Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy. Just sign up on twoxchromosomes site, and you'll be able to join and interact with communities on any other Lemmy site, twoxchromosomes.
Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists. You can click a subreddit name to see stats graphs, etc. Click on the link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit. This subreddit is quarantined. Data collection may not work properly please direct complaints to reddit admins. Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy.
I'm a default twoxchromosomes mod. I would love to see better moderation tools. Our AutoModerator shadowban list and our ban list is so ridiculously long I can barely scroll it. It'd be amazing if we didn't have to rely on a bunch of other tools toolbox, RES, AutoModerator or consider building our own tools subreddit history scraper. I would also love to see a better take on Reddit too. Some of this is inevitable but it's pretty annoying that there isn't much we can do here either other than deleting things after the fact. I don't think that those two alone will improve the site significantly, but it would be a burden lifted for default mods, and that might help clean up parts of the front page. I don't even want to think about how much time we spend on everything from figuring out trolls to writing warning notes for each other, to discussing some idiot user trying to dox one of the mods. It'd be time we can spend doing other things for the subreddit. That would be nice.
They lost twoxchromosomes fight and history has shown that reddit was right it's still continuing to grow. I'm curious why the mods decided to let it become a default. The volume of new users and the labor twoxchromosomes understanding all these rules is huge and its impractical to expect people to digest it all, especially for a topic most users, being male, twoxchromosomes, aren't into, twoxchromosomes.
It uses a forum format for communication. One of the largest and most active communities dedicated to discussions about women's perspectives, experiences, and issues. The subreddit's name "TwoXChromosomes" refers to the biological sex chromosomes associated with females. Women's Health. This community does not set up pairing between its members. This community does not have discounts and perks for its members. Open main menu. Community Overview.
The X chromosome determines your sex, gives some females super color vision and lends its magic to a certain breed of cat. In the nucleus of each cell, DNA packaged in thread-like structures called chromosomes. Most human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. One set of chromosomes comes from the mother, while the other comes from the father.
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I think that would result in some very interesting subreddit specific ranking algorithms. Where did you do your checking? The post I was responding to is just another person from that era who is still salty about it. If you want a job in IT, study math and science instead of art, keep learning and gaining experience over the years to become better so you can get a job. What if moderators had control of how posts are ranked in their subreddits? Voting and karma is Reddit's biggest flaw because as you said "Voting in an open system only works to reenforce the viewpoints of the majority of voters. It can be a place for "good content" while also trying to be a more open form of discussion. How often do you see a new, niche bar later attract a broader crowd and turn into the sort of place that attracts thugs? Semaphor on Sept 30, root parent next [—]. Yes, one thing I would like see in moderator tools is: edit the headlines. Reddit's need for growth and popularity means decent subs become shitty subs over time. The volume of new users and the labor of understanding all these rules is huge and its impractical to expect people to digest it all, especially for a topic most users, being male, aren't into.
It hardly seems worth an argument: It is. The thriving social news site is a community where a legitimate female rape victim is met with skepticism, but a fake male cancer victim is accepted without question. I hate that I even second guessed what I wanted to do, based on what a bunch of men were saying.
Goladus on Oct 1, root parent prev next [—]. Talk about failure of design! Perhaps the early arrivals subscribe to the ethos while the late-comers are just there because their base needs are met. Worse, once a sub is made a default, its quantity goes up but its quality goes down. Some type of moderation is, in my opinion, a necessity. That would be nice. Apologies in advance! The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the ' fediverse '. This seems to be almost universally true for any online community. Terrible, terrible decision to take a community of respect and trust and open the floodgates to the greater internet full of assholes and trolls. I don't remember any default usenet groups in nn, tin, gnus I enjoy both types of content, and so I enjoy doing either. Semaphor on Sept 30, root parent prev next [—]. I dislike the idea that men can only be sold on feminism if they think there's something in it for them.
You have thought up such matchless phrase?