world of darkness merits

World of darkness merits

The purpose of Merits is typically to add a special or memorable quality to your character, helping explain what makes them a little different while adding a unique flavor to certain story events or reactions. World of darkness merits most people see Flaws as merely a source of Freebies in chargen, their real purpose is to help you to explain various facets about your character, where you learned something important or acquired some new skill or outlook, yet had to suffer or take on some new burden to do so.

Flaws and Merits Merits and Flaws are optional traits that a storyteller may choose to include, or prohibit, in her chronical. Properly used, the Merits and Flaws help players create and indivdualize their character. Merits are special abilities or advantages that are rare or unique in the general Kindred population, while Flaws are liabilities or disadvantages that pose challenges to a character's nightly exsistance. These Traits can provide player characters with added depth and personality, but Storytellers should be careful to ensure that any Traits chosen will not adversely influence the course of the chronicle or give one character an unfair advantage over the rest. Merits and Flaws can be selected only during character creation and are purchased using freebie points.

World of darkness merits

Steady Driver Book: Midnight Roads, p. Wheelman Book: Midnight Roads, p. Abyssal Resonance to Book: Banishers, p. Dual Kith or Book: Rites of Spring, p. Enchanting Performance Book: Rites of Spring, p. Fae Mount , , or Book: Rites of Spring, p. Faerie Favor Book: Rites of Spring, p. Gentrified Bearing Book: Rites of Spring, p. Goblin Vow to Book: Rites of Spring, p. Hidden Life to Book: Rites of Spring, p. Hob Kin Book: Rites of Spring, p. Hobgoblin Trainer Book: Rites of Spring, p.

It lets you go overlooked while mostly minding your own business. World of darkness merits are able to land on your feet from a fall virtually every time. When a true occasion for frenzy presents itself - such as the sight of a place ravaged by Wyrm taint - your chance for frenzy is normal Notes: It is highly unlikely, but not impossible for Fera to take this merit, but it will not be approved in character anime-planet.

May be purchased separately for multiple types. While you remain in good standing, you may spend Willpower for bonus dice to resist gaining a derangement from the community's practices. May purchased once for each dot of Occult. A cant or argot variant of a language, which penalizes attempts by outsiders to interpret by Know the ways of a particular type of supernatural being. Memorize information perfectly; roll to memorize for entire scene i. Call upon favors from an individual, group or organization with influence and resources proportional to dots in this Merit.

Name and Dots: The name of a Merit is, obviously, what's written on a character sheet upon purchasing it. Additionally, after the name, there is a number or range of dots. If a character buys the first tier of this Merit, they might be able to "upgrade" it by spending the remaining number of points all at once. Such a Merit can be upgraded from one dot to a maximum of four, with each intermediate tier having a different effect. Prerequisites: The Attributes, Skills, other Merits, background events, or other conditions necessary to purchase this Merit. Unless otherwise noted, exceeding these requirements is fine. Reference: The page number s in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this Merit. In cases where the two Merits of the same name have dissimilar effects, both of them are included with the implication that a character may take either version depending on the desired effect. A Storyteller may deem that a player can only take the Chronicles of Darkness version of a Merit that has one. If a row in a table is red, it is a custom or homebrew Merit.

World of darkness merits

Choose a topic per Advanced Library dot. Every story, once per topic, you can take the Informed Condition when you consult your library about that topic. When violence erupts, you may suffer Insane to boost Strength, suffer Beaten Down but gain 8-Again to flee, or suffer Stunned but recover Willpower. Take 8-Again to perceive traps or ambushes, but on exceptional success, suffer Spooked. Apply the Specialty's bonus die to relevant rolls of any Skill, except unskilled rolls. Add a bonus element to any clues uncovered with this Skill. Clues from extra successes never have more than one element each. Add your dots in Library to relevant extended rolls.

You may step sideways as per the Werewolf rulebook. This Flaw reflects a scatterbrained sense of memory, and is commonly found among such narrative tropes as hoary old tenured professors, stoners and tanned bimbos. System: Being dead isn't all fun, though. Unfortunately for Conrad, this is definitely vulgar, and there is a sleeper present surprise , so his Red Monk garners three Paradox points. This is often a jumping-off point for various journeys whether of self-discovery or literal or tragicomic misadventures. Characters should take care relying on this Merit when dealing with supernatural phenomena, such as chimera or creatures found in strange realms; some of them are much more intelligent than they appear. It cannot be taken in addition to the Merit: Nine Lives and, for obvious reasons, this Merit might not be available to player characters within your chronicle at all. Laibon 4 Supernatural The Laibon were, right up into the Victorian Era, viewed as a single bloodline by European and later American vampires. You must make this roll for every scene in which your character witnesses a violent occurrence, but if you accumulate five successes, no further rolls need be made for that night of game time. Finally, all Expression difficulties involving color are reduced by one. Impatient 1 Mental You have no patience for standing around and waiting. Gustav For your piety and devotion to the Sabbat cause, you have been especially blessed and have an affinity for both Disciplines.

May be purchased separately for multiple types. While you remain in good standing, you may spend Willpower for bonus dice to resist gaining a derangement from the community's practices. May purchased once for each dot of Occult.

The swarm does no actual damage, but any being caught in the swarm must make a Willpower roll difficulty 7. The Storyteller decides the precise moment the player must roll a die on this nifty little table:. System: In most cases, no rolls need to be made for you to stand up to questioning or interrogation. Thanks to their innate ties to the Dead Lands, Deathwalkers, as a rule, view the Otherworlds through the Vidare Mortem, suffer from Morbidity Quiets, and tend to have a rather fatalistic view of life. Notes: This Merit does not affect presence or other powers dealing with the emotions. Without Cainite allies, she finds herself relying on her human and ghoul associates to get by. Childe, Loyal Your childe's loyalty goes beyond any Blood Bond, being born of true affection and admiration. System: Whenever a fear-causing Gift or power is used on you, adjust the difficulty of the roll by 2 in your favor. You are still Incapacitated normally. However, the anarchs will not accept you due to some past transgressions you have committed against them. Wherever you go, the animals are happy to see you, and more often than not, happy to help you when you ask for their aid. Alien Perfection 2 Supernatural You possess beauty unsettling in its perfection. Mental Lock 1 Mental Somewhere in between impulse and action, things get stuck inside your head.

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