You dont know me television show
Proclaiming his innocence, the show then tells the story in retrospect, but it is unclear whether HERO is a reliable narrator. Capped off by brilliant acting, You Don't Know Me princess lash mascara the classic murder mystery plot and adds new dimensions by taking on the problematic criminal justice system in the UK. The most significant sticking point for many audience members was the open ending of You Don't Know Meand the unsatisfying TV finale left a bad taste in the mouths of some who had invested so much time in the series' four-episode season. Nevertheless, the thematic elements of the show shined through the ending, you dont know me television show, and the unsatisfying nature of the finale was actually in keeping with what the mystery series was trying to say you dont know me television show criminal justice.
A young man stands accused of murder. The evidence is overwhelming. But at his trial, this man tells an extraordinary story. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.
You dont know me television show
On trial for murder, a defendant sacks his barrister and tells his own story. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. You Don't Know Me. Episode 1. Crime Drama. Director Sarmad Masud. Tom Edge Imran Mahmood. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director Sarmad Masud. Photos Add photo. Top cast Edit. Badria Timimi Prosecution Barrister. Samuel Adewunmi Hero.
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You Don't Know Me is a British four-part television series. It is based on the crime novel of the same name by Imran Mahmood. It had an international release on Netflix on 17 June On trial for killing a drug dealer, Hero Adewunmi tries to convince the court of his innocence. To do so, he provides context which ties into his tumultuous relationship with Kyra Wilde , and how it led to murder. Bukky Bakray joined the cast in March Principal photography began in February in Birmingham.
It worked in the novel, but does that translate to TV? Then the judge informs the jury that Hero, who did not testify on his own behalf, has dismissed his barrister and will make his closing statement himself. In flashback we see Hero, who sells luxury cars, having the confrontation with Jamil that the prosecutor says led to the shooting. Jamil invokes the name of a woman named Kyra Sophie Wilde , which angers Hero. In order to explain why, Hero talks to the jury about how they met and how their relationship progressed… until she disappeared from her flat and stopped taking his calls. As the weeks go by, he becomes desperate to find her, as are his mother Adebi Yetunde Oduwole and sister Bless Bukky Bakray , who see that this is tearing Hero up. One of his social media pleas comes back with a lead in the Camden neighborhood in North London; he is devastated to find Kyra getting into the car of a stranger; this beautiful, book-reading woman he is in love with is working as a prostitute.
You dont know me television show
You Don't Know Me is a British four-part television series. It is based on the crime novel of the same name by Imran Mahmood. It had an international release on Netflix on 17 June On trial for killing a drug dealer, Hero Adewunmi tries to convince the court of his innocence.
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You Don't Know Me is a British four-part television series. The writing was very good with some great dialogue and a very strong plot that intrigued me. Director Sarmad Masud. Photos Bukky Bakray Bless. Details Edit. Michael Balogun Face. The most significant sticking point for many audience members was the open ending of You Don't Know Me , and the unsatisfying TV finale left a bad taste in the mouths of some who had invested so much time in the series' four-episode season. Principal photography began in February in Birmingham. The British Blacklist. When taken in conjunction with the unclear actual ending of the series, the duel fates set up was like a sneak preview of things to come. Though it served as a sticking point for many viewers, the dual-ending approach to You Don't Know Me was actually a brilliant stroke that fulfilled the themes of the series.
An accused man sacks his lawyer to speak directly to the jury and us to try and prove he is not a murderer. But he talks so much it feels like an audiobook — barely TV at all. A nother Sunday evening, another courtroom drama in which the audience gets to be the jury.
The dual-ending approach and lack of closure serve to question the validity of the legal system. Runtime 1 hour. Whether or not the duo got back together is entirely dependent on the verdict, and if HERO was found not guilty, he would certainly have rushed to the European mainland to be with his lover on the lam. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Photos Jules Hussey Rienkje Attoh. A man on trial accused of murder and facing overwhelming evidence against him decides at the last moment to sack his barrister and give his own summing up speech in his defence. ISSN Sign In Sign In. I thought the production values were top notch in terms of direction and photography with Birmingham filling in for London. Dolby Digital. Nicholas Karimi Giorgio.
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