why is my hamster losing hair

Why is my hamster losing hair

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At first, you may not even notice that little patch of missing hair on your little hamster friend, but sometimes it can continue to grow until it's glaringly obvious. Alopecia, more commonly referred to as hair loss or balding, isn't an uncommon experience for many hamsters. Of course we care about our tiny sidekicks — my first hamster got me through final exams and provided a surprising amount of stress relief. So what can you do to make sure they're healthy and looking fly for their next tiny hamster BBQ? We asked vets to weigh in.

Why is my hamster losing hair

Alopecia is a term for hair loss of the head or body. This conditions is often connected to humans but it can also affect hamsters too. Typically hair loss in hamsters comes with age. Hair loss in old hamsters. Often this hair loss occurs as patches on the back of the hamster. If the hamster alopecia is thought to be caused by a poor diet, you should add more protein into the diet and cut back on cereals. You can give your hamster a drop of cod liver oil daily or yeast tablets in the food once a week. If the hair loss is thought to be caused by an illness or disease, you might need to take your hamster to the vet. See the treatment of mites and mange. Tim Winter has a strong affection for pets and wildlife. His years of experience caring for various types of pets has led him to share his knowledge with others on the best practices in pet care.

Once a hamster has this condition, the outlook is not good. There is no treatment.

Hair loss in hamsters is a common issue and can happen for many reasons. The term for all of this is called alopecia. Just like in humans, there are lots of different reasons for hair loss in hamsters. The pattern of the loss and anything else that might be happening can narrow down the cause, including:. Age Related : this can also be stress related as hamsters are more susceptible to stressors as they age. Environmental Trauma : rubbing certain parts of the body on parts of the cage or fitting into spaces to burrow can cause hair loss.

But what can you do if your formerly fluffy hamster starts losing hair faster than Donald Trump? A hamster may lose hair due to pathological or non-pathological causes. A veterinarian should examine all hamsters with excessive hair loss; depending on the diagnosis, treatment may include medication, diet, separation of cage mates, improved hygiene, and parasite control. All is good with the world until you notice bald spots on your dwarf hamster. To your horror, you realize the bald dots are spreading!

Why is my hamster losing hair

Pet Keen is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more. Hamsters are extremely cute and cuddly with their fluffy hair and distinct color patterns. This is why it can be extremely alarming if you notice your furry friend is losing his hair. Hair loss in hamsters can be a telling symptom of several health conditions—ranging from minor to major concern. One of the most common reasons for hamsters to lose their hair is due to nutritional deficiencies. A lack of protein in their diet can also cause problems with their fur. Foods such as cheese, unsweetened cereal, cooked eggs, whole wheat pasta, veggies, and fruits are known to be beneficial in treating hair loss in hamsters.


A veterinarian can diagnose tapeworm infection with tests of your hamster or its feces and can prescribe appropriate treatment. Diseases that can be Spread from Hamsters to People Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. We're Hiring! If you suspect ringworm, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after contact with your pet. Depending on the cause and if it has been treated, most bald patches can grow back after undergoing treatment. The virus does not usually make hamsters sick, and it goes away on its own. The hair-fall might also be happening because of protein or vitamin deficiency. These include eating a poor diet, having a large litter, being in a crowded or noisy environment, being handled too often, having a male in the cage after birth, not having enough nesting materials, not producing enough milk, having inflamed milk glands, or having sick or deformed offspring. If your hamster has fleas, ticks, ringworm, or mites, it can lead to incessant scratching. Common signs of this disease are wet or matted fur around the tail and belly, low energy levels, loss of appetite, and weight loss. This is the scary section where we tell you the larger diseases that hair loss might indicate, but remember that the causes before these are much more common and should be your first consideration when your hamster starts losing hair. Hamster Care Sheet.

Seeing your furry friend lose its soft fur can be disheartening, especially when they exhibit other troubling symptoms.

No hamster would have an owner if everyone could afford the vet. They are usually caused by bacterial infection of wounds received during fighting with cage mates or from injuries caused by sharp objects in the cage. Ur ham has parasites. Treatment includes lancing and draining the infected area and prescribing appropriate antibiotics. Animals that are sick with arenavirus should be euthanized, and their living quarters must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Alopecia in hamsters is more or less restricted to hair loss around the facial region, tail or hindquarters. Treatment is usually not effective, but antibiotics can help in mild cases. My robo has hair loss and dry skin on his back. See the treatment of mites and mange. Use medicated topical shampoos, anti-mite sprays, and antibiotic ointments in order to prevent your cute little darling from losing hair as much as possible. There is no treatment for the virus itself, but your veterinarian can treat the effects of the virus, with fluids under the skin for dehydrated animals, food supplements, and antibiotics if your hamster has a bacterial infection. This illness can lead to rupture of the salivary glands, which may ooze pus. But i worked in the field in states as a Vet tech assistant.

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