versatile mage chapter 1

Versatile mage chapter 1

This article is based on the official translations of the web novel. The information and terminology in the article will be based on the source material rather than the anime or manga. The author of the web novel goes by the name of 'Chaos'.

He awoke, and the world was changed. The familiar high school now teaches magic, encouraging students to become the greatest magicians they can be. Beyond the city limits, wandering magical beasts prey on humans. An advanced scientific world changed into one with advanced magic. Yet, what has not changed was the same teacher who looks upon him with disdain, the same students who look upon him with contempt, the same father who struggles at the bottom rung of society, and the same innocent step sister who cannot walk. However, Mo Fan discovered that while everyone else can only use one major element, he himself can use all magic!

Versatile mage chapter 1

Darth Imperius, know for his kindness and open mind a trait not really favored by his fellow Sith, died after a Hyperspace travel accident, his soul, instead of becoming one with the Force, was sucked in a rift that led him to a parallel dimension. His soul now inhabits the body of the sixteen years old Mo Fan, who's only 30 days away from graduating. Having no knowledge whatsoever of the magical arts due to his laziness, it depends entirely on Kallig Darth Imperius to learn whatever he can and continue his quest for power. The beginning will be similar to the novel, but that's not something I can avoid for now. Opening his eyes, Darth Imperius, also known as Kallig, realized that he was currently in an alien environment. Not just in the normal sense, his clothes, his own body, the people around him, and their words, nothing made sense. Focusing on his memories, he soon remembered an explosion in the Hyperspace driver of his ship and then everything turned dark Digging deeper, it didn't take long for him to find an anomaly, a soul entrapped within both the darkness and lightness he cultivated in his time working in favor of the empire. It was too feeble, a mere fragment, but it contained all he needed to recover the memories of this body. Drawing upon his connection with the Force, he felt overwhelmed with power as the memories flooded his mind, however, the sudden overcharge of power from the force was more than enough to allow him to contain the memories and make them his own. Soon he understood, this body's name was Mo Fan, he was a lazy boy that only caused problems and this was a world that relied on something called magic, but not magic like the one practiced by Sith Alchemists or Dathomirians, what his memories told him, was that they were somehow different, but he couldn't really say why or how exactly. Looking through the window, he wondered just where in the galaxy he was

Bao accepts the job but then brushes her off. Not enough ratings.


Nearly everyone turned their heads around to look at the short, black-haired youth who was sitting at the very back of the classroom. This youth was Mo Fan, the one who only got a single-digit score on the exam. He was able to score 96 despite the exam being this hard. How could you only get a single digit score on the exams? How could such a troublesome student be in my class?

Versatile mage chapter 1

How many more chapters till the Drop. To be honest if that was my teacher telling my test score to the whole class I would have made him quit already I would have made his life a living hell because that shit is not cool. When you go into the isekai mirror dimension and believe is your time to shine and the world reminds you of your place in the pecking order. Chapter 1 done. A fuck ton more chapters to read. This should be interesting. Time to dig in. Remember Me. Log in Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address.

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The watch leader tells Mo Fan to pick another, but refuses. He does this so that he can earn money and gain experience fighting Magic Beasts, hoping to gain a soul essence to evolve the Dark Pendant. At this point it was revealed that a single fruit is also capable of fusing together 10 fire spirit species into a fire soul species, a venture that could easily yield Million RMB in profit. Mo Fan later hears that both Zhou Min and Mu Bai are being deployed later at night to combat the undead, having nothing better to do, he decides to join them. Comedy March 11, Believing her to be the next target, Mo Fan tail's Liu Zhu in order to get the vampire in a trap, but Liu Zhu had set her own. The team finds the nest located on an island surrounded by smaller islands. Based on his memories, Mo Fan knew of something similar called Magic Formations, but After stepping in, the team reaches a long corridor, Su Xiaolu said that one shouldn't look into the paintings as they have a attention focus curse. He wanted to participate, but the starting price was already outside Mo Fan's price range.


They went to the town were the infection appeared during their night stay. In the process of escaping, the void barrier on the corridor was lifted. After revealing that he managed to slip Tang Yue an aphrodisiac when they were at the same diner the previous night, Tang Yue managed to release mid tier fire magic, but it only has the effect of destroying the criminal's armor and Tang Yue collapses again. The Fiery Goddess flew over in the form of a meteor and easily breached the protective enchantment, but the cousin's mother had been awaiting her arrival. On his way to bed, Mo Fan hears a massive alarm go off, and subsequently gathers with the rest of the japanese soldiers stationed at the fort for battle. While on the other end, the Bai Tingting managed to bring the team back to their senses, but at the cost of Ming Cong. By the time he has defeated all 6 summoning mages are defeated, only 50 students had been defeated, meaning Mo Fan had to defeat 50 students by himself. Mo fan immediately went to call Zhang Xiou Hou, who was an active member of the millitary at the time. Having found a new gear, Mo Fan instantly used the devil element and killed the remaining undead. At that moment, 5 more members from the vatican jumped from the ceiling, subdued Xu shoating and dragged him off. The monk transforms into a red demon and fights Mo Fan, but loses. Mo Fan surprises everyone present by revealing his lighting element, which is also at the 3rd stage of the Novice Tier.

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