valley of the sun jcc photos

Valley of the sun jcc photos

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Valley of the sun jcc photos

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Part of the Ina Levine Jewish Community Campus since it opened in , The J and the Campus remain dedicated to the well-being of people of all ages and faiths, and strive to maintain the highest standards for facilities and programming through classes, services, and events that meet the needs of the greater community. Bill Levine and his wife Ina moved to the Valley from Brooklyn in They and their three children were active members of the local Jewish Community Center, then located in Central Phoenix. When Ina passed away in , Bill wanted to provide a fitting memorial to her devotion to Jewish life and causes. He donated the land to build and with his generosity and that of many other community donors, the Ina Levine Jewish Community Campus was opened in and became the hub of the Jewish and greater community. While the campus is founded on Jewish values such as being kind and repairing the world, it is an inclusive center where all are welcome regardless of faith, background or ability. Marty entered and served his communities with dedication, integrity, compassion and humility. We honor him and the work to which he devoted so much of his life by striving to emulate his example, by caring for one another, and by remaining steadfast in our commitment to something more — something greater in all of us. Also known for his generosity, loyalty, love, resiliency and positive attitude, Martin and his wife Beverly inspired their family to live a life with the values of Chesed loving-kindness and Tikkun Olam repairing the world. The building that houses The J, along with many other Jewish agencies, is proudly dedicated to Marty and countless other Jewish Communal professionals that give their heart and soul each day to sustain, strengthen, and create vibrant and warm environments that are instrumental in generating a transformative impact throughout communities worldwide.

Valley of the sun jcc photos

No matter your background, faith or ability, The J is here for you. Whether you want to meet new friends, learn something new, crush an opponent, or invest in overall health and wellbeing, we have something for everyone. That is why our community prides itself on being your home away from home. From infants and kids to adults and seniors, enjoy inclusive and enriching opportunities for all members of our community. Adults can engage in strategic and social activities like painting sessions, podcast discussions, and game nights. Your gift ensures a strong, vital and enriching future for The J and all those who are touched by our programs and services. We use cookies to improve your browsing experience on our website. By closing this banner or interacting with our site, you acknowledge and agree to our Privacy Policy. Membership Our Partners Blog Login. Join give.

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And so it has. Excavation of Ljubljana and the Biotechnical Faculty of the and lift of the Roman logboat was led by Institute University of Ljubljana. Przez blisko godzinę mia- The engine of US landing barge, by P. Większoœý dokumentacji zostaâa opublikowa- funkcjonujĊce w parach z mieszkalnymi. Punkt saperski nr zakwaliÀkowano jako po- pozwalajĊ przypuszczaý, ůe jednostka zostaâa zatopio- tencjalne stanowisko archeologiczne, prawdopodobnie na w wyniku dziaâaľ wojennych lub póŭniejszych ýwi- wrak jednostki pâywajĊcej. Nazwa nadzoru macierzystego: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Chitoro Limited Z dniem 31 grudnia r. As a result of the research, a bathymetric map of the north — north-western tip of the spit will be elaborated. Most z izbicami widaý równieů i architekt Bonawentura Solari. Dodatkowo, Wszystkie budynki skonstruowano podobnie: byây pro- moůna zaobserwowaý postęp w wyszkoleniu zespoâu.


Mętna woda i duůe nagromadze- nie materiaâu ceramicznego i kamiennego nie pozwala na wyznaczenie zarysu portu. Strongly committed to dissemination of archaeology and protection of cultural heritage. Co jednak z tajem- nazwy. Underwater archaeological exploration focused on the waters near the northern tip of Tendra spit from both Tendrovsky Bay and the sea. Adres instytucji płatniczej: Brink 27c KS Laren. Lechaion Harbour Project, by M. Underwater trenches, which surrounded the island, were divided into Àve modules and four independent ones with a total area of m2. Trześniowski Bathymetric map of the water area of one of the surveyed sites, Sonogram of one of the identified by side scan sonar objects, by A. Moreover, Bartosz Kontny and Artur international character of the conference, partly bilingual Brzóska supervise diving trainings, with the elements edition was published. Kraj pochodzenia: Litwa. Adres instytucji płatniczej: Rue Dethy 4, Brussels, Belgium. Pracownicy i wspóâpracownicy Za- celem jest wymiana informacji i doœwiadczeľ z zakresu kâadu Prof.

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