Warcraft 3 captain
This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. The captain unit appeared in 4 Alliance missions and it represented both of Arthas' captains, Falric and Marwyn. Though the game doesn't make distinctions, they both appear as the same unit. Warcraft 3 captain is essentially an upgraded version of the footman, with more hitpoints, armor and damage output.
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Warcraft 3 captain
We have moved to Warcraft Wiki. Click here for information and the new URL. Captains are elite variants of the footmen that helped lead Alliance troops in the Third war. The brave captains did what they could to defend Lordaeron against the Scourge with Arthas. The Captain helping Arthas was split into Falric and Marwyn , which assisted Prince Arthas throughout his campaign all the way to Northrend , and Luc Valonforth who joined them later. All three of them appear in World of Warcraft , which in addition depicts an anonymous Lordaeron Captain and several Forgotten Captains which also helped managed the forces of the 1st Legion. Additionally, an anonymous Sergeant appears to explain the situation at Hearthglen. Wowpedia Explore. World of Warcraft. Classic Original The Frozen Throne Reforged.
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Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards World of Warcraft What happened to Arthas' captain?
We have moved to Warcraft Wiki. Click here for information and the new URL. Falric in the Death Knight manga. Having grown up around the province of the King's Road , [2] Falric's father originally wanted him to be a farmer. His fate was to be different, however, and he enlisted in the King's Guard in Capital City instead. Arthas quickly befriended him, bringing him a warm drink or two when the weather was foul and Falric was on duty. Such acts of generosity on Arthas's part quickly earned Falric's genuine respect, forging a bond of companionship that was to last for decades to come.
Warcraft 3 captain
This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. The captain unit appeared in 4 Alliance missions and it represented both of Arthas' captains, Falric and Marwyn. Though the game doesn't make distinctions, they both appear as the same unit. It is essentially an upgraded version of the footman, with more hitpoints, armor and damage output. Since he's not a hero, he may not be revived and can neither be replaced, so it's always handy to keep him alive, though you will receive no penalty if he dies aside from losing a powerful, 0 upkeep unit.
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This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. Having grown up around the province of Brill , Falric's father originally wanted him to be a farmer. His fate was to be different, however, and he enlisted in Capital City 's royal guard instead.
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