Uniqlo pronounce
Thanks for contributing. Please Log in or Register or post as a guest, uniqlo pronounce. Add word Add a pronunciation Add collection Create quiz Log in or Sign up.
Third syllable sounds like the world "low", but with a "k" sound at the beginning of it. So "klow. Hopefully if you weren't able to quite get the pronunciation of one of the syllables from my guide above, one of these will help you figure out how it's said in English! The Japanese pronounce Uniqlo in four syllables:. This is true, and some will use it to state the in my opinion incorrect assumption that because Uniqlo is pronounced differently in Japanese, that means anyone pronouncing the brand name "Uniqlo" as "you-knee-klow" in English is saying the brand name incorrectly. Uniqlo is an abbreviation of "Unique Clothes" - so calling Uniqlo by the pronunciation above which can also be written out as Uni-Clo, i.
Uniqlo pronounce
Phonetic spelling of Uniqlo uniq-lo. Polish -Gloria Mary. Marchena [en].
Thanks for contributing. Please Log in or Register or post as a guest. Add word Add a pronunciation Add collection Create quiz Log in or Sign up. Learn how to pronounce Uniqlo Uniqlo. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Uniqlo. Very easy. Thanks for your vote! Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Practice mode x x x.
Uniqlo pronounce
Third syllable sounds like the world "low", but with a "k" sound at the beginning of it. So "klow. Hopefully if you weren't able to quite get the pronunciation of one of the syllables from my guide above, one of these will help you figure out how it's said in English! The Japanese pronounce Uniqlo in four syllables:. This is true, and some will use it to state the in my opinion incorrect assumption that because Uniqlo is pronounced differently in Japanese, that means anyone pronouncing the brand name "Uniqlo" as "you-knee-klow" in English is saying the brand name incorrectly.
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It will charge 10 yen 9 cents , including tax, per bag at all its Un.. Max Wiza. Uniflow steam engine. The Japanese pronounce Uniqlo in four syllables: First syllable sounds like the word "you. Add phonetic spelling Cancel. Ridichi [en]. Yup, you've said it. Guess the Synonym. The Japanese pronounce Uniqlo in four syllables:. Thank you for contributing Congrats! Thanks for contributing. Anya Swaniawski. Just like different brand names are pronounced differently in other languages and in other countries it's perfectly valid for English speakers to pronounce Uniqlo as "yu-knee-clo" in their own language. Thanks for your vote!
Here are a few formal variations:. For casual conversations or when speaking with friends, you might prefer a more relaxed pronunciation.
Comments about Uniqlo. View article Xinhua. Learn more here. Polish -Gloria Mary. All sorts of brands, from Nike and Adidas, to McDonalds, IKEA, and Auchan, sound very different depending on where you are in the world, and which language the native speakers are pronouncing the name in. Have you finished your recording? Guess the Synonym. Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. How good are you in English? Hello Linguists! Here are some more: "yuni-clo" "yoo-nee-klow" "yu-knee-clo" "yuni-klo" "uni-clo" Hopefully if you weren't able to quite get the pronunciation of one of the syllables from my guide above, one of these will help you figure out how it's said in English! Examples of in a sentence Uniqlo releases 19 sequence stores in China.
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