Transformers power of the primes
Transformers: Power of the Primes is an animated web series produced by Hasbro and Machinimawith animation by Tatsunoko Production. The series was announced alongside Titans Return following the conclusion of Combiner Wars. It premiered on May 1on the go90 platform in the US, Sohu.
Power of the Primes is the third and final installment of the Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy , a toyline and transmedia series created by Hasbro as part of the Transformers franchise. It consists of the toy line, as well as the animated web series of the same name. Development of the franchise began in November with the announcement of an animated web series by Machinima , based on the upcoming toyline. In January , Hasbro held a fan-vote to decide which character would become the next Prime in the franchise. In February, it was decided that Optimus Primal would become the next Prime. Power of the Primes was first announced on November 29,
Transformers power of the primes
Power of the Primes is a subline imprint of the Generations toyline, and the third and final portion of the Prime Wars Trilogy. First revealed in mid- at San Diego Comic-Con and subsequently debuting at the end of the year, Power of the Primes , in keeping with the previous two toylines, features a line-wide gimmick : " Prime Masters ", small Titan Master -type figures that represent the sparks of the Primes. Unlike Titan Masters, Prime Masters are available only in their own pricepoint, where they are packaged with Pretender -style decoy armor , but can interact in some way with all larger assortments. Legends Class figures retain the ability to seat a small figure in alt-mode, whilst the Deluxe and Voyager Class pricepoints see the return of Combiner Wars -style Combiners. These accessories dubbed Prime Armor also facilitate the Prime Master integration for those size classes: Deluxes can use their hand as chest armor, into which a Prime Master spark mode can slot, and Voyagers can use their feet as forearm bucklers, which similarly fit a Prime Master. All Voyager Class figures also include an Enigma of Combination , shaped like a Prime Master spark mode, that can fit onto their combined mode chest. With the exception of Inferno, none of the voyagers can grant their respective combined modes a sizable weapon. Finally, Leader Class figures feature an "Evolution" gimmick, wherein each toy includes a Deluxe-sized character who can "evolve" into a Prime by combining with additional armor. Each Leader includes a uniquely-colored Matrix of Leadership , the central crystal of which can be removed and replaced with a Prime Master. Similarly to Combiner Wars except for US-released Deluxe Class figures and Titans Return , all figures from Legends Class upwards continued to include character cards, except this time there were twelve different variants of every character's card, each containing a combination with one of the twelve Prime Masters. Before the line's release, a fan vote took place to determine a character who would become a new Prime in both the toyline and accompanying stories, with Optimus Primal claiming victory, and a place in the Leader Class assortment. Nemesis Prime was an Amazon exclusive in the United States. Meanwhile, Wreck-Gar was exclusive to Walgreens in the U. In , Hasbro released three exclusive Deluxe Class figures in premium-style boxes, each with a translucent Prime Master , to commemorate the Prime Wars Trilogy.
Comic series Animated transformers power of the primes Books Audio releases Live-action film series. All Voyager Class figures also include an Enigma of Combinationshaped like a Prime Master spark mode, that can fit onto their combined mode chest. Are you sure you want to delete the gift tag?
Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy is a toyline and transmedia series that is part of the Transformers franchise by Hasbro. The main story line is set in an alternate Transformers: Generation 1 continuity. Forty years after the Great War between the Autobots and the Decepticons on Earth, the two factions returned to Cybertron, where Optimus Prime defeated Megatron in a final duel, ending their war permanently. However, the rise of the Combiners caused destruction and death on Caminus, setting Windblade , the Cityspeaker of the Titans, on a quest for vengeance. Meanwhile, the Combiner Victorion is on her own mission to find the Enigma of Combination.
Now he seeks the Requiem Blaster, intent on harnessing the power o Now he seeks the Requiem Blaster, intent on harnessing the power of all three artifacts to create a dangerous doomsday weapon. As infighting breaks out betw As infighting breaks out between Transformers in fear of the coming apocalypse, a small team led by Megatron must band Read all. Sign In Sign In.
Transformers power of the primes
Power of the Primes is a - multimedia branding used by Hasbro and TakaraTomy encompassing Transformers toys, comics, and other merchandise. Unlike its predecessors Power of the Primes does not spotlight any one particular gimmick, instead featuring a plethora of reverse-compatible play features based off the previous two installments of the trilogy while highlighting Primes featured across the Transformers mythos. This line is notable for representing the first fruits of Hasbro and TakaraTomy's labor to streamline their distribution of collector oriented product via one uniform global franchise, a practice that more or less persists to this day. Following the conclusion of the Generations toyline 's Titans Return subline imprint , the Generations line was refreshed with Power of the Primes branding, and featured a line-wide gimmick : " Prime Masters ", small Titan Master -type figures that represent the sparks of the Primes. Unlike Titan Masters, Prime Masters are available only in their own pricepoint, where they are packaged with Pretender -style Decoy Armor , but can interact in some way with all larger assortments. Legends Class figures retain the ability to seat a small figure in alt-mode, whilst the Deluxe and Voyager Class pricepoints see the return of Combiner Wars -style Combiners. These accessories also facilitate the Prime Master integration for those size classes: Deluxes can use their hand as chest armor, into which a Prime Master spark mode can slot, and Voyagers can use their feet as forearm bucklers, which similarly fit a Prime Master. All Voyager Class figures also include an Enigma of Combination , shaped like a Prime Master spark mode, that can fit onto their combined mode chest. Finally, Leader Class figures feature an "Evolution" gimmick, wherein each toy includes a Deluxe-sized character who can "evolve" into a Prime by combining with additional armor. Each Leader includes a uniquely-colored Matrix of Leadership , the central crystal of which can be removed and replaced with a Prime Master.
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Subject to availability. Nemesis Prime was an Amazon exclusive in the United States. Views Page Discussion View source History. Images in this review. Punch-Counterpunch was exclusive to Amazon in North America. Comic series Animated series Books Audio releases Live-action film series. Screen Rant. Customers are satisfied with the quality of the toy. Univision Communications. Hasbro is committed to being an ethical and responsible company and is a recognized toy industry leader in the areas of product safety, environmental sustainability, ethical sourcing and philanthropy. On January 9, , it was announced that Mark Hamill , who had previously voiced Megatronus in Transformers: Titans Return , would resume his role for Transformers: Power of the Primes. The Matrix of Leadership accessory also holds Prime Master figures not included, each sold separately. Top Gap.
Power of the Primes is the third and final installment of the Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy , a toyline and transmedia series created by Hasbro as part of the Transformers franchise. It consists of the toy line, as well as the animated web series of the same name. Development of the franchise began in November with the announcement of an animated web series by Machinima , based on the upcoming toyline.
Microman Diaclone. In January , Hasbro created a poll allowing fans to vote which Transformer will become the next Prime. Report an issue with this product or seller. Very happy with everything. Read all. June 12, Microman Diaclone. Retrieved August 3, There was an error in retrieving your gitf tags. Legends Class Slash. Sold by. September 28, [12]. See our predictions. Orion Pax might be just a data clerk on Cybertron, but contained within him is the potential to become a legend. Contents move to sidebar hide.
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