Yellowknife hospital evacuation

A wildfire was about 20 km west of the city as of Tuesday afternoon, and a state of emergency had been declared a day earlier. The health authority stressed it did not consider any of its yellowknife hospital evacuation to represent an evacuation, instead calling them changes to preserve service capacity.

This article was published more than 6 months ago. Some information may no longer be current. People line up outside of a school in Yellowkniife, NWT to register to be evacuated as wildfires threaten the city on Aug. Despite a significant effort to discharge and relocate hospital patients over the past few days, 38 patients remain at The Stanton Territorial Hospital, according to Alexander Keefe, a spokesman for Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority. Keefe said in an e-mail Friday afternoon. Keefe said.

Yellowknife hospital evacuation

Want to discuss? Please read our Commenting Policy first. If you get Global News from Instagram or Facebook - that will be changing. Find out how you can still connect with us. By noon Friday, all Yellowknife residents should have fled the city to seek shelter away from the encroaching fires. The Stanton Territorial Hospital, the largest in the territory and centre of the acute care system, is in Yellowknife. It has 75 beds for services including surgery and cardiac care. Evacuating a hospital or medical centre to keep patients safe from wildfires is a complex and potentially risky procedure, according to two people involved in past closures. Those who could sit for short distances were taken in buses, she said, while others who required stretchers were transported via ambulance. She said staff drew on plans and had practiced the evacuation many times before the fire forced them to leave. Edmonton emergency physician Dr. He also said its important all residents, not just those needing immediate care, take responsibility for themselves and stock up on gas, batteries and cash. Speaking from Edmonton, he also recommended people have a written list of their medical conditions that they can give to health-care workers if needed. Francescutti also said health-care workers in the process of evacuation need to be able to take care of themselves and each other, and not just patients.

Meanwhile, yellowknife hospital evacuation, staff were being asked to stay and help even as their partners yellowknife hospital evacuation children were packing to leave, a problem that approached a crisis point when the C originally scheduled for Thursday ended up being pushed to Friday, which marked the end of the territorially issued deadline to leave the city.

One patient of Stanton Territorial Hospital died on Friday during preparations for transport out of Yellowknife during the wildfire evacuation, according to the N. Julie Green said during a virtual news conference Saturday that the death was "expected," and offered her sympathies to the man's family. She said they would not be revealing the identity of the patient due to privacy concerns. Green said the 39 patients transported to B. The N.

Fifty-five hospital patients and long-term care home residents are being evacuated from the Northwest Territories to B. Dix said the patients, which include 33 pediatric and pre- and post-surgical patients, and 22 long-term care home patients and residents, will arrive at Vancouver International Airport YVR on flights co-ordinated by the Canadian Armed Forces on Thursday evening, with more arriving Friday morning. Most of the long-term care home patients will be transferred to Mount Saint Joseph Hospital in Vancouver. Hospital patients will be triaged and assessed at the operations centre at YVR. Evacuees who left Yellowknife on Thursday morning flights arrived in Vancouver in the afternoon, many expressing relief for having avoided the long, daunting trip thousands now face by car. Hannah Van Der Wielen, who lives in Ottawa and was visiting the Yellowknife area for a wedding, said her final hours in the city were marked with a sense of unease. Most cabs had already left. Van Der Wielen said while she never felt unsafe, she found herself waking up at night and opening her curtains, making sure there was no blaze outside her window. Claude Mandeville, who lived in Yellowknife for 10 years and was visiting with her family, said their anxiety spiked after their Air Canada flight was cancelled earlier in the week. They mulled the possibility of borrowing a car to make the long drive home to Vancouver.

Yellowknife hospital evacuation

It served as a small booth to give patients privacy as they awaited a military airlift to safety. Only a few western areas of the city had been on evacuation alert, and the order to leave by road and air represented a degree swing from months of advice that if a wildfire came, the community of 20, would shelter in place. Neudorf, a nurse practitioner, and a team of workers had just hours to turn the hangar into a staging post for dozens of patients heading to British Columbia aboard a Boeing C military transport plane.

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The order to evacuate Yellowknife came on Wednesday evening. Current status — normal service levels will be maintained as a priority service, however all patients requiring admission will be stabilized for transfer only. Arriving back in Canada days later, Purcell worked remotely to help secure patients access to all-important dialysis. Report an Error. Patients are loaded into a Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft. Speaking from Edmonton, he also recommended people have a written list of their medical conditions that they can give to health-care workers if needed. Public Health. Meanwhile, staff were being asked to stay and help even as their partners and children were packing to leave, a problem that approached a crisis point when the C originally scheduled for Thursday ended up being pushed to Friday, which marked the end of the territorially issued deadline to leave the city. Inpatient services — to remain on site at Stanton until patient evacuation transport is complete. Kevin Taylor, the territorial manager of biomedical engineering, said lab devices and X-ray equipment were wrapped up to protect them from potential fire, smoke or water damage during the evacuation order. Non-subscribers can read and sort comments but will not be able to engage with them in any way. If you are an evacuee and would normally access this service in NWT, contact your regular provider for coordination. A wall of messages left by people during the evacuation. Comments may also be closed at any time for legal reasons or abuse. The mixed ward can accommodate surgical or general medical patients.

One patient of Stanton Territorial Hospital died on Friday during preparations for transport out of Yellowknife during the evacuation due to a wildfire, according to N. Julie Green said during a virtual news conference Saturday that the death was "expected," and offered her sympathies to the man's family. She said they would not be revealing the identity of the patient due to privacy concerns.

Editorial code of conduct. An emergency co-ordinator with the First Nation, Mr. While Taylor says the equipment challenges of an evacuation were surmountable, the people challenges are different. Francescutti also said health-care workers in the process of evacuation need to be able to take care of themselves and each other, and not just patients. With the water switched off at several apartment complexes used by everyone from locum doctors to cleaning staff, those people were moved into the hospital and its paediatric unit was turned into makeshift housing. At Range Lake North School, crews are scrambling to finish laying down new flooring before doors open to students on Thursday. Claudia Kraft, the territorial medical director, said there are now 20 in-patient beds open, with an additional 10 beds being opened Wednesday in a surgical unit. Interact with The Globe. Click to return to homepage Leave a comment Share this item on Facebook Share this item via WhatsApp Share this item on Twitter Send this page to someone via email See more sharing options. The mixed ward can accommodate surgical or general medical patients. Patients who originated from facilities in the capital will be able to return, Dr. Keefe said in an e-mail Friday afternoon. Wildfires homepage.

3 thoughts on “Yellowknife hospital evacuation

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