Trickle across theory fashion examples
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The questions like — where and how did the specific fashion style originate? Who has created the new trend? Who are the followers? Is the direction of fashion movement vertical upward or downward or horizontal lateral expansion? These are some specific questions, which can be answered through the theories of the fashion movement. As the name suggests, trickle-down theory explains why fashion moves in a downward direction, i. It is based on traditional adaptation, as clothing fashion designs were traditionally started by the royal and affluent classes, who were socially prominent people.
Trickle across theory fashion examples
Theories of fashion adoption or distribution are concerned with how fashion moves through the various socioeconomic levels of society. There are three primary theories of fashion adoption: trickle-down, trickle-across and trickle-up. However, no one theory is adequate to discuss fashion theory or explain how fashion moves through society. The Trickle-Up theory involved innovation or a particular style or fashion that begins on the streets, worn by lower income groups and is picked up by designers and then upper-class spheres whom then purchase the designs. A classic and much often discussed example of this trickle-up effect is the T-shirt. Trickle-up fashion trend is based on styles seen in the streets it is sometimes also referred to as the bubble-up pattern. The trickle-up theory is the newest of the fashion movement theories. In this theory the innovation is initiated from the streets and adopted from Lower class income- groups. The innovation eventually flows to Upper class-income groups; thus the movement is traveling from the bottom up. Trickle-across theory assumes that fashion moves across socioeconomic levels relatively rapidly. Clothing styles do not trickle down but appear at all price points at approximately the same time. Once a design appears on the runway, a variety of companies produce similar garments, allowing widespread access to fashion.
Proponents of the trickle-across theory claim that fashion moves horizontally between groups on similar social levels King; Robinson. The graph trickle across theory fashion examples the rate and time involved in the diffusion process, with the horizontal axis indicating the time and the vertical axis indicating the number of adopters or users Sproles and Burns Rogers, E.
Fashion involves change, novelty, and the context of time, place, and wearer. Blumer describes fashion influence as a process of "collective selection" whereby the formation of taste derives from a group of people responding collectively to the zeitgeist or "spirit of the times. Central to any definition of fashion is the relationship between the designed product and how it is distributed and consumed. The study of fashion in the twentieth century has been framed in terms of a fashion systems model with a distinct center from which innovations and modifications radiate outward Davis Designers work from the premise of one look, one image for all, with rules about hem lengths and what to wear with what. In this model, the fashion-consuming public develops from an innovative central core, surrounded by receptive bands of fashion consumers radiating outward from the center.
Just as trend forecasting requires systematic research and analysis, and is not a sudden spark of insight, trends themselves do not appear out of the blue. Trends diffuse within a society over time based on their own characteristics and those of the people who adopt the products, ideas, and services that represent those trends. Trends do not take place in a vacuum; they are embedded in the context. A trend forecaster needs to know where to look for signs to capture an emerging trend in its infancy. Trends are driven by large forces, and manifest themselves through certain types of behaviors, new styles, products, or services.
Trickle across theory fashion examples
As referenced by Atik and Firat, scholars have long recognized fashion as a phenomenon affecting many aspects of our lives. What is more interesting, is the process of diffusion within fashion that impacts the behaviours of clothing brands around the world. Diffusion in the world of fashion has existed for the past few decades, and the role that it plays has amassed an immeasurable impact within the industry at large. The study of diffusion, in general, explores the individual decision-making that leads people to become similar to their neighbours. To apply this macro concept to the fashion industry, Atik and Firat define the three main theories of fashion trend diffusion: trickle-up, trickle-down, and trickle across. Examples of this through history can be seen through Afro-American culture spreading in American society through music jazz, blues , fashion print fabrics and hairstyles as well as dance.
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Popular culture can influence fashion A new conception of popular culture was pertinent to the potential of dress as a communicator of social distinction and belonging. The lateral movement of trends requires leaders within that social level, they are the pioneers of trends, these trends are assessed by other members of the same societal section and if deemed worthy, accepted and replicated by other members of this group. Fashion change accelerated with major apparel changes occurring in twenty-year intervals. Is the direction of fashion movement vertical upward or downward or horizontal lateral expansion? Davis concludes that it is better to consider fashion as a code and not as a language, but a code that includes expression of such fundamental aspects of an individual as age, sex, status, occupation, and interest in fashion. For example, clothing of French inspiration and origin emphasized contour and cut of dress historically. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. Tortore, and J. A fashionable look involves the form of clothing on the human body and its potential for meaning DeLong Fashion, The Twentieth Century. Tutorialspoint Simply Easy Learning. The first was the making of clothing, from the homemade and custom-made to the ready-made or factory-made; the second was the wearing of clothing, from clothing of class display where clothing was worn as a sign of social class and occupation, to the clothing of democracy where all could dress alike. The lower classes seek to imitate the fashions of the higher classes to lay claim to higher status themselves, while the higher classes seek to differentiate themselves by creating or adopting new fashion trends. Display and appearance of the body were considered innately feminine pursuits and thus the model was constructed in which overt interest in clothing appearance implied a tendency toward unmanliness and effeminacy. The Italians not only produce beautiful fabrics, they also design beautiful clothes as exemplified by such notable talents as Giorgio Armani and Krizia.
Fashion involves change, novelty, and the context of time, place, and wearer. Blumer describes fashion influence as a process of "collective selection" whereby the formation of taste derives from a group of people responding collectively to the zeitgeist or "spirit of the times.
How one dresses for work and play has changed over time. To function, this trickle-down movement depends upon a hierarchical society and a striving for upward mobility among the various social strata. Economics of Fashion. For example, the idea of buying "separates" to mix and match instead of buying complete ensembles has increased the separate purchases of jackets, trousers, shirts, or blouses. Fashion is considered a vehicle of conspicuous consumption and upward mobility for those seeking to copy styles of dress. Following my earlier exploration of trend movement I decided to look at the trickle-across theory. Roach-Higgins, J. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. In the s the number of women who adopted pantsuits encouraged the trend to more casual dressing. Market Segmentation: Definition, Example, Types, Benefits Market segmentation is a way of aggregating prospective buyers into groups with common needs and who respond similarly to a marketing action. Advances in technology and materials used for clothing production provided more comfortable, cheaper, and more attractive items to a larger proportion of the population. Popular culture can influence fashion A new conception of popular culture was pertinent to the potential of dress as a communicator of social distinction and belonging. Fashion changes occurred in the layout of the garment, which in turn focused attention on the silhouette and details, such as bias cutting and shaping DeLong The Fashion System. Mass Production and Democratization of Clothing To provide clothing at moderate cost for all citizens took two primary developments, mass production and mass distribution Kidwell and Christman
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