nudity nudity

Author: Dan Clancy. On Wednesday, we updated our Sexual Content Policy. Our primary goal nudity making these updates was to make our guidelines easier to understand and enforce.

Streaming platform Twitch recently announced a change to its sexual content policies that allowed some forms of fictionalized nudity—such as digital characters, sculptures, or drawings—as long as it was properly labeled. Earlier this month, a new Twitch trend kicked off a firestorm of discourse and angry men yelling about women. Some women were streaming themselves using certain camera angles to appear topless. In response, Twitch stepped in on December 13 and updated its sexual content policies , hoping to streamline some confusion and keep correctly labeled adult content off the homepage, but still on the site. It also officially allowed digital and fictionalized nudity. nudity

Just two days after updating its policy to allow for more nudity, Twitch has announced that it's immediately "rolling back the artistic nudity changes. Clancy explained the decision to reverse course, writing that the policy was updated in response to user requests that Twitch "allow the thriving artist community on Twitch to utilize the human form in their art. However, soon after the policy was changed, Clancy said that an unquantified number of streamers "created content that was in violation of our new policy. Clancy confirmed that there are currently no other changes to the sexual content policy recently announced that briefly allowed more nudity after years of banning mostly female-presenting streamers who were penalized for violating sexual content policies that Twitch now admits were too confusing. In one prominent example, just two days before the policy change, Twitch banned OnlyFans model Morgpie for posting "topless" streams. To critics, Twitch's rationale for banning Morgpie remains unclear. In a blog post on Wednesday , Twitch Chief Customer Trust Officer Angela Hession wrote that Twitch "received consistent feedback from streamers that our current policies around sexual content are confusing and that it can be difficult to know how their content will be interpreted based on these policies. Combined with another policy that restricted "sexually suggestive" content, Twitch's former policy was found to be "overly punitive" and "resulted in female-presenting streamers being disproportionately penalized," Hession wrote. In an effort to eliminate confusion, Twitch announced that it had consolidated two separate policies that addressed sexual content under Twitch's community guidelines into one single sexual content policy. That policy "specifies the types of sexual content that are prohibited on Twitch" and clarifies enforcement. Another key part of the policy overhaul, Twitch has also begun allowing some sexual content that was previously restricted, so long as appropriate Content Classification Labels CCLs indicating sexual themes are applied. These labels will ensure that content is not removed but also prevent mature content from being promoted on the homepage, Hession wrote, ensuring that no Twitch user ever encounters inappropriate content that they do not wish to see. The only exceptions will be made for streams labeled as including mature-rated games and profanity, which will still appear in the main feed on the homepage. Streams with sexual themes label will, however, still be recommended in the left bar of the homepage, where a thumbnail isn't displayed. Failing to label sexual content can result in penalties, like warnings, but not suspensions, Hession wrote.

A: Content with a focus on fictionalized drawn, animated, or sculpted sexual body parts regardless of gender such as doing nude nudity drawing are allowed with a Sexual Themes Label.

Author: Angela Hession. We have received consistent feedback from streamers that our current policies around sexual content are confusing and that it can be difficult to know how their content will be interpreted based on these policies. We want streamers to feel confident they understand our rules and viewers to feel confident they will get the experience they expect. To accomplish this we are making two changes, effective today:. To be effective, policies need to be easy to understand so that a streamer knows what is allowed on the site and what is not allowed. Part of the confusion comes from the fact that there are currently two separate policies in the Community Guidelines that address sexual content. There is also an additional section in the Content Classification Guidelines that describes when a streamer needs to label their content as including Sexual Themes.

Just two days after updating its policy to allow for more nudity, Twitch has announced that it's immediately "rolling back the artistic nudity changes. Clancy explained the decision to reverse course, writing that the policy was updated in response to user requests that Twitch "allow the thriving artist community on Twitch to utilize the human form in their art. However, soon after the policy was changed, Clancy said that an unquantified number of streamers "created content that was in violation of our new policy. Clancy confirmed that there are currently no other changes to the sexual content policy recently announced that briefly allowed more nudity after years of banning mostly female-presenting streamers who were penalized for violating sexual content policies that Twitch now admits were too confusing. In one prominent example, just two days before the policy change, Twitch banned OnlyFans model Morgpie for posting "topless" streams. nudity

Author: Dan Clancy. On Wednesday, we updated our Sexual Content Policy. Our primary goal in making these updates was to make our guidelines easier to understand and enforce.

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On Wednesday, we updated our Sexual Content Policy. So, effective today, we are rolling back the artistic nudity changes. Combating Account Takeover. Author: Dan Clancy. Much of the content created has been met with community concern. Cookie Policy. H1 Transparency Report. Cleavage is unrestricted as long as these coverage requirements are met and it is clear that the streamer is wearing clothing. Just two days after updating its policy to allow for more nudity, Twitch has announced that it's immediately "rolling back the artistic nudity changes. Submit Feedback.

By Todd Spangler. NY Digital Editor.

Managing Harassment. Digital Services Act Information. Q: What is changing with this new update? The updated Attire Policy now reads new language in bold :. Broadcasting nude or partially nude minors is always prohibited, regardless of context. We have received consistent feedback from streamers that our current policies around sexual content are confusing and that it can be difficult to know how their content will be interpreted based on these policies. Digital depictions of nudity present a unique challenge—AI can be used to create realistic images, and it can be hard to distinguish between digital art and photography. This restriction does not apply to Mature-rated games. The A. Terms of Service. In making this update, we were trying to be responsive to these requests and allow the thriving artist community on Twitch to utilize the human form in their art. Submit Feedback.

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