Why does voldemort want to kill harry potter

Severus Snape is so good in the magical area, as we had seen several times. He used Occlumency to block Voldemort's mind. Albus Dumbledore wasn't that weak either.

It's important to remember the ongoing controversial statements by the creator of the Harry Potter franchise. CBR supports the hard work of industry professionals on properties fans know and love and the wider world of Harry Potter that fans have adopted as their own. You can find CBR's continuing coverage on J. Rowling here. The Harry Potter franchise starts with Voldemort killing Harry's parents, James and Lily Potter, but it isn't until Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix that the audience finds out the reason behind this.

Why does voldemort want to kill harry potter

One of the most intense aspects of the "Harry Potter" book series by J. Rowling, and the movie adaptations from Warner Bros. Voldemort is Harry's archenemy, and it is Harry's destiny to finally vanquish the Dark Lord. In response, Voldemort, who has a rather complicated timeline , tries to put an end to the boy wizard in almost every installment. The earlier books indicated that Voldemort's vendetta was driven by Harry "defeating" him as a baby — but it wasn't exactly clear why Voldemort, one of the most powerful wizards to ever live, had wanted to kill Harry so badly in the first place. This is finally explained in the fifth film, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," though the book goes into far more detail. The prophecy foretold that a boy born at the end of July to parents who thrice defied Voldemort would have the power to vanquish the Dark Lord. Voldemort, after hearing the prophecy for himself, assumed that it must refer to the Potters and their young son — though Neville Longbottom, also born at the end of July, could also have been the Chosen One. Voldemort put a lot of stock in the prophecy, and decided that he must kill this child, whose destiny was to face and defeat him. As fans know, Lily Potter did not go down without a fight, putting herself between her son and Voldemort. This sacrifice gave birth to a magical protection that is incredibly human and lovely, and something Voldemort has no hope of understanding.

In the Wizarding World, prophecies are often treated with the same amount of humor and disbelief as mrdeepake are by Muggles. For all intents and purposes, both boys fit the prophecy, but as Dumbledore explained in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixthe prophecy also noted that the Dark Lord would choose and mark the child as his equal.

He had no problem killing people, particularly those who disagreed with him or got in his way. What specifically motivated Voldemort to murder Harry and his parents, though? After 8 films I still have no idea why voldemort want to kill harry!? The main antagonist and evil wizard Lord Voldemort is particularly notable for being a cunning character who has an unexplained fixation on killing Harry Potter. It predicted that a child born at the end of July to parents who had three times disobeyed him would be capable of defeating the Dark Lord.

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Why does voldemort want to kill harry potter

He was aware that by eliminating Harry, the Potter family lineage would cease to exist, leaving no one to challenge his authority. Moreover, Voldemort harbored an insatiable desire to dominate the world and enforce a dictatorship where his followers would hold the most significant influence and authority during his regime. Voldemort, also known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, was a powerful dark wizard and the main antagonist in the Harry Potter series written by J. He was the leader of the Death Eaters, a group of dark wizards and witches who followed his ideology of pure-blood supremacy and sought to establish a new world order where pure-blood wizards and witches would reign supreme over all others. He gained a reputation for being one of the most dangerous and feared dark wizards of all time due to his immense magical abilities and his complete lack of remorse or compassion for his victims. Creating a Horcrux requires committing an act of murder, which is considered one of the darkest and most forbidden forms of magic in the wizarding world. In the series, Voldemort creates seven Horcruxes by splitting his soul into seven parts and hiding them in various objects, making it nearly impossible for him to die unless all the Horcruxes are destroyed. The concept of Horcruxes plays a significant role in the plot of the Harry Potter series, as the main characters must find and destroy all seven Horcruxes to defeat Voldemort and end his reign of terror. In the Harry Potter series, the Prophecy is a prophecy made by the character Sybill Trelawney that states:. The prophecy refers to a child who will have the power to defeat Voldemort, and it sets the stage for the events that occur in the series.

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But Twilight may not be ready for a reboot like Harry Potter. This article has been updated to include more information about why Voldemort wanted to kill Harry in the Harry Potter series, as well as to bring the article up to current CBR standards. He was the boy who lived. After Wormtail revealed the location of their safe house to Voldemort, Voldemort killed Harry's parents , but not before Lily was able to shield her baby with the self-sacrifice of her love. Be sure to check some of my theories. While it may seem ridiculous for such a powerful wizard to feel so threatened by a mere child, Voldemort's first attempt to eliminate Harry Potter bounced back on him and put him out of commission for twelve years. So even if the whole wizarding world turned against Voldemort he would always somehowe survive until he would finnaly face Harry. The titular wizard of the Harry Potter series became renowned, in part, due to his signature lightning bolt scar, both within the Wizarding World and in pop culture. The prophecy mentioned that the person who could vanquish Voldemort would be born in July to parents who had defied him three times and would have powers that Voldemort could not understand. Voldemort respected Harry's parents' skills and considered their son a more dangerous threat than Neville. Updated on February 10, , by Joshua M.

Whether he knew or not is irrelevant. He knew the prophecy said that Harry would have the power to kill him , and that is the main driving force behind his desire to kill Harry.

This is finally explained in the fifth film, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," though the book goes into far more detail. For all intents and purposes, both boys fit the prophecy, but as Dumbledore explained in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , the prophecy also noted that the Dark Lord would choose and mark the child as his equal. It was Neville, after all, who rallied the students against the Death Eaters running Hogwarts while Harry, Ron, and Hermione were off looking for Horcruxes. He earned that telltale scar the night he survived an assassination attempt by one of the evilest wizards who has ever lived. He was right, of course, but only because the prophecy became self-fulfilling through his actions. Cbr supports the hard work of industry professionals on properties fans know and love and the wider world of Harry Potter that fans have adopted as their own. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. This person also has power Voldemort can't understand. What Led to This Shocking Betrayal? Not only did he commit violent mass murder and promote prejudice and blood purity that extended beyond the Wizarding World, but Voldemort spent years targeting a little boy who threatened his quest for immortality. The prophecy mentioned that the person who could vanquish Voldemort would be born in July to parents who had defied him three times and would have powers that Voldemort could not understand. Only the most powerful wizard of his time. Voldemort does not brush her off, perhaps because of the same fear of death that drives his hunger for immortality, also leading him to split his soul into pieces and hide them inside Horcruxes.

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