wedgie girl

Wedgie girl

Wedgie Girl School It was about three years ago that I was humiliated by 3 of the wedgie girl girls at my high school, wedgie girl. I was about 16 at the time. Eventhough I was pretty shy and quiet, I was one of the 'cooler' girls because I was an pretty.

First Round: Geena vs. The teacher will get serious mad and probably get you suspended. Fiona AND Yor wedgie commission. A Hoisted Throne! Wedgie commission.

Wedgie girl


Vega bully wedgie comic 2. Then they left me there.


OK, so for all people interested in wedgies I made a compilation, of all the wedgies I knew, found on the internet, and invented myself. Note, that alot of these are taken from other users, who made compilations themselfes. A special thanks to them, who collected these wedgie methods over the years. So, have fun reading and especially: Have fun wedgieing your friends, partners, siblings, enemies and everyone who deserves it! All Around Wedgie: Can be done solo but easiest with two or more people. If solo, give the victim a normal wedgie then spin the around and give them a frontal wedgie, then if you like you can pull up the sides as well. If with a group, have everyone take a side of the victim's underwear one or two hands in the front, back, and sides.

Wedgie girl

For most of us, wedgies are the reserve of nerdy childhoods and bullying brothers, intent on causing you pain and embarrassment by pulling your underwear up so it digs right in between your bum cheeks. Wedgie fetishes have strong ties to the BDSM community, offering a form of domination over the person getting wedgied. For Martin, known as Bullied Nerd or wedgievictim on his Twitter account dedicated to wedgies, wedgies became sexual when he was in his teens, after years of being bullied when he was much younger.

67 pounds in kg

Next Story » Shriveled in the Shower. Wedgie commission. A Hoisted Throne! I hung there for over 2 hours before my panties ripped. There was a third girl on the other side of the fence. From the secret San Francisco Defense Force Headquarters underneath the city, the Colonel spoke into his earpiece while watching the monster on his many monitors. The Wedgie War Wedgie full pic version. And I received several atomic wedgies that day and it all caped off with at the end of the day being hung from the flag pole by the girls lacrosse team. Murder Drones V J hanging wedgie commission. I started pushing and pulling and trying to get free, but I couldn't get any footing. I slid through the hole in the fence and said hi to them.

Feel the wrath of the wicked Wedgie Woman!

Hanging by the fireplace. I figured they'd just let me go. Wedgie Girl School It was about three years ago that I was humiliated by 3 of the nerdiest girls at my high school. Owww, Not Another Hanging Wedgie We walked a little, and then suddenly two of them grabbed me and pushed me backwards towards the fence. They said it would end sooner if I just let them do what they wanted. And were saying stuff like 'Does that feel good sweetie? A Hoisted Throne! Twitter girl gets muted. Then they left me there. Twitter's Wedgie Limit. They pinned me against the fence and held me there. They made fun of me for having a bit of hair coming ou the sides and made fun of my increasingly painful frontal wedgie. Then they came forward and stripped off all my clothes, except my c-cup bra and my panties.

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