yellow diamond su

Yellow diamond su

Members of Yellow Diamond's Court in Homeworld society. The first member of the Diamond Authority to be mentioned, and the second to appear, she commands Homeworld's yellow diamond su and is in charge of the Cluster geo-weapon project. For her tropes, see her page.

From the thinnest flake of mica to the deepest, hardest stone, we all must make sacrifices for the sake of our perfect empire! The first Diamond to be mentioned and the second to make an appearance. She commands Homeworld's military, is in charge of the Cluster geo-weapon project, and is the yellow Gem depicted on the mural from "Serious Steven". She briefly appears in the extended theme song , and premieres properly in "Message Received". The flashback from Pink's point-of-view showed Yellow being cold and distant towards her, treating her like a nuisance while she was planning an invasion, and implying she doesn't view Pink as an equal, throwing an Acting Your Intellectual Age question at her younger Cheerful Child fellow Diamond. However, "Familiar" reveals that Pink always managed to make her laugh, implying that Yellow wasn't all cold towards her.

Yellow diamond su

After all the damage I've done, it's only right to use my powers for a little reconstructive work on the Gems I've hurt. In particular, she commanded her now-disbanded military and oversaw Gem production on her colonies. She was first shown in the extended theme song before making her official debut in " Message Received ". As a result of Era 3 , Yellow now works to repair Gems she had previously shattered in her Cluster experiments and wishes to use her powers to help other Gems alter their physical form if they choose to do so. As one of the rulers of Homeworld , Yellow Diamond's of massive size, her height dwarfing almost all other Gems. She has light yellow skin and she has black markings around her eyes, dark yellow eyeshadow, bright yellow eyes with diamond-shaped pupils and black eyebrows, and short, helmet-like bob yellow hair with two spiked tips. Yellow Diamond wears a dark yellow and olive bodysuit, a yellow coat with enormous shoulder pads and a cutout for her gemstone, yellow gloves, and olive-yellow, high-heeled boots. As shown in her debut, Homeworld reputes Yellow Diamond as a perfectly logical and rational leader, though in reality, she is vindictive and quick to anger. When her followers contacted her but failed, she is rather annoyed but will offer them multiple chances to redeem themselves, as shown with Peridot and one of her Nephrites. Yellow is shown to have a blunt and "down-to-business" attitude, taking over the call Peridot was having with her Pearl to get the message that the former had quickly.

Yellow also aided in unleashing the Corrupting Light when combining her powers with White and Blue Diamond at the end of the Rebellion with the intent of obliterating every Gem yellow diamond su on Earth's surface. However, sometime after that, Steven manages to return to Earth, completely unaware of it.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Yellow Diamond is the secondary antagonist of the Steven Universe franchise.

Home » Minerals » Diamond » Yellow Diamonds. It measures The company has recently been producing a large number of colored diamonds and hopes to become one of the world's leaders in the production of colored diamonds. Yellow diamonds are diamonds that have an obvious yellow bodycolor when viewed in the "face-up" position. The yellow color is usually caused by small amounts of nitrogen contained within the diamond's crystal structure. Yellow diamonds with a rich, pure yellow color are the world's most valuable yellow gemstone [1]. Many people consider them to be the most beautiful yellow gem because of their brightness, fire, and exceptional luster.

Yellow diamond su

This is a list of known locations on the Gem Homeworld and other planets controlled by Gems. Homeworld appears to be split into two sections: an upper level and a lower level. The lower level the surface of Homeworld is barren and lifeless, likely because the Homeworld Kindergarten drained the life force out of the planet.

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You need to login to do this. However, she really didn't have anything to do with Pink's "shattering", and was simply lashing out when accused of killing someone she loved as family. She expresses deep remorse over her Gem experiments, joyfully and willingly fixing the Gems she once shattered, and even states her intentions to heal the Gems from the Cluster. Smug Snake : Rubs it in Defense Zircon's face about how hopeless it is to defend "Rose Quartz" and rests her case after simply stating the known facts, spending the rest of the trial standing with an apathetic Reverse Armfold or giggling at her opponent's failures. Soft-Spoken Sadist : Even after revealing her true intentions , Navy speaks in the same airy half-whisper. The Evil Genius : She's revealed to be a great manipulator and is possibly the smartest Ruby aside from Eyeball. She sings to Blue Diamond, expressing that although the Diamonds still love and think about Pink Diamond, they need to move on to the best interest of their empire. She's actually innocent of the deed in question, but her haste and rage simply make her look guilty to all outside observers. Blue Diamond asks Steven how he shattered Pink Diamond, and he makes up a story since he doesn't know the exact details. As mentioned above, she also reveals that her interest in the Cluster isn't so much scientific, as it is petty vengeance against Earth itself. Peridot states that she is very loyal towards her, as Yellow Diamond is her leader. When she finally broke down crying it was shown that she was so not used to showing her feelings that she thought that Blue was using her power on her. The entire cut of Gem deserves the same fate! As shown in her debut, Homeworld reputes her as a perfectly logical, rational, and reasonable leader, but in reality, she is temperamental, vindictive, ruthless, arrogant, and quick to anger. This trope is Zig-Zagged between her and Blue in the present day during Steven's trial.

The Diamonds, unique in their flawlessness, sought to expand their perfection across the galaxy. The Great Diamond Authority was the matriarchal body of Gem leaders. They were once the absolute ruling power over the Gem Homeworld and its remaining active colonies until the beginning of Era 3 and their replacement through democratic elections.

Depraved Dwarf : Tiny, easily-angered, violent, and at least a little perverse. Season 1B. Connie: Well, maybe you should! Trying Not to Cry : Yellow Diamond may pretend she has a heart of stone, but even she can crack like glass. She even asks the Pearls to sing to Blue Diamond to help her feel better. Mysterious Past : Given that she, like Lapis, only sheds a Single Tear in the face of Blue Diamond's Emotion Bomb and seems to be generally unaffected by it, it implies that she may have suffered the same amount of emotional pain as a Gem who spent five thousand years trapped in an inescapable And I Must Scream situation and later months trapped in a fusion under the ocean. Hers in particular is styled like the diamond insignia. Dragon-in-Chief : She's generally acted as the public face of the Diamond Authority in Era 2, since Blue has been in mourning since the war and White was confined to her ship. Yellow, on the other hand, while determined to keep her forces in line, treats the trial like a Kangaroo Court. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing

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