yosemite sam quotes

Yosemite sam quotes

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Bugs Bunny would not be the lovable cartoon hero everybody adores if he didn't have some adversaries to go up against. While he frequently has to watch out for Elmer Fudd, he's also contended with Yosemite Sam a lot over the years. He's an incredibly aggressive prospector and outlaw who draws out his pistols at the first sign of that pesky wabbit. When you try to think of his dialogue, the first line that comes to mind is probably that iconic Yosemite Sam catchphrase, "I'm the meanest, roughest, toughest hombre that's ever crossed the Rio Grande - and I ain't o namby-bamby! Come back here you barnacle-bitten swab! From the funny to the ridiculous, these are the best Yosemite Sam cartoon quotes ever.

Yosemite sam quotes

I hate that rabbit! I musta dug clean through to Chiney! Yah yah yah!!! Belay there you long eared galoot, get aloft and furl the tatter-sole top gallants before I keel-hauls ya! Times up! He only liked the awful piano concerto by BB to inherit a fortune from the rich uncle, greedy bastard! Bugs is awesome though. When I think of Yosemite Sam, I vaguely recall. A woman! I goooottta have a woman! I remember the same quote. One down.

Cartoon Birds. Embrace the unknown, for it holds the possibilities of a life well-lived. I hate that rabbit!


Yosemite Sam is an outlaw and an aggressive prospector who takes out his gun at the sight of Bugs Bunny. Often appearing in western and non-western cartoons, he had a fierce voice, a tougher accent, and a violent spirit. The ridicule and fun behind many of the 'Looney Tunes' Yosemite Sam quotes can only be understood when listened to in context to the character and situation. His short stature and grumpy demeanor make him an intriguing adversary to bugs bunny than Elmer Fudd. Though Yosemite's cartoon character was angry, many of his quotes were downright goofy. His character is a lesson against vengeance and blind hatred. His thirst for vengeance blurred his thinking ability making him an easy target for Bugs Bunny.

Yosemite sam quotes

Yosemite Sam has been a classic Looney Tunes character for decades. His brash personality and tendency to overreact to any situation have made him an endearing and memorable character for generations of viewers. Voiced by the late Mel Blanc, Yosemite Sam was created in by animator Friz Freleng and is one of the few Looney Tunes characters that appeared in both the original black-and-white and color cartoons. The Loony Toons Show has been an iconic part of the cartoon world for decades. Their unique personalities create a surreal yet humorous world that appeals to viewers of all ages. The witty dialogue is always fresh and original, which adds to the appeal of each episode. It also features classic gags such as double entendres, puns, pop-culture references, and sight gags that keep audiences coming back again every week.

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Yosemite Sam: Ya long-eared galoot! It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live. Michael said that. We cannot fight. I wish I could remember what one I saw this line on, but I use it all of the time. Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one Read More. Thanks for the input … Dino. Through vulnerability, Read More. Everything in moderation, Read More. Embrace the unknown, for it holds the possibilities of a life well-lived. Times Up. The Absolute Most Annoying. The Very Best Catchphrases. Bugs certainly could bring it and verbally sling it. Contents show.

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I thought there was a ringback tone for mobile phones with yosemity sam talking? Actually he did. Here bunny, bunny! Best Victoria Erickson Quotes Embrace the unknown, for it holds the possibilities of a life well-lived. And I hates mistletoe! Heaven quotes Heaven is not a place, but a state of mind. There is a saying by Sam …The roughest, toughest…hombre… west of the Pecose! Thanks …. Great site, Dino. Yosemite Sam: Blast his scuppers. Not quite sure if that is an exact quote Phil. You'll Pay For This.

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