total drama iceberg

Total drama iceberg

Host: You will all have to live down here in this basement. The last person left will win a massive head start in the next challenge.

Host: Welcome back to Total Drama Iceberg! There are 4 separate cabins this season, one cabin for the Perfect Penguin males, one for the Perfect Penguin females, one for the Polarizing Polar Bears males, and one for the Polarizing Polar Bears females. Hazel: We should all stick together, and never leave each others sight. We gotta keep each other safe. Rhea: I have to agree with Cindy, I expect top service here, and this is no where near professional singing. Host: Welcome to our very first team challenge of the season!

Total drama iceberg


Today we will be racing down a slippery slope.


Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. Chef brings a souvenir iceberg home from a trip to the South Pole and Duncan finds a prehistoric surprise inside. Cody is fishing in the toilet and Harold comes into the bathroom; an octopus takes Cody and Harold is frightened. Total Drama Wiki. Total Drama Wiki Explore. Alejandro Blaineley Sierra. Cameron Lightning Mike Scott Zoey. Dave Jasmine Shawn Sky Sugar. Bowie Julia Millie Priya Raj.

Total drama iceberg

Sixteen new iconic teens gather to compete in the cruelest challenges ever conceived. Series 1: 1. Meet the Victims 21 mins. From the Archive. Audio Described. Northern Ireland.

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Destiny: Yeah! Mary: Where did Alexis go? Efrain: Wait What?!?! Get App. Efrain: Bye guys! Cindy: I knew it. I told them a fake fear anyways. Jacob: I know Dennis is into me. Elliot: Ok then, we should all vote in sync, to boost our chances of staying here. Elliot: If we want to get far, we should create an alliance between the 6 of us. Host: Everyone outside now!!! Glenda: But we just started

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. Dawn is a mysterious nature lover who wants to use the prize money to help Mother Earth. She is able to communicate with all kinds of animals, mutated or not, who take a strong liking to her.

Jacob: Oh sorry, Boo! Bye Efrain! Likes 8. Nice going, dimwit. Rhea: I have to agree with Cindy, I expect top service here, and this is no where near professional singing. Cindy: Oh please, you only dislike me because your boy toy dislikes me. Comments 0. Elliot: Everyone promise not to tell anyone? Mary: Really? Elliot: Ok then, we should all vote in sync, to boost our chances of staying here. Great idea, Efrain is a good option if I do say so myself. Alexis: I guess i have to go now, talk to both of you later. Destiny to Scarlett: If your singing annoys Cindy, then keep singing. Efrain: Wait What?!?! It reminds me of nature.

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