Tv tropes chainsaw man

The suits are actually a kind of "armor" of sorts, being bulletproof and in most cases, can protect the wearer from fatal attacks.

I would die to keep this life. Understand me? However, after being killed by the yakuza after their attempt to enlist a Devil of their own goes horribly wrong, Pochita merges with Denji to resurrect him as a half-Devil Henshin Hero with a blood-fuelled Healing Factor and the power to sprout chainsaws out of his limbs and face by pulling a ripcord in his chest. While very immature and easily led on by promises of food , money , and sexual favors , Denji is both far less stupid than he appears and nigh-unbreakably determined to live out his meager dreams. Absurd Cutting Power : His primary strength as a combatant, thanks to becoming the eponymous Henshin Hero. Abusive Parents : His father was an abusive alcoholic who attempted to kill him in a drunken rage. Achievements in Ignorance : His friendship with Pochita was born from one.

Tv tropes chainsaw man

Hell, the realm of Devils. A mysterious and bizarre race of supernatural predators that menace the world of Chainsaw Man , Devils Akuma in Japanese are Anthropomorphic Personifications of a specific fear found in the human mind, ranging from ridiculous phobias to ancient terrors that have haunted men since time immemorial. Devils In General Actually a Doombot : Contracted Devils like Kon can manifest aspects of themselves at the behest of their contractors that won't cause them long-term harm if they're destroyed. They can be summoned fully, allowing them to exert their full strength, but they can be killed when they're out in the open in this manner. Alien Blood : Devil blood is bright purple. This is only shown by a few color pages in the manga, but in effect regularly in the anime. Considering the monstrously brutal Curb-Stomp Battle it inflicts on Quanxi's team and Public Safety, it's not hard to see why. It's implied the Four Horsemen, powerful Devils themselves, are unable to kill them; Makima can barely fight back against the Darkness Devil and instead uses Tolka to make a contract with the Hell Devil to get out of Hell rather than fight it, and Yoru who it should be noted is already weakened after Pochita devoured most of her original body recognizes the threat the Falling Devil poses and runs as far away from it as possible while stating fighting the Falling Devil is suicide. Anthropomorphic Personification : Each one represents the fear of a specific thing or concept, with the level of their strength being directly proportional to how feared the idea they represent is. Though how literally "anthropomorphic" they are varies wildly; many are extremely animalistic and show no signs of sapience. As Long as There Is Evil : Because Devils are the physical embodiment of human fears, they can never truly be killed as long as people continue to fear the concept which bring them into existence. However, when they are functionally "killed" in the human world, they reincarnate in Hell with all their memories from the past life gone, so they still die as individuals. Beauty Equals Goodness : The more humanlike a devil is in appearance, the more akin to a human their thoughts, mind, and belifes will be.

Makima kills Power. Chapter shows that she retains Makima's possessive nature and has some knowledge of Denji's life before she herself came into the world, even if she otherwise acts very different. Tolka Tolka.

The Yakuza In General. The Yakuza. Denji is introduced working for a small-time group of them to pay off his dead father's debts. Though the minor outfit ends up zombified by the Zombie Devil and cut down by Chainsaw Man, members from larger families are later recruited by Katana Man to target Denji. Asshole Victim : Every time they show up, they do something horrible. Which just makes it all the more cathartic when something horrible happens to them immediately afterwards. The outfit that forced Denji into indentured servitude since childhood under threat of death end up making a deal with the Zombie Devil to gain some of its power.

Welcome to the Chainsaw Man Wiki , a Wiki dedicated to everything about the manga series Chainsaw Man that anyone can edit. Please help us by creating or editing any of our articles! If you see this, your JavaScript might be disabled or DiscordIntegrator plugin isn't working. If the latter, please contact a wiki administrator. Chainsaw Man Wiki Explore. Fiend Hybrid Devil. Opening Themes Kick Back.

