Yo kai watch episode 204

Dwaj ostatni członkowie łączą się w oddzielnych punktach podczas swojej podróży. Podczas gdy każdy członek ma swoje indywidualne powody dołączenia, głównym celem grupy jest pokonanie DIOaby uratować Holy Kujo przed jej chorobą.

Yo-Kai Watch Odpowiednia info. Whether you enjoy the school field trip depends on the snacks you choose. Are Nate's snacks too normal?! He is in shock, will anyone help him? Nyanpachi 5. Nate, who had ulterior motives, told his parents that he'll clean the house.

Yo kai watch episode 204

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The cast replicating the photograph at the "Last Stardust Crusaders" event. Whisper was exercising to music but becomes dead tired and asks for help. Bear, Eddie, and Katie are debating which will become this year's trend.


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated. A chance encounter with the supernatural butler Whisper opens fifth-grader Nate's eyes to a whole new world of Yo-kai spirits, including the cheeky cat Jibanyan. Nate investigates reports of a mysterious creature in the local river, and confronts Tattletell, a Yo-kai who makes people spill embarrassing secrets. Nate meets Hungramps, a Yo-kai triggering hunger pangs outside of a convenience store, and contends with an epidemic of forgetfulness caused by Yo-kai Wazzat. Manjimutt searches for a new career. A Valentine's Day visit from the mysterious Yo-kai Illoo has Nate fuming, and a visit from a paranormal investigator has Nate fearing for the safety of his Yo-kai friends.

Yo kai watch episode 204

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated.

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It is caused by Drizzelda, a Yo-kai who has inspirited Katie. Together, they paint the town red. Odnajdują Iggy'ego i leczą jego rany. Joseph mówi Kakyoinowi i Polnareffowi, żeby przestali się wygłupiać. Jotaro i Polnareff ścigają go z jednej strony, podczas gdy Joseph i Kakyoin ścigają go po drugiej stronie samochodem. Wydobywa flesh bud za pomocą swojego Standa, a Joseph niszczy go, ratując Kakyoina. Will the film ever be finished? There he finds Negasus, a Yo-kai who cannot help playing naughty tricks. So Nate summons. Once you wander into this maze, the only way to go back home is to reach the goal! Finally, he decides to ask the exorcist for help, but Snottle is so powerful that an outrageous thing is put into the exorcist's nostrils. Whisper always polishes his precious Yo-kai Pad. The group reaches the inn for the night, and flowers suddenly start blooming everywhere!

Flying Komasan and the Wishing World Adventure, zura! It was broadcasted in Japan on December 8, In the series' th episode, Komasan unexpectedly ends up becoming a whale-like Yo-kai with the power to grant wishes, where Nate and the others end up using it to their advantage.

The Joestar Group stands proud together. The professor's logic is full of holes, but he always manages to solve the case somehow. Możesz określić warunki przechowywania lub dostępu do plików cookies w Twojej przeglądarce. The worst is yet to come as they discover older, even smellier milk cloths. There he finds Yo-kai Daiz. The popular show 'Professor Vacant' will be aired today! Win Pose Traveling with Runaway Girl. It's time to announce the No. Konfrontacja z Steely Dan. The group reaches the inn for the night, and flowers suddenly start blooming everywhere! Jibanyan attacks him with his Paws of Fury, but Wantston just keeps being envious. Następnie wystawiają szczątki wampira na słońce i dezintegrują go. Po przybyciu do Egiptu dwóch pracowników Fundacji Speedwagona przybywa helikopterem, aby dostarczyć Iggy jako pomocnika. Jibanyan and Whisper try to talk about something deep, but they are way off base. A new kid joins Nate's class.

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