Uofm neurology
As one of the first neurology departments in the country, we have provided generations of physicians and scientists with the knowledge, skills and compassion necessary to provide high-quality patient care. Our goal is to provide outstanding care for patients with disease affecting the nervous system, while also advancing our understanding and treatment of these conditions through research and other scholarly work. We believe we can better achieve this goal by fostering an environment that promotes health and wellness not only within the department but also across all segments of our uofm neurology. Neurology Information for Patients, uofm neurology.
Jump to content. Our job is to determine if your symptoms are the result of a problem in your nervous system, and then either treat you in our clinic, refer you to one of our subspecialty neurology clinics or work with your referring physician, depending on your needs. We evaluate as many as 8, patients each year. Evaluation always begins with compiling a thorough medical history. We do that by listening to you, understanding your symptoms and reviewing your family history. We also conduct comprehensive physical and neurological exams. If needed, we may order tests, such as an MRI, an electromyogram EMG -- to test the electrical activity of your muscles , an electroencephalogram EEG -- to test the electrical activity of your brain or a spinal tap to look at your spinal fluid.
Uofm neurology
Patient care has been the highest priority of the Department of Neurology at the University of Minnesota since its founding in The department has fostered the development of a wide range of subspecialty services provided by expert clinicians; these include Alzheimer's disease, ataxia, epilepsy, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, neurobehavioral and neuromuscular disorders, stroke, disorders of sleep, pain management, and neurocritical care. Our specialists treat a wide range of conditions and perform a variety of procedures. View the full lists of conditions and procedures on the M Health Fairview website. The following is a list of clinics where our specialists are available for appointment within the Twin Cities metro area:. Pediatric Neuromuscular Interdisciplinary Clinic. Memory Care Program. Sleep Center. We are a teaching facility affiliated with the University of Minnesota Medical School. Therefore, some or all of your care may be performed by a resident physician or an advanced medical fellow in our neurology program under the supervision and direction of a faculty neurologist. You may be asked to give permission for a medical student to observe or participate in your care. You may decline permission if you are in any way uncomfortable with this. If you need to reach any of our clinics by fax, please use the below contact information:.
We are fortunate to have Drs.
The academic mission of the department is to provide a basic understanding of the causes of neurological disorders and through this understanding to develop effective new therapies. Research is a critical element in the fight against neurological disease; it paves the way for the development and implementation of new therapies and provides opportunities to expand our academic mission. Our clinics have established a track record of cutting-edge care. Medical staff use state-of-the-art techniques in the diagnosis, evaluation, management, and treatment of adult patients with demyelinating disorders and autoimmune disorders of the brain and spinal cord. Translating cutting edge research to world-class patient care is the highest priority for the Department of Neurology at the University of Minnesota. Our faculty are committed to providing and improving the most advanced therapies for neurological disorders. Skip to main content.
Jump to content. More than 20 million Americans have peripheral neuropathy, which can cause chronic pain, weakness, tingling, numbness and balance issues. Peripheral Neuropathy — a disorder of the peripheral nerves that affects the hands and feet — can be helped, and in some cases cured. For the best outcome, experience is key. The specialists of the Department of Neurology at Michigan Medicine have the experience, the newest treatments, and a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive, coordinated care. For patients with acquired neuropathy, our referral-only Peripheral Neuropathy Clinic is a designated center of the Neuropathy Association — one of a select few in the country. For patients with inherited neuropathy, or Charcot- Marie-Tooth Disease CMT , our CMT multidisciplinary clinic, a part of the international Inherited Neuropathy Consortium, offers the access to a neurologist, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, PT, OT, orthotics and genetic counseling, all in one visit. Our physicians are all board-certified subspecialists who are often called in for second opinions.
Uofm neurology
Jump to content. Multiple Sclerosis can be a challenging disease to diagnose and treat, especially when having MS can also mean having other health issues that need to be treated. And our team of physicians from a variety of disciplines works together to manage all your symptoms with the goal to provide a better quality of life. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord. It can cause problems with muscle control and strength, vision, balance, feeling and thinking. MS is different for each person.
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We are a teaching facility affiliated with the University of Minnesota Medical School. As one of the first neurology departments in the country, we have provided generations of physicians and scientists with the knowledge, skills and compassion necessary to provide high-quality patient care. DEI Our success depends on fostering an environment where people of all backgrounds feel supported, respected and included. Outstanding Care for an Outstanding Community Our goal is to provide outstanding care for patients with disease affecting the nervous system, while also advancing our understanding and treatment of these conditions through research and other scholarly work. As you might imagine though, it can be tricky to pull out meaningful information from the text of clinical notes. Medical staff use state-of-the-art techniques in the diagnosis, evaluation, management, and treatment of adult patients with demyelinating disorders and autoimmune disorders of the brain and spinal cord. Medical School. Patient care has been the highest priority of the Department of Neurology at the University of Minnesota since its founding in The department has fostered the development of a wide range of subspecialty services provided by expert clinicians; these include Alzheimer's disease, ataxia, epilepsy, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, neurobehavioral and neuromuscular disorders, stroke, disorders of sleep, pain management, and neurocritical care. We believe we can better achieve this goal by fostering an environment that promotes health and wellness not only within the department but also across all segments of our community. Translating cutting edge research to world-class patient care is the highest priority for the Department of Neurology at the University of Minnesota. Meet Our New Faculty. Our job is to determine if your symptoms are the result of a problem in your nervous system, and then either treat you in our clinic, refer you to one of our subspecialty neurology clinics or work with your referring physician, depending on your needs.
As one of the first neurology departments in the country, we have provided generations of physicians and scientists with the knowledge, skills and compassion necessary to provide high-quality patient care.
Evaluation always begins with compiling a thorough medical history. Intravenous IV ketamine helped relieve the depression symptoms of half of the veterans who received it at VA hospitals. As one of the first neurology departments in the country, we have provided generations of physicians and scientists with the knowledge, skills and compassion necessary to provide high-quality patient care. Because of our multidisciplinary approach, we collaborate with specialists across a variety of departments to provide you the most comprehensive care, including neurosurgery, rheumatology, infectious diseases, neuroradiology and otolaryngology ear, nose and throat. Clinic hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a. Joanne also discusses how different professional roles interact across setting of care. We believe we can better achieve this goal by fostering an environment that promotes health and wellness not only within the department but also across all segments of our community. We are fortunate to have Drs. Jump back to top. The following is a list of clinics where our specialists are available for appointment within the Twin Cities metro area:.
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