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Since when did so many of us like watching death? Neither do they pass away too polite , nor go to a better place too peaceful. They are beheaded, incinerated, exploded, crushed, electrocuted, drowned, mangled, stoned and disemboweled. And their deaths, horrific and tragic as they are, can be watched by anyone with internet access, over and over again. The number of people who have watched these death videos without signing in to a Reddit account is unknowable. So many of us would like to retire early. So many of us watch porn.


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For five years, the forum has been a place for people to watch videos and gifs of strangers dying, and has now accumulated , subscribers. Many online spaces that share deaths such as the notorious website rotten. These are the questions the sub immediately provokes — and something its community talk about often. Jeff was first exposed to videos of death in the early days of the internet, when downloading content from Napster often resulted in the accidental viewing of extreme content. On here, things are undeniably gorier and more disturbing, with its members sharing memes, jokes, and pictures designed to shock.


Since when did so many of us like watching death? Neither do they pass away too polite , nor go to a better place too peaceful. They are beheaded, incinerated, exploded, crushed, electrocuted, drowned, mangled, stoned and disemboweled. And their deaths, horrific and tragic as they are, can be watched by anyone with internet access, over and over again. The number of people who have watched these death videos without signing in to a Reddit account is unknowable. So many of us would like to retire early. So many of us watch porn. But since when did so many of us like watching death? Since forever , it turns out. As is the case of so many things — our inability to focus, our loss of face-to-face intimacy — technology is to blame.

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Saturday 18 November Since when did so many of us like watching death? Sunday 22 October Explore more on these topics Internet features. Traffic Cost. Similar Artists Play all. It grew in relative obscurity until this March, when Motherboard reported that the top post on a popular subreddit was a link to a video of an year-old killing himself — a video that, at the same time, topped Watch People Die. His post got 10, responses, nearly all of which demonstrated the other, perhaps less immoral, gazes. Sign Up to Last. Spot toxic links and remove them before they cause harm to your website. Wednesday 25 October


We are attempting to provide a service by showcasing this content. Friday 3 November More Love this track. Jan Search Search. Wednesday 27 December Friday 5 January Tag this artist. Spot toxic links and remove them before they cause harm to your website. Friday 9 February Tuesday 14 November Organic Research is designed to help you discover competitors' best keywords. Saturday 6 January Other international suicide helplines can be found at www. Traffic Cost.

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