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Mobile food ordering applications have been rapidly adopted, and their use has become widespread.
Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies. The measures taken within the scope of the Covid pandemic also trigger this improvement. Restaurants or service providers that take food orders strive to direct the food order preferences of the consumers to themselves with the mobile applications that they offer to consumers during the Covid pandemic. Especially young consumers of university students, who have been significantly affected by the pandemic measures, have become an important market for these applications. In this study, the effect of trust on the views of university student consumers towards food ordering applications is investigated within the scope of a model.
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North, D. Pettit, P. Shipman, Z. Consumer acceptance and use of information technology: Extending the unifed theory of acceptance and use of technology. Child, D. Univ Access Inf Soc, 14, Venkatesh, V. Journal of School Psychology, 38 5 , Can, A. Bryne, M. Exploring new factors affecting purchase intention of mobile commerce: Trust and social benefit as mediators,. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 51, — Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient.
The essentials of factor analysis. Janson, A. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient. User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view. Consumer trust, value, and loyalty in relational exchanges. MIS Quarterly, 27 3 , Introduction to special topic forum: Not so different after all: A cross-discipline view of trust. Yousaf, Z. The effects of e-marketing orientation on strategic business performance Mediating role of e-trust. Pettit, P. User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models. International Journal of Business and Management, 6 4 :
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