Verizon cell phone number

To get to a live person at Verizon customer service, you need to dial Alternatively, you can also get in touch with a live person via the Verizon customer service chat, which is available on the Verizon website.

Due to inactivity, your session will end in approximately 2 minutes. Extend your session by clicking OK below. Due to inactivity, your session has expired. Please sign in again to continue. Learn how to change a mobile number in My Verizon.

Verizon cell phone number

Customers can contact Verizon by phone in several ways: 1 Call one of Verizon's toll-free numbers: There are different phone numbers for prepaid and postpaid customers. Call-back appointments can be set via the website as well. Verizon's voicemail system asks questions about the reason for the call: "Yes" or "no" answers will direct the call to the appropriate customer service department. When we activated last 1 line, Verizon switch the phone number to different one. We spend hours and hours to correct those mistake and made our phones work. It's just activation!!! I could not believe the customer service people are so poor of knoridge. They cause all of that problems. If you are considering Verizon, please don't even think about to switch or use Verizon. I am already thinking seriously about to switch back.

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How to stay in touch with Verizon during an emergency. You can reach Verizon several ways if your services are affected by a local, regional or national emergency. Verizon Wireless is a national cell phone service provider with network assets and customers in every U. In the event of an emergency in your area, we immediately begin pushing out information to keep customers up to date on network recovery efforts and community support. Here are several ways we help our wireless customers stay in touch with us:. We provide updates on our Twitter handles. Scroll through the Verizon Wireless support page and click on the Chat button.

Last Updated: May 4, This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. This article has been viewed , times. Learn more If you ever have a problem with your Verizon phone, getting in contact with Verizon is a good way to solve the problem fast.

Verizon cell phone number

Moving or just moved? Yes No. Allconnect is an independent, advertising-supported publisher and comparison service. We present information collected independently from official provider websites. We regularly update the site in an effort to keep this information up-to-date and accurate at all times.

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Shop Verizon Unlimited Data Plans. Scroll through the Verizon Wireless support page and click on the Chat button. Note: If you have a prepaid account, you don't need to select an effective date. I appreciate the customer service representative that I spoke with. The algorithm parameters are: user's rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. Feels Disappointed Mar 08, Contact Verizon Customer Service. I am no longer a Verizon customer. Note: You can select the area code and prefix for your new mobile number. I have paid every bill I've had yet Verizon believe I'm behind a full month. Feels Disappointed Mar 09, After 12 yrs. Companies are selected automatically by the algorithm.

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Never sent me a confirmation number or told me my order was being shipped out with a tracking number pretty sure I won't receive it. Limited time offer. I'm leaving this company. Terms of Service. Wyman Qsv. Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility Close. Inside Verizon Welcome V Team. I am no longer a Verizon customer. A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. Out of business and I. How to Contact Verizon Wireless? Media Advertising Inquiries.

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