urban dictionary andy

Urban dictionary andy

Super amazing; weird sense of humor; sometimes a bit hard to understand; but astounding if you urban dictionary andy clever enough to catch it ; an Andie will always have you mesmerized ; intimidating, urban dictionary andy, you are nervous to approach, but still long to just be around one. You'll never be an Andie. You don't have the personality for it. The one and only girl of your dreams.

Andys often obsess over particular parts of a video game medium and cannot be reasoned with about it, because they are too far gone. For example, Classic Andys obsess over Classic, and will refuse to listen to any reasoning or criticisms about Classic. Its varied terrain encompasses glaciers, volcanoes, grassland, desert, lakes and forest. Andy: " One who has a fiery temper and no tolerance for BS Who also keeps their emotions inside until needed then its a nuclear explosion. There are a thousand definitions of Andy on that site. An Andy is literally the video game equivalent of a Stan.

Urban dictionary andy

The sweetest, cutest guy in the world. He makes you feel like the most perfect girl in the world and he loves you no matter what. He is the best boyfriend anyone can have. Idk what to say, sorry Andy XD. An Andy is a type of person that will always give you answers in school or advice. He also on occasion will get some pussy , and is not very good with woman. Tries to fit in, but gets rejected half of the time. An Andy is rarely awkward, but in certain situations will be. He is not afraid of trying things may it be drugs or roller-coasters. Last but not least, an Andy is a kind person, but will once in a while find a person they know they will hate without even knowing them. Andy is a cool and attractive. Andy is the type of dude that would try to fight anyone in a hart beat and lose but telling everyone that he won. Andy is typically a VERY short dude, short temperd and just short in general.

She has your back when you need her and is kind of a psycho.

An ugly coon with big dick. Girl: look its Andy, he looks ugly but he probably has a big dick. Andy is the greatest guy to call your Bestfriend. My guy Bestfriend so happens to be named Andy. He will do absolutely anything to make sure whoever he loves and cares about is happy. He never knows when to stop pushing buttons. Will make sure your okay.

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns. English Usage. Teaching Resources. Video Guides. Video Learn English. Video pronunciations.

Urban dictionary andy

Andys often obsess over particular parts of a video game medium and cannot be reasoned with about it, because they are too far gone. For example, Classic Andys obsess over Classic, and will refuse to listen to any reasoning or criticisms about Classic. Its varied terrain encompasses glaciers, volcanoes, grassland, desert, lakes and forest. Andy: " One who has a fiery temper and no tolerance for BS Who also keeps their emotions inside until needed then its a nuclear explosion. There are a thousand definitions of Andy on that site. An Andy is literally the video game equivalent of a Stan.

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September 3, He would pin you down if he had the chance. Moraellorn-proudmoore October 11, , am 7. Already a memeber? Soon after Milonakis and Mexican Andy appeared, Ice Poseidon and his audience began referring to people with the name "Andy. Super amazing; weird sense of humor; sometimes a bit hard to understand; but astounding if you are clever enough to catch it ; an Andie will always have you mesmerized ; intimidating, you are nervous to approach, but still long to just be around one. The Andy talks behind everyones back talking shit , and buys them bad gifts at birthdays and Christmas. Your very lucky to have a Andy and never want to loose him. Andy: A nice friend. More random definitions. Handsome, caring, goofy, hysterical, and most of all, a smile that is irresistible.

Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced English-language online dictionary for slang words and phrases.

Hey bro did u get with that girl last week? Login Now! She communicate well, and she connects with other people easily. Will make sure your okay. When she's far you feel like there's a hole in your chest Moraellorn-proudmoore October 11, , am 7. An Andy. Krugah-wyrmrest-accord October 11, , am Never cross an andy because if you do you will be the one suffering mass casualties and not by obvious situation but by freak accidents of natures that defy the laws of the very fabric of time and space itself. His physical and emotional attraction can not be matched.

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