university of ottawa gpa scale

University of ottawa gpa scale

Table of contents. Candidates are admitted subject to, and during attendance are bound by, all academic, disciplinary and other regulations of the Xrares and the Common Law Section, as well as any amendments thereto. Full-time attendance is required during the 30 teaching weeks of each academic year, during which Enrolment in other academic or professional programs is prohibited, university of ottawa gpa scale.

Your academic standing means how well you are doing, grade-wise, in your program of study. The official uOttawa grading system is alphanumeric, which means it uses letters with corresponding numerical values. Some faculties or programs of a particular faculty may have other requirements, subject to the approval of the Senate. If you have taken successfully or not at least 24 units and your cumulative grade point average CGPA is less than the minimum required for your program, your faculty will put you on probation. This means that you will be monitored until your CGPA reaches the minimum required by your program. Decisions on lifting probation or withdrawal from the program are made only after you have taken successfully or not another 24 units, in accordance with the conditions of your probation. Probation is lifted when your CGPA reaches the required minimum for your program.

University of ottawa gpa scale

Created in , the masters program in public and international affairs offers a bilingual, multidisciplinary curriculum designed for those who wish to pursue careers or further graduate studies related to the fields of public policy, international affairs, and international development. The program has been designed with three objectives in mind. This grade may also be awarded if a student's work is hampered by vagueness, inconsistencies, or a failure to grasp key concepts or points. This grade may also be awarded if a student's work is clear and focused, yet is not exceptional or innovative. A grade of B may equally indicate that the student's work contains a few errors, average literary style or presentation, or is padded. This grade may also be awarded if a student's work is particularly clear, well-developed, and shows some originality, yet is not especially exceptional or innovative. This grade may also be awarded if a student's work is precise, remarkably well articulated or presented, and demonstrates innovative thinking, yet is not truly outstanding or original. A grade of A- is only awarded to work that is nearly free of errors, evidences a refined literary style or presentation, and contains no superfluous material. This grade may also be awarded if a student's work is remarkably precise, original, and very well articulated or presented. A grade of A is only awarded to work that is free of errors, evidences a highly refined literary style or presentation, and contains no superfluous material.

Where the project is a research paper, the recommended lengths for such papers, excluding footnotes and bibliography, are as follows:. A student with an outstanding balance or other financial obligations to the University cannot obtain a transcript. Academic Regulation B-3 — Admission to a Program.

It must be applied to all courses except in cases approved by the University Senate. This does not apply to graduate studies. The minimum passing grade is D for all courses at the undergraduate level, except as explicitly stated below. The grade point represents a student's performance in a course and takes into account both the number of units as well as the numerical value of the letter grade. To determine grade points, the number of units for the course is multiplied by the numerical value of the letter grade.

Created in , the masters program in public and international affairs offers a bilingual, multidisciplinary curriculum designed for those who wish to pursue careers or further graduate studies related to the fields of public policy, international affairs, and international development. The program has been designed with three objectives in mind. This grade may also be awarded if a student's work is hampered by vagueness, inconsistencies, or a failure to grasp key concepts or points. This grade may also be awarded if a student's work is clear and focused, yet is not exceptional or innovative. A grade of B may equally indicate that the student's work contains a few errors, average literary style or presentation, or is padded.

University of ottawa gpa scale

The reference to a particular regulation must be composed of the letter of the regulation preceded by the number of the part from which it comes. Students should consider the academic regulations of their faculty and read them in parallel with the University's Academic Regulations below. Academic Regulation A-1 - Bilingualism. Academic Regulation A-2 - Course. Academic Regulation A-3 - Grading System.

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Enrolment in additional courses. Students requesting a remedy on medical grounds must submit with their application a medical certificate with the date of the medical examination and the date the certificate was issued. All courses are graded according to the alpha-numeric scale. Students who refuse to attempt or who attempt and fail the supplemental examination receive no credit for the course. If the course begins and ends on dates other than those specified in the academic calendar, consult the academic unit or FGPS concerning the deadline for withdrawal. This evaluation must take place prior to or during the December examination period. Grade point The grade point represents a student's performance in a course and takes the number of units as well as the numerical value of the letter grade into account. Calculations are for information purposes only. Thereafter, the instructor may not change the deadline for submission of the assignment if any student registered in the course objects to the proposed change. In order for their names to be submitted to the Senate, students who expect to complete their degree requirements must fill in the Enrollment for Degree and Request for Diploma form, and send it to the Office of the Registrar no later than March 31 for spring convocation and no later than September 15 for fall convocation. At the beginning of each upper year course, before the end of the course change period, instructors must confirm to students in writing the method of evaluation that will be used in the course.

Your academic standing means how well you are doing, grade-wise, in your program of study. The official uOttawa grading system is alphanumeric, which means it uses letters with corresponding numerical values.

Interruption of studies. Unless authorized by the Common Law Student Centre, no extra time will be accorded on the basis of technical problems related to computerized examinations. Regulation Academic Standing, Probation and Mandatory Withdrawal Graduate You may apply for temporary leave from your program only on medical, compassionate or parental grounds. A student wishing to obtain an extension beyond the 12 month limit must apply in writing to the Examinations Committee prior to the expiry of this period and provide detailed grounds for the request. Instructors should not schedule make-up classes for the last three weeks of the term, except for the purpose of replacing classes missed in that period. To calculate the cumulative grade point average CGPA , the sum of all grade points is divided by the sum of all course units taken successfully or not by the student. For undergraduate studies, the passing grade is usually D. Scope of application, citation and relationship with faculty-specific academic regulations The University's Academic Regulations are divided into three categories: Category A "Joint Regulations" sets out the Academic Regulations applicable to all levels of studies at the University of Ottawa unless otherwise specified in the particular regulation. A student who achieves a grade point average for the year of 3. ABS Absent — Symbol used when a student has not attended the course, has not submitted any assignments and has not advised the University that they wish to drop a course, within the time limits specified in the Important dates and deadlines schedule.

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