Tozlu yaka 9
The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school Read all The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the tozlu yaka 9 of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school on scholarship, tozlu yaka 9.
Sign In. Tozluyaka Hide Spoilers. Seriously don't start it! In the beginning it is soo good and gets you addicted then after 9th episode the story gets downwards!
Tozlu yaka 9
Sign In. Tozluyaka Hide Spoilers. Seriously don't start it! In the beginning it is soo good and gets you addicted then after 9th episode the story gets downwards! Rn it is on the 17th ep and it's rating is dropping like crazy, not forgetting it was the summer's best and most watched dizi!!! Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. I'm not gonna rate it yet because it's to early but I really like it so far it's like duy Beni but less cringe and better story line in my opinion it feels more realistic I didn't like duy Beni but I love this show hopefully it stays consistent and good. I don't like to watch TV shows in general but when I came across Tozluyaka's first episode, it made me feel curious about the topic. Not many filler episodes. In script: -I like the friendship of the gang. They really love and care for each other and feel like a family; Ali, Arap, Zeyno and Vefa. It is so good that maybe it feels unrealistic because maybe there are not many more friendships like them these days.
In script: -I like the friendship of the gang. Turkish Teen High School Dramas.
The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school Read all The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school on scholarship. The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school on scholarship. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide.
Tozlu yaka 9
The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school Read all The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school on scholarship. The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school on scholarship. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Tozluyaka TV Series 2h 8m.
Manticore s
Kadim Yasar Osman Akin. Sign in to vote. Turkish vacation. It contains behaviors that can be negative examples. Egemen Mustafa Almaci Ferdi. Maybe Turkish TV shows have to do in terms of time but when I watch the show from the Internet, I always skip those without text parts. It contains behaviors that can be negative examples. Not many filler episodes. Adnan65 28 June In script: -I like the friendship of the gang. They really love and care for each other and feel like a family; Ali, Arap, Zeyno and Vefa. In script: -I like the friendship of the gang.
In conclusion, I will watch Tozluyaka until the creators keep it like this and better. Clear your history. Egemen Mustafa Almaci Ferdi. Negative -The intro and music in general feels like a regular Turkish series, not catchy nor harmonic. Clear your history. I like watching series when I can show empathy and feel something across to me. Browse episodes. My favorite episode is Season 1, Episode 9. Create account. Technical specs Edit. Featured review. Sign in to vote. Turkish vacation. Create a list ». Watch Official Teaser Trailer.
Interesting theme, I will take part.
It is excellent idea. I support you.
Completely I share your opinion. It is excellent idea. It is ready to support you.