of the most infamous and powerful Sith Lords of old, helping to forge the direction of the Sith movement as the centuries rolled on. Though she claimed to be a former Jedi, Vergere was in fact a double agent working for the Sith, who intended to drive Jacen toward the dark side. Plagueis was the master of Darth Sidious and taught the future Emperor everything he knew about the Dark Side. However, it is not his skill with a blade that makes him one of the most powerful Sith lords. His own power should not be understated, though. There has been no Sith, as powerful, meticulous, or as evil as the Emperor himself, Darth Sidious. After receiving severe injuries in battle, Malgus did as many Sith do, relying on a special mask to help him breathe. Darth Tyranus represents a typical being corrupted by the dark side through the desire to do good. When Jacen Solo was captured by the Vong, it was Vergere who presided over his indoctrination into their culture, including the use of pain as a psychological tool. Despite lacking the mobility and health of his former body, Vader was capable of razing entire structures to the ground with relative ease.

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