Tv tropes chainsaw man

The suits are actually a kind of "armor" of sorts, being bulletproof and in most cases, can protect the wearer from fatal attacks. Brain Drain : The Public Safety agents who don't die on the job or quit the business entirely tend to move into safer devil hunting jobs in the private sector. The ones who stay long-term tend to either have a genuine interest in protecting the people, want revenge against devilkind, or just love fighting. Bulletproof Vest : Their suits are durable enough to let Aki survive the same attack that cut Denji in half. Creature-Hunter Organization : They're the government agency in charge of hunting dangerous devils.

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Moral Myopia : Quanxi takes offense at Santa Claus hurting her girlfriends, yet doesn't care if they act like typical fiends, including Cosmos Mind Raping a civilian for essentially no reason. A very heavy drinker, not that it does anything to slow down his skills. Would Hurt a Child : Its first action upon being summoned is to kill every child under the age of 12 within a meter radius. After being left for dead by Makima, but actually barely living inside Pochita's blood, Power reminisces about her nihilistic views once again but this time to break it even further. After a series of events she is partially to blame for, Denji snaps and decides to become Chainsaw Man full-time, which means that he no longer has the time to or interest in raise her. A lot of Denji and Reze's relationship is cute and wholesome, which ends up being why the outcome of the Bomb Devil arc was considered so tragic. From this point on, the series defies this as Denji grows to not let his judgment be clouded by his hormones. Crosses over with funny moments, but it's both hilarious and awesome that Denji has grown so strong since the beginning of Part 1 that when he realizes he's been trapped by the Eternity Devil again , his only response is to simply moan "That pain in the ass is back from Hell again. It's seemingly freed after Aki becomes the Gun Fiend and his eyes are replaced with a barrel , implying Future tricked him into helping it escape. Body Horror : You see that floating pink halo above her head in the picture at the top of this folder? He revels in fighting and killing to no end when in his Devil form, coming off as a deranged sadist in his most ruthless moments.

Makima, the series' first Control Devil, revealing her true nature. Her first incarnation to appear in the series is Makima, Denji's domineering caretaker and love interest who is eventually revealed to be the Big Bad of Part 1.

Despite the intimidating name and various nightmarish depictions in real-world media, Hell is shown to be a grassy plain with doors floating in the sky, with said doors implied to correspond to specific Devils. Pochita merges with him and resurrects him, giving him chainsaw powers and the abilities of a devil. Scales of justice are also appropriate seeing that the initial threat was the Justice Devil, who is ambiguously working for the Famine Devil aka the Horseman of Famine, who is usually portrayed with scales of justice as their symbol in various interpretations. Take it!! The anime added fuel to the fire with a scene in the first opening where all of Division 4 can be seen in a movie theater together, including Arai. Even after being shot by Katana Man, she grabs him with the Ghost Devil and would likely have killed him for good if Sawatari didn't kill the Ghost Devil. Chapter Absolutely terrifying as it may be , the Darkness Devil 's debut is also horrifically awe-inspiring. It's not clear how or why they differ from other Devils, but its implied to stem from gratitude towards humans who take mercy on them at their most vulnerable. Denji is smart enough to ask how she could know that, which she refuses to clarify and only goes as far as to admit that it's at least a mindset that will allow him to defend himself. We Hardly Knew Ye : Two of them wind up dead, within mere chapters of their introduction. Something as mundane as a pizza is what's motivating Famine to try to stop the apocalypse. Outside-Context Problem : So powerful, so ancient and so inhuman as to effectively be operating on an unknowable, completely different set of rules to everyone and everything else seen so far. He's a dangerous and brutal opponent, but he's far from smart and relies only on sheer brute strength to win fights. This gives Denji an opening to kill him, which very clearly destroys him emotionally. While the situation is very mundane, it shows that Denji's willing to live and think for himself in the present day, which is huge given everything he had to go through in Part 1, including actually losing his will to live and trying to become Makima's unthinking "dog".

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