

For an overview of all the components in the wgpu ecosystem, see the big picture.

A cross-platform graphics and compute library based on WebGPU. To start using the API, create an Instance. See for more details. Note: In the documentation, if you see that an item depends on a backend, it means that the item is only available when that backend is enabled and the backend is supported on the current platform. However, it can be useful to artificially mark them as Send and Sync anyways to make it easier to write cross-platform code. This is technically very unsafe in a multithreaded environment, but on a wasm binary compiled without atomics we know we are definitely not in a multithreaded environment. Owners kvark grovesNL cwfitzgerald.


Released: Mar 7, View statistics for this project via Libraries. To get an idea of what this API looks like have a look at triangle. That should do the trick on most systems. See getting started for details. Also see the online documentation and the examples. Some functions in the original wgpu-native API are async. In the Python API, the default functions are all sync blocking , making things easy for general use. Async versions of these functions are available, so wgpu can also work well with Asyncio or Trio. To update to upstream changes, we use a combination of automatic code generation and manual updating. See the codegen utility for more information. When running the test suite, pytest will run every example in a subprocess, to see if it can run and exit cleanly. Output testing means the test suite will attempt to import the canvas instance global from your example, and call it to see if an image is produced. Note: this step will be skipped when not running on CI. Since images will have subtle differences depending on the system on which they are rendered, that would make the tests unreliable.

Oct 11,

In-progress recording of a render pass: a list of render commands in a CommandEncoder. Most of the methods on RenderPass serve one of two purposes, identifiable by their names:. Sets the active bind group for a given bind group index. If the bind group have dynamic offsets, provide them in binding order. Subsequent blending tests will test against this value. The slot refers to the index of the matching descriptor in VertexState::buffers. Sets the scissor rectangle used during the rasterization stage.

For an overview of all the components in the gfx-rs ecosystem, see the big picture. See the list of examples. To run the examples on WebGPU on wasm, run cargo xtask run-wasm --bin wgpu-examples. To run the examples on WebGL on wasm, run cargo xtask run-wasm --bin wgpu-examples --features webgl. If you want to use wgpu in other languages, there are many bindings to wgpu-native from languages such as Python, D, Julia, Kotlin, and more. See the list. We have the Matrix space with a few different rooms that form the wgpu community:. We have a wiki that serves as a knowledge base.


It aims to allow web code access to GPU functions in a safe and reliable manner. DirectX, Metal, Vulkan. That being said, wgpu is written in Rust, and it has some convenient Rust bindings that don't have to jump through any hoops. On top of that, I've been enjoying writing in Rust. You should be fairly familiar with Rust before using this tutorial as I won't go into much detail on Rust syntax.

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Run python download-wgpu-native. Since images will have subtle differences depending on the system on which they are rendered, that would make the tests unreliable. Disabled when targeting emscripten. Notifications Fork Star This will automatically run the tests using a packaged browser. Start a occlusion query on this render pass. Sets the active render pipeline. These draw structures are expected to be tightly packed. Owners kvark grovesNL cwfitzgerald. In-progress recording of a render pass: a list of render commands in a CommandEncoder. Describes a BindGroupLayout. Async versions of these functions are available, so wgpu can also work well with Asyncio or Trio. Jan 29, Close Hashes for wgpu Oct 9,

It aims to allow web code access to GPU functions in a safe and reliable manner.

Oct 9, That specification, along with its shading language, WGSL , are both still in the "Working Draft" phase, and while the general outlines are stable, details change frequently. Mar 1, Collections of shader features a device supports if they support less than WebGPU normally allows. Apr 12, Install wgpu-py in editable mode by running pip install -e. Describes a blend component of a BlendState. Folders and files Name Name Last commit message. Owners kvark grovesNL cwfitzgerald. All of these shader languages can be used with any backend as we handle all of the conversions. Draws primitives from the active vertex buffer s.

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