Weather the last 7 days

How much rain fell over the weekend?

For best results when printing, resize your browser window to single column view before selecting print. Forecasts and warnings may be updated at any time - always check metservice. Peak wind gust The direction and speed of the highest gust that was recorded in the hour ended at the time shown. Temperature The temperature recorded at the time shown. Rainfall The total rainfall that fell in the hour ended at the time shown.

Weather the last 7 days

Weather observation extremes for yesterday. The information shown is initial data as it is received; observations are subject to final quality control after publication on this website. This is particularly the case for rainfall totals during snow events. UK daily weather extremes. Parameter Location Value Highest maximum temperature Wiggonholt Parameter Location Value Highest maximum temperature Baltasound 7. Parameter Location Value Highest maximum temperature Lossiemouth 6. Parameter Location Value Highest maximum temperature Leuchars 6. Parameter Location Value Highest maximum temperature Boulmer 7. Parameter Location Value Highest maximum temperature Nantwich 9. Parameter Location Value Highest maximum temperature Holbeach

No warnings in place for Hastings. Gisborne Gisborne Ruatoria. NOTE: You may want to print these instructions so you can read them while you perform each step in another browser tab.


Climate data, including past weather conditions and long-term averages, for specific observing stations around the United States is only a few clicks away. Certified weather data for use in litigation is available only through the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N. Month-to-date data likely will appear on this climate page and is among the most popular. This table, known as the preliminary Local Climatological Data LCD or F-6 form, lists the weather summary on a daily basis in each row. These stations are a specific point, typically an airport, and the data listed may not reflect the extreme weather reported nearby through radar estimates, storm spotters and emergency officials of which the media may broadcast. Please Contact Us. Customize Your Weather. Privacy Policy. National Weather Service National Headquarters. Finding past weather

Weather the last 7 days

How much rain fell over the weekend? What was the temperature over the last few weeks? Tables of daily weather observations can answer these common questions. GHCNd includes daily observations from automated and human-facilitated weather stations across the United States and around the world. Observations can include weather variables such as maximum and minimum temperatures, total precipitation, snowfall, and depth of snow on ground. However, not all stations record all variables; about half the stations only report precipitation. Searching by zip code will yield no results if there is no weather station within that zip code, but you can easily expand your search to a city or county. NOTE: You may want to print these instructions so you can read them while you perform each step in another browser tab.

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Searching by zip code will yield no results if there is no weather station within that zip code, but you can easily expand your search to a city or county. Lowest minimum temperature - on the previous day to on the date shown. First, you'll receive a notice that the request has been submitted. Check what the weather was like on specific dates in history: did a snowstorm affect voter turnout on an election day? You can also find Help links on this page. Help us improve our website Take our short survey. Temperature The temperature recorded at the time shown. Tables of daily weather observations can answer these common questions. Taumarunui Taumarunui. View all severe weather. Observations recorded at Hastings AWS GHCNd includes daily observations from automated and human-facilitated weather stations across the United States and around the world. South Island.


North Otago Oamaru Oamaru Airport. Temperature The temperature recorded at the time shown. Highest maximum temperature - to on the date shown. The action will now move to your email inbox. Dunedin Dunedin Middlemarch Mosgiel Waitati. About this extremes data All times are in UTC. GHCNd includes daily observations from automated and human-facilitated weather stations across the United States and around the world. Sunniest - on the previous day to on the date shown. Buller Reefton Westport. Click to see more detail. View all severe weather. What was the temperature over the last few weeks? Weather observation extremes for yesterday.

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