you tube amanda ellis

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me. I explore what is going on in our world, look at it from a higher perspective to bring love and unity. This channel is for everyone of any belief system, we are inclusive, high vibe and have fun.

There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well. I wanted to share links to two of her recent YouTube videos for which I have gotten permission thank you, Amanda!

You tube amanda ellis


Uncover the hidden members of the Round Table as we delve into their mysterious identities.


Remember Me. My name is Amanda Ellis. Throughout this site you can find information on my work with Angelic and Ascended Master frequencies, as well as information about my training programmes and channelled work with the Heart Squad - a group of beings that I work with in spirit to bring empowering messages of love to lift us in these turbulent times. This is a new line of energy work for me that took me by surprise in , but it continues to grow and flourish. My official training programmes are based on helping people connect with Archangel Metatron and Archangel Sandalphon. You can find more information about this under the heading "Training School. As you navigate through this website, you will find regular updates about the work I am doing as well as uploaded videos, meditations, spiritual writings, colour therapy, and regular feeds from my Facebook and Instagram communities called Angelic Celestial Colours. All of my work is centred around empowering you to walk your path with support, light and love. My main guide is Archangel Metatron and I have been working with him since

You tube amanda ellis

There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well.

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AmandaEllis Christ Consciousness is walking the talk, failing and then trying again - because you are human! A card reading on likely outcome of the hearing, impact of Australian delegation, and his future. Part 2: On the day this is released Prince William has pulled out of a high profile event - the memorial service to his godfather King Constantine of Greece where he was due to give a speech. Join us by subscribing. Join us as we delve into the topic of belief systems and unity. If you continue using our website, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website. Account Remember Me. Whatever the outcome, light will win…. If money is short, think about sending her a note of gratitude. In this captivating video, we explore the future of Camelot, envisioning a Round Table filled with knights of mixed heritage, race, nationality, faith, and age. A more uplifting video than some others out there

Remember Me. Welcome to my site!

Amanda Ellis Videos. Important to remember they are human and so have feet of clay - they remind us of ideals to aspire to but are flawed like all of us. Channelled Messages from three Ascended Masters - including: Mother Mary and an invitation to join her in a stone circle, the stones as time keepers and portals to connect to her, also apparitions, miracles and remembering ourselves as shaman and medicine women and men. Part 2: On the day this is released Prince William has pulled out of a high profile event - the memorial service to his godfather King Constantine of Greece where he was due to give a speech. Talking qualities of a knight - Loyalty, Honour, Valour, humility, humbleness, courage, grace etc Knowing also your strengths, weaknesses and areas to work on. Learn how embracing the rainbow rays can lead to a healthier heart and ultimately a healthy body. Is William King Arthur? A card reading on likely outcome of the hearing, impact of Australian delegation, and his future. Share your thoughts and learn from others in this open-minded discussion. In this captivating video, we explore the future of Camelot, envisioning a Round Table filled with knights of mixed heritage, race, nationality, faith, and age. The video ends with healing sent to all involved in a higher calling and destiny that is entwined with these scared isles.

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