x gate qiskit

X gate qiskit

Is there any way that I can self define a control gate in qiskit?

In this article, we are going to see how to apply NOT gate on a given input 0 or 1 using quantum gates, we have to convert 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. This can be done easily in classical computers, but how can we do this in quantum computers. We have to represent the input in qubits and then we apply the X representation of NOT gate in the quantum computer operation in that qubit after that return the resultant qubit. QISKIT is the package that sits between quantum algorithms from one side, and the physical quantum device from the other side. It translates the common programming languages like Python into quantum machine language. This means anyone outside of the IBM Q lab can program a quantum computer. Skip to content.

X gate qiskit

In Qiskit, quantum programs are normally expressed with quantum circuits that contain quantum operations. Quantum circuits are represented by the QuantumCircuit class, and quantum operations are represented by subclasses of the class Instruction. A quantum circuit may be created by supplying an argument that indicates the number of desired quantum wires qubits for that circuit. This is often supplied as an integer:. Optionally, the number of desired classical wires bits may also be specified. The first argument refers to the number of quantum wires, and the second argument the number of classical wires:. The number of desired quantum and classical wires may also be expressed by supplying instances of QuantumRegister and ClassicalRegister as arguments to QuantumCircuit. The QuantumCircuit class contains a large number of methods and attributes. The purpose of many of its methods is to apply quantum operations to a quantum circuit. Most of its other methods and attributes either manipulate or report information about a quantum circuit. The variable qc refers to an instance of QuantumCircuit that contains at least four quantum wires. Applies S gate to qubit 3. Applies SX square root of X gate to qubit 2.

Applies Z gate to qubit 2. The following code snippet creates a circuit in which there are three parameterized phase gates.


Interested in learning how to program quantum computers? Bell states are the four states that can be created when two qubits are maximally entangled. The four states are represented as so:. Now we will go through each state and see how to implement it using quantum circuits. The first Bell state is incredibly easy to implement as it can be created using a two qubit circuit consisting of a Hadamard gate and CNOT gate found below:. This will entangle the two qubits such that the combined state becomes:.

X gate qiskit

In Qiskit, quantum programs are normally expressed with quantum circuits that contain quantum operations. Quantum circuits are represented by the QuantumCircuit class, and quantum operations are represented by subclasses of the class Instruction. A quantum circuit may be created by supplying an argument that indicates the number of desired quantum wires qubits for that circuit. This is often supplied as an integer:. Optionally, the number of desired classical wires bits may also be specified. The first argument refers to the number of quantum wires, and the second argument the number of classical wires:. The number of desired quantum and classical wires may also be expressed by supplying instances of QuantumRegister and ClassicalRegister as arguments to QuantumCircuit. The QuantumCircuit class contains a large number of methods and attributes. The purpose of many of its methods is to apply quantum operations to a quantum circuit. Most of its other methods and attributes either manipulate or report information about a quantum circuit.

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The measure method takes two arguments:. Example circuit that will be converted to a gate. Hope that helps! This means anyone outside of the IBM Q lab can program a quantum computer. Now we've encoded the input,. Using the copy method The copy method returns a copy of the original circuit. The following code snippet uses the draw method in the default format:. The draw method draws a quantum circuit in various formats. Qiskit transpiles the gates into those implemented on the target platform, combining gates where possible to optimize the circuit. In this article, we are going to see how to apply NOT gate on a given input 0 or 1 using quantum gates, we have to convert 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. The initialize method initializes qubits of a quantum circuit to a given state and is not a unitary operation. Toffoli gate with a control qubit and an anticontrol qubit.


Thank you for your valuable feedback! The initialize method initializes qubits of a quantum circuit to a given state and is not a unitary operation. This means anyone outside of the IBM Q lab can program a quantum computer. Example parameterized circuit. Suggest changes. Saves the simulator state as a unitary matrix of the run circuit. Contribute your expertise and make a difference in the GeeksforGeeks portal. Toffoli gate with a control qubit and an anticontrol qubit. However, the X gates may be combined by removing both of them, as they cancel one another out. Applies two CNOT gates whose control qubits are on wires 2 and 3. How can I implement this?

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