william afton real life photo

William afton real life photo

Bonnie and Clyde were buried at different cemeteries in Dallas, Texas. Clyde Barrow is buried at the Western Heights Cemetery right next to his brother. Bonnie Elizabeth Parker is

Only villains who have been approved on that wiki can be in the Near Pure Evil Category and have this template. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism or a futile "heroic" attempt of redemption and the user will have high chances of being terminated blocked. You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. Additional Notice : This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. Any act of adding this villain to the Complete Monster category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban. He is the arch-nemesis of Michael and being the father of both the former and his youngest son Joseph Afton.

William afton real life photo


On the morning of May 23,with Bonnie and Clyde expected to return to the Methvin home, Ivy was instructed to park his truck on the main road into town and pretend like he was changing a Ditto but from the side.


Beware that this page may contain spoilers for related material. If you are new to anything, like if you have not played the games or read the books yet, please read at your own risk! He was the co-founder and owner of Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics, LLC , as well as a serial killer directly and indirectly responsible for most of the incidents and tragedies throughout the series, including being the culprit involved in The Missing Children Incident. Afton's role in the series is pivotal, yet his legacy seems to be carried on by The Mimic who may have also been Glitchtrap and Burntrap. There are no clear depictions of William Afton as a human, since it is mostly only ever seen in minigames.

William afton real life photo

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Villains Wiki. Villains Wiki Explore. Top Content. Jay Ordeaux26 Makyzi!

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Maybe it doesn't necessarily have to be Michael. Oh, how I miss the way you used to cry when I screamed at you. Clyde Barrow is buried at the Western Heights Cemetery right next to his brother. I went up there about four times. I couldn't work because I was thinking too much about Mike. I hate you. Eventually, killing him. In late October , Clyde responded by beating Crowder to death with an iron pipe - his first killing We may be compensated when you Clyde Barrow.

The Afton family was a British-American family, presumably from Utah, that played an influential role in the history of Fazbear Entertainment and managed its related sister company, Afton Robotics. For many decades, the family was incredibly dysfunctional.

They have your mask, Michael, the fox Depending on where you want to place the plant, you might want to choose one spider plant over the other. Vector Sigma. But now I hate him more than I ever have. Actress: Die Hard. The backroom where William died would later be walled up. God doesn't care about "justice", or what's "right" or "wrong" How could you just go without me and leave me rotting in a room for God knows how long? It shows On October 6th, Afton would be moved there, activating and lurking its hallways, wanting revenge on Michael. A New York City police officer tries to save his estranged wife and several others taken hostage by terrorists during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles. Twisted Bonnie is a large, blue-purple animatronic rabbit with an organic-looking body, thanks to William Afton's illusion discs. Oh, how I miss the way you used to cry when I screamed at you.

